Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

Ya, it’s still the same so my point still stands.

Which transformation is best for survivability? I know its a large insect but is there any that kind of monster in the game?

Hi to all my nature loving brethrens… I’ve just reached c3 Druid and just want to ask if the transformation attributes (such as additional crit rate for beast, def for insects, recovery for plants, additional damage for medium, increase hp for large and evasion for small) also affects Lycantrophy transformation?? Thanks… All replies will be greatly appreciated… :slight_smile:

Can you also give you’re current preferred monster transformation and why?
Mine is currently Panto…


@ubabuba I like Merog Shaman. The 3s cd Safety Zone with 22 blocks (if you have the cleric2 attribute) is really good for it. And no Large Insect listed on the database it seems )=

@dabsfaadrilan Lycan doesn’t receive any transform attribute bonus.

Thanks a lot sir!! :slight_smile:

There aren’t any large insects to begin with.

Like silver said, merog shaman is quite nice.
Same for desert chupacabra but that’s a self-heal and won’t affect your party.

Isn’t that the skill that makes them invisible too? How quick/slow is the fade time?

It doesn’t give druids invisibility, at least it’s not meant to.
It just acts as a copy of burrow, that instead of cloaking just heals you.

Occasionally it bugs out and leave you transparent or turns your head invisible. But it does not affect mobs in pve, it’s purely visual.

I know and have this Merog shaman but he is taking too much space on skill bar. I like more spider from lepasa pond, takes only 2 slots, not 4 like shaman.

I wish i can rebind those abilites to diffrent bars…


Quite disappointed that the “A” skill of Lycan is affect by AoE attack (maybe the S and D skill, too) and here i thought my Krivis>Druid finally have some AoE

I use these 2, depending on what I need:

Kugheri Zeuni

  • Medium. Beast. Physical Pole of Agony


  • Small. Beast. Haste

And will probably use this one when stuff become more difficult:


  • Medium. Insect. Safety Zone

Yeah lmao I feel you. Ever since, I had to fix my hotkeys because I’m not used to changing my key presses. (I keep pressing ASDF out of habit back then.)

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Just something I noticed with physical pole, if a monster passes through it, he takes WAAAAAAAAAAY more damage.

I went get a weaver because i though it had Safety Zone added as mentioned here, but seems it doesnt )=

Oh? What does it have that @ubabuba would replace Merog Shaman with it then?

aoe slow web that also deals dmg.
Think it’s more of an argument about not using 4 skill slots tbh.

Yeah, this spider skills are useless. :wink: Its all about passive bonuses (+110 attack and physic/magic def) and takes 2 slots.

But ill try to rebind my skill bars like @Wooshin . Thanks man for tip.

Anyone notice lv15 carnivory only hit like 42hit to a single target or boss alone? because of 15sec duration

Yup it does! I checked on the Crystal Mine mission Flags, and it always does around 40~ish hits.

Can we make a petition or ask imc to remove or add longer duration? Or make the dmg tick faster?
It’s make no sense if like this, damn