Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

I’m Krivis C3 Cleric C2 Druid C1 atm. I just want to know whether Storm Calling or Lycanthropy is better as Lycanthropy is much more consistent than Storm Calling.

Both are good in their own way I guess.

Stormcalling just rape bosses while Lycanthropy gives you more mobbing capabilities.

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Storm Calling’s duration isn’t such a big issue for zalciai, as long as there are enemies inside the zaibas+storm calling most hits should occur within its duration.

Taoist’s storm calling is an x5 multiplier, but likely only takes effect after magic defenses. (Still haven’t confirmed that though… )
And Storm Calling costs 1k silver per use.

Druid3’s stonehenge is a close to 60% dmg boost for zaibas (doubles mag attack, not the int boosted skill dmg.)
It’s better vs high mdef enemies due to wolfy’s physical dmg and the higher matk in general.

Both are fine tbh, but tao has higher dmg. Just not vs the occasional 2k+ mdef mob.

Hm, alright. I’ve seen footage of Druid 3 dealing mountains more damage than Taoist using other skills which is why I’d considered it, but if Storm Calling boosts Zaibas by such an insane amount I’ll try it out instead. I’m not too worried about fighting those high def enemies because the base damage is so crazy high that I can get through it.

Taoist definitely wins in the burst department, Chap cards + Melstis on Taoist is just crazy.

But Druid C3 has more versatility (magic + physical) and some utility spells from transform.

So today I found this lil guy here (Kugheri Zeuni from Syla Forest) which has Pole of Agony. Although it is flying, it is actually a ground mob so you can just shapeshift into it.

A - Standard 1 hit attack with pretty fast attack speed
S - 1-3 hits spinning attack that propels you forward
D - Pole of Agony with about 9s duration and 20s cooldown (don’t know scaling)

Decent damage but I will definitely be using this when soloing Crystal Mine mission.


Also to add, I’m quite certain that the Transform’s PoA is considered as a physical attack, knowing that I see some damage lines crit. :))


:scream: that’s awesome

I really hate key binding for my druid.

Pole of Agony used by many of the new monsters is definitely a physical skill, as my archer can dodge it. It’s not transformation that turns it into a physical attack.

Ya, it’s still the same so my point still stands.

Which transformation is best for survivability? I know its a large insect but is there any that kind of monster in the game?

Hi to all my nature loving brethrens… I’ve just reached c3 Druid and just want to ask if the transformation attributes (such as additional crit rate for beast, def for insects, recovery for plants, additional damage for medium, increase hp for large and evasion for small) also affects Lycantrophy transformation?? Thanks… All replies will be greatly appreciated… :slight_smile:

Can you also give you’re current preferred monster transformation and why?
Mine is currently Panto…


@ubabuba I like Merog Shaman. The 3s cd Safety Zone with 22 blocks (if you have the cleric2 attribute) is really good for it. And no Large Insect listed on the database it seems )=

@dabsfaadrilan Lycan doesn’t receive any transform attribute bonus.

Thanks a lot sir!! :slight_smile:

There aren’t any large insects to begin with.

Like silver said, merog shaman is quite nice.
Same for desert chupacabra but that’s a self-heal and won’t affect your party.

Isn’t that the skill that makes them invisible too? How quick/slow is the fade time?

It doesn’t give druids invisibility, at least it’s not meant to.
It just acts as a copy of burrow, that instead of cloaking just heals you.

Occasionally it bugs out and leave you transparent or turns your head invisible. But it does not affect mobs in pve, it’s purely visual.

I know and have this Merog shaman but he is taking too much space on skill bar. I like more spider from lepasa pond, takes only 2 slots, not 4 like shaman.

I wish i can rebind those abilites to diffrent bars…


Quite disappointed that the “A” skill of Lycan is affect by AoE attack (maybe the S and D skill, too) and here i thought my Krivis>Druid finally have some AoE