Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

How does one can play around the fact that most of the time the game for either urself or ur grp crashes while using Henge Stone + Lycanthrophy.

Is there any fix for this, or is there literaly no other option than dont use these skills?

was fixed on KToS recently. But not on iToS :sweat:

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Also, on my experience i only crash ONCE

  • The first Hengestone use after weekly mainteance. For WHO KNOWS what reason …

what kind of damage deal the wolf ?
i know one skill is “slash” and i think its slash damge but the others ?

i ask cos if i do a monk 1 druid 3 dex build i can do a combo with double punch and twist the strike damage of wolf (if some skill do strike damage)

I think it’s a waste of time trying to proc the Double Punch debuff when you could be just punching with wolf skills right away. Double Punch proc chance is only 10%, and only boosts Strike-type by 30%

Monk1 becomes a waste when you reach Druid3

And besides, I think there was a post somewhere in here showing Lycan not having a damage-type besides being Physical

I’ve been trying to check if Lycan damage changes depending on target armor type (not documented yet) But so far i notice no difference except for Ghost type.

Also, if you get a Dragoon2 on party. Your Lycan HITS SO DANG HIGH, Serpentine debuff is my now favorite. It secures me a 1st on dps ranking usually.

I did my tests on leather and plate and did the same damage on both. I’m thinking transforms don’t have a “type” of damage.

I don’t see any damage difference too, Lycan’s damage is a weird combination of “neutral element magic attack” which can crit like a physical.

What’s the best weapon for a full int druid? Is it a similar progression to a wiz- i.e. SCR then winda rod?

I believe so?

But i’m planning on this route:

SCR > Purple 315 Mace (No transcend at all) > Orange Skull Smasher (Transcend)

The reasoning for this is to boost my damage with the high stats from the Purple mace, so it can help me farm the materials for the Orange Mace. After all it has matt as it’s main attribute and boosting the constand tics from Carnivory is usually better than increasing slighly ONLY the Lycan skills.

Personally I’m going for the transcended windia route mode with blue gems.

Cata club -> Windia (transcend) -> Skull Smasher (Transcend)

Vienarais Mace is actually a better option vs Windia if you are pretty sure you can get a skull smasher. But without transcending the physical side we will be stuck to 542-759 physical base (including the +min/+max). It doesn’t really add that much to the almost non-existent physical skills that we INT druids have, assuming that we are either a mix of krivis/bokor/diev c2/3 with druid3.

The mace itself adds +700 minimum magic attack. It will take at least a +5 lv3 transcended Windia to actually match it in terms of raw magic attack. Past that upgrade level windia will overpower the mace in all other magic spell damage besides lycan skills.

TL:DR version:
If you don’t plan on spending much on a weapon or transcending it, get the mace. If not go for the rod.

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Agree! Also, something that makes me choose mace over rod on Purples, is that HUGE amount of SPR Windia Rod provides. The longer i can keep my sp pool low, the better for me. (Which seems really hard to do on late game, because every set / weapon for clerics seems to add SPR after the Mace)

This resonates so much with me. This is why I believe we NEED the ET 5F boss card. If we can bring SP recov down to 0 sec we can have as high as 12k sp and we would still break even SP wise.

Does anyone know where i can find non elite glizardons to transfrom into?

going of this list it it says there are lvl 220 normal glizardons?

can anyone help

Must be a change-exclusive mob from the looks of it. I’ll test it with my Oracle.

Maybe those Glizardons are from the Alchemist dungeon. I remember transforming into Large Spearman Panto there.

All the monsters from item awakening dungeons have “Outer World” in their name

All their ClassName also start in ID_ (Item Dungeon). Maybe those Glizardon @wolfman323 is looking for come from a place/instance with the acronym “ERD”, along with a lot of others

or maybe uphill?

Is it true that transformation snap shots your current stats ?

For example, can I use chapparition > transform to keep the 80% matk ?

From the Monk-Druid thread

edit: deleted wrong info

Interesting, so after chapp expires I keep the bonus from my regular atk value, this will be insane in rank 10.
