Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

Thx for yours answer.

So cure at 10, -3 at vakarine.
+3 at sp regen for lycanthropy ?
+3 at carve attack to help farming ?

Is it easy to farm diev1 without carve attack (yep im full int) ?

You won’t stay too long as Diev1,

Ok, my druid now has 300 hp recov per sec. Would eva work better with that being able to regen because I don’t get hit often, or do I go with armor since I can invul and heal anyway in case things get too dicey?

Good morning all clerics,

Reading the thread provides loads of information on the cleric, druid class. Well, I am new to TOS itself and currently playing 2 characters. An archer and also a cleric2 -> Kriv3 -> druid3 to be. Was focusing on full int. I have few questions on the build tho. I was reading the entire thread but was not able to really see information on cards combination and the gems that people normally will use. Understanding a full int druid3 build, I got myself some nice costumes with both the magic attack and magic amplification attributes. My questions are below. Hope the pros could provide substantial information on it.

a) What are the cards combination used for full int druid build?
b) What are the end game armour suitable for end game? (cloth, leather or plate) ?
c) What are the gems combination? Should I put in gems that add heal and safety zone levels?
d) I am stacking hp recovery due to animus usage. I have 2 archmage bracelets and animus and few virtov parts. Was thinking which to use. Are they viable stats to be stacked together for damage? Or should I look for other suitable ones?

All the information are pretty much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

a) Seems like you’re aiming full dps. Definitely 8 Chapparition cards.

b) Right now majority go for Virtov Plate set. Nice HP boost, glove and shoe have pretty decent stats. Though in the future you might want to check out Solmiki Cloth set (insane set effect).

c) For gems personally I would use yellow on top and pants for PDEF, blue on shoe for MDEF because Druid3 already get 2x HP.

As for glove there are Hanaming (Heal), Corylus (Divine Might), Hallowventer Mage (Carnivory) and Grummer (Zalciai). I would go for Heal and Carnivory.

d) For matk there isn’t much choice, Animus, Wiz Bracelet, Archmage and thats it so I guess you’re good to go. For HP recovery currently 2 pieces of Lolopanther plate give 190 HP rec. I wouldn’t focus too much on HP recovery, as it only gives mamp and its not going boost your damage by a whole lot. Focusing on enchancing/transcending your weapon will definitely yield more damage than trying to pump HP rec.

These are just my thoughts and also what I’m currently aiming for my Druid.

I’m just about to post my findings here after testing yesterday, some more information for us to ‘worry’ about.

Ok let’s start with Gems for weapons, the main 2 dps gems for INT based druid c3s are Red and Blue gems. At level 7 a red gem gives +310 maximum attack and a blue gives +144 magic attack.

How Red gems affect Lycan damage

From the video we do know that Red gems, since they affect both patk and matk, Lycan skills will get double the bonuses since their damage is based off:

(skill base + patk + matk ) +* modifiers etc

Hence in this case red gems is a worthwhile consideration for Lycans/Wolfies.


If we add in damage bonus cards like Chapparition to the mix, it becomes very different. Below is a clip on how red gems perform under such card bonuses.

In short, when using Chapparition or Glass moles, Red gems damage bonuses are added in after the % boost. They don’t get benefits from damage boosts from these 2 cards at all.

Edit: Thanks to @tampon for spotting the mistake, thank gawd for having videos so we can get more accurate information through collective effort.

Blue gems on the other hand, adds to both min and max damage, are boosted by Chapparition cards. This leads me to think that cards like this takes the min damage into account before boost, ignoring the max damage. Tested the theory on another cleric of mine and it works as speculated. This kind of opens up options on gear we use.

For example weapons such as the Vienarazis Mace with has a +168 minimum attack. The minimum attack is covered under the bonus of Chapparition cards while the mace’s maximum attack doesn’t add to it.

One thing we must take note is the short duration of Chapparition cards though, 4 secs in the game is very fast.`

Something else to talk about is also the snapshotting of damage from Chapparition cards since it lasts a very short 4secs.

