Tree of Savior Forum

[kTest[Ktos]] Class rework thread

lolo and solmiki will become legendary with new patch so those sets will be best in game, like solmiki>lolo> others :slight_smile: so yes if u have a chance to get them just GET THEM :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it confirmed that all the changes on kToS are coming to us? There are a few in the patch notes that aren’t mentioned above:

Team Warehouse has been revamped.
- 5 Spaces will be available as storage by default
- The Team Warehouse is accessible even if you don’t have a Token.
※ Items can be claimed/stored freely, however Silver Deposit/Withdrawal require Token access.
- Token users get a bonus 10 spaces, resulting in +15 Free Slots in total.

World Map & Exploration percentages are now shared across your Team.

EXP Penalty: If the level difference is 30 or less between the player and the monster, there is no EXP Penalty. Every level after 30, a 5% Reduction Penalty Applies.

Anyone knows the monster he transform into?

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[quote=“greyhiem, post:356, topic:354628”]
Magical blue main hand.
[/quote]Why is that?

Even tho blue gems give minimum atk for more steady output, their value is still lower than the average damage that red gems give.


Do you have an idea how skill allocation is more worthy for doppel3? Also I’m curious if highlander 3 is only picked for it’s skills (skull swing 3s now)? isn’t the doppel skills outside whirlwind buffed/worth for now? cleave, warcry and frenzy thrash tier?

ty in adv

Kugheri Zeuni from Syla Forest, probably.

They will almost certainly come to ITOS.

The average damage difference is too low to consider, it depends on what the user of the weapon wants. I personally prefer a steady damage output without ups and downs, I prefer blue gems. But someone else might wana see the highest damage possible and go for red gems. I am personally very annoyed if something I kill with one hit doesnt die with 1 hp while farming, thats why I go for steady damage.

So which is better? str or dex type Reiter? for dungeon farming.

In the archer branch, which class is now better against world bosses? Used to be mergen but iv heard that it will become more of a burst dmg class.

I dont think there will be such a difference, two 500 dmg hits in one sec of or one 1000 dmg hit. Unless you have a strong off hand. In that case your str will contribute less to your dmg output and i’d recommend you a dex build.

yea was thinking the same as well, if the extra hit dont do a lot of damage than the 1 damage hit, there is no difference at all… Anyways Thanks for the reply.

I know which video you are referring to, I also lost it.

@Wooshin 플레이어 사루 방송이? 도와주셔서 감사합니다

@magocbi Yes. Your items will be un-trans so you can team storage again. Need token though…

@haryo567 Glove and boots will not give accuracy and evasion anymore. Just def & mdef.

@johnpaul_longasa All earthtower items are changed to Legendary (higher than orange item). They are best now. If you have Earthtower items, you may exchange them once (per item) for another earthtower item. For example you may exchange lolopanther plate boot for lolopanther cloth boot.

@Borel It is the best way to farm dungeon for silver now (d140 and d170). Dungeon 290 rush boss only drop 50k silver now…

@Zefiris Is viable. Please mind, inquisitor is a physical class (with 1 magic skill malleus male), PD2 is full magical. It is possible to go hybrid now because Mace weapons give [physical main stat & magical main stat].

@Bakatox This is Kugheri Zeuni. This is a flying type mob, you must call a hunter for help. Hunter snatching --> mob into ground --> affected by chortasmata --> able to copy.

@Satoru This is a good point. I think it will depend on preference. Red is good all around and is random.

@helltributewow If you still like deeds, you can try this: is this user build [click for video] (
Without Deeds of valor: punish1, cyclone15, zornhau-7, zucken-6, redel-10, zwerchhau-1, sturtzhau-5
Highlander skyliner is 5 overheat now, it is a nice filler too. Skull swing debuff is very strong. No, there is no big significant difference between high3 barb1 and high1 barb3 doppel3 builds according to the doppel players. Just playstyle difference.

@ronanaley Fletcher mergen still has the most spammable high hit skill set due to magic arrow. Mergen all skills are viable burst now. Bow bonus vs flying type +50%. Musket2 builds are rising as single target damagers, musketeer covering fire 15s cd with 2 overheat and halved charge time, headshot inflicts bleed, and snipe +20% damage vs bleed. A lot of damage.

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Barbarian 20s stun

Swordie rodelero murmillo new HG [click] (
Guild vs hauberk [click] (

Shinobi clone attack speed test [click] (

Fencer siaulai mole & bear [click] (

Corsair3 shinobi vs mob (pystis forest) [click] (

Corsair3 fencer siaulai mole and bear [click] (

Monk3 Doctor new HG [click] (

Zombie bokor vs mob (alembique cave) [click] (

Paladin3 monk1 inquis vs dung290 boss [click] (
Paladin3 monk1 Inquis vs dullahan boss [click] (

Monk inquis siaulai golem [click] (

Monk attackspeed double punch test (increasing dex and finally +++monstrance buff) vs wooden dummy [click] (

Bongreiter (full dex) dungeon170 silver clear [click] (
Another overgear reiter dung