Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

From the Monk-Druid thread

edit: deleted wrong info

Interesting, so after chapp expires I keep the bonus from my regular atk value, this will be insane in rank 10.


edit: deleted wrong info. read post from @Pearss 2 posts down

No, neither Lycanthropy or Transformation snapshots Chapparition cards.

But they do snapshots your current stats, just not the cards.

I believe this was tested before with Glass mole cards. Im currently not using either chapp or mole. So further testing would be appreciated

It’ll still return to the normal value when Chap cards expire. So no, no snapshotting of cards.


Would very much appreciate some tests with chapp/mole and also life line(saw this rumor somewhere).

Thank you sir @20202020

I will post about transform and weapon swapping info:

[details=Weapons for the test]

Main weapon is gonna be:

Alternate weapon: [/details]

Normal Transform under Hengestone

Main Weapon:

Alternate Weapon:

Switch weapons details

From Alternate >>to>> Main

From Main >>to>> Alternate

All reduced so i won’t take too much space on the thread :smiley:

To those with Five Hammer with red gems, you can take advantage of the snapshotting to get a bit more MATK.

Equip anything with higher MATK than Five Hammer, Hengestone + Transform and switch back to Five Hammer.

Been doing this when I only have Catacomb Club and Five Hammer. A bit troublesome but you’ll get to squeeze in a bit more MATK.

So this questions has probably been answered but im doing a full STR druid build and from what ive heard the lycanthropy skill improves both magic attack and physical attack

But do the lycan abilities scale as well? and if they do is it STR or INT?

I do know they can crit. Thanks!

It doesn’t. That would be [hengestone].

They scale off both.

From this statement. Do you get double health and attack with any transformation? Not just Lycanthropy?

Does the effect last for the duration of the transformation? What happens when you recast transformation?

I was thinking it would be easier to maintain a regular transformation than Lycanthropy if Lycanthropy skills are not needed. Plus you would get the benefits of the transformation.

Yes, any transformation and Lycanthropy as long as you transform under Hengestone.

It last for the whole duration of Transformation/Lycanthropy. As for recasting you will retain double stats as long as you retransform under Hengestone, else your stats will drop.

Also yes, there are situations where Lycanthropy just isn’t needed and that’s where Transformation come in handy.

Perfect, thanks for the reply!

I didn’t want to lvl to R8, just to be dissapointed. Very helpful.

Another question, when it doubles your Matk does it snapshot your current Matk? Can you use Chapparition cards to boost your Matk and then use a transform skill within Hengestone?

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Wow. Way to skip just a couple of posts above yours.

I believe the information about snapshotting, weapon swapping and chappa/mole interaction should be added somewhere on the main post.

My bad, but thanks for pointing out where the information was. I even read through like 300 posts and then figured I’ll just ask.

From @Pearss post

and from mine, check out the Lycan damage stack test video

Do take note of the timing when you use the chapparation card boost. There is a difference when you SP pot then transform vs SP pot after transform, although they both last 4secs.