So far, none of Zaibas, cure nor Carnivorary actually snapshots the bonus matk boost for the entire spell’s full duration. The damage will revert back to its normal damage state after Chapparition’s duration is over. This isn’t the same case with Dievdirby’s owl statue though. Owl snapshots the matk of the user when it is carved and it will remain till the statue ends. So do take note of this, different builds will make use of Chapparition differently.

Another thing which is pretty interesting to note is the timing of activating Chapparition before transformation and after transformation in the effect of Hengestone. (Check out the above video, 2:30 onwards) Hengestone transformation doesn’t take card dmg% boosts into account, the resulting boost will be 200% of min-matk+(original damage boost prior to transformation).

However, if the player pots after the 200% transformation, the damage boost will take the transformed min-matk rather than the original min-matk.

Clip of owl statue snapshotting:

Edit and current conclusion:

Blue still offers INT druids much better bonuses vs Red since the transform formula for druid c3s in hengstone form is

min-atk * 200% ~ (min-atk * 200% + max atk bonus)

Blue functions better here since the damage is straight doubled.

For druids c2… red is a slightly better option though, since on average it gives slightly more damage.


Thank you for your tests. I think your test report is what we need most in this thread! You are the superstar!

Also, red gems do not get the 2x hengestone bonus whereas blue gems do.

EDIT: PATK and MATK from collections do not get the 2x hengestone bonus as well. But this is only a minor issue as there aren’t many that gives PATK and MATK.


Thanks pearss for the detailed information. it helps out a lot. Now I can start planning for my druid already.

Red gems are affected by Chapparition and Glass Moles. The problem with what you did in the video is you computed the difference of your Max - Min which would make no sense since Chapparition Cards and Glass Mole Cards take the average

In your video:
Weapon + 2 Red Gem equipped = 1137-1497 matk
After activating 2 Chapparition (+20%) = 1400-1760 matk

The average of 1137-1497 is 1317.
20% of 1317 is 263.4

1137 + 263 = 1400
1497 + 263 = 1760


Ahh thanks I’ll correct the mistake thanks. Many thanks again for spotting my blunder.

Whoa if that’s the case red gems will outperform blue gems, since Chapparition cards tags on average damage then adds a further max damage to it.

Like after a 20% chapparition activation, the activation formula will be

New base min-atk = (Min matk + ((Max matk - Min matk)/2)) * (20%)
New base max-atk = (Min matk + ((Max matk - Min matk)/2)) * (20%) + (Max matk - Min matk)


For druid C3s… straight up blue is better if one is in transformed mode most of the time. Hengestone’s 2x matk bonus doesn’t factor in red gems at all.

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when I transform and get hit by the mobs I always freeze for like 1 sec, is that normal? with lycan i gonna have the same problem?
Is the lycan base damage increase of 5k applied to others druid skills like carnivory?

  • Lycanthropy form doesn’t have that problem
  • No, that base damage only applies on the Lycanthropy skills damage formula.

How does one can play around the fact that most of the time the game for either urself or ur grp crashes while using Henge Stone + Lycanthrophy.

Is there any fix for this, or is there literaly no other option than dont use these skills?

was fixed on KToS recently. But not on iToS :sweat:

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Also, on my experience i only crash ONCE

  • The first Hengestone use after weekly mainteance. For WHO KNOWS what reason …

what kind of damage deal the wolf ?
i know one skill is “slash” and i think its slash damge but the others ?

i ask cos if i do a monk 1 druid 3 dex build i can do a combo with double punch and twist the strike damage of wolf (if some skill do strike damage)

I think it’s a waste of time trying to proc the Double Punch debuff when you could be just punching with wolf skills right away. Double Punch proc chance is only 10%, and only boosts Strike-type by 30%

Monk1 becomes a waste when you reach Druid3

And besides, I think there was a post somewhere in here showing Lycan not having a damage-type besides being Physical

I’ve been trying to check if Lycan damage changes depending on target armor type (not documented yet) But so far i notice no difference except for Ghost type.

Also, if you get a Dragoon2 on party. Your Lycan HITS SO DANG HIGH, Serpentine debuff is my now favorite. It secures me a 1st on dps ranking usually.

I did my tests on leather and plate and did the same damage on both. I’m thinking transforms don’t have a “type” of damage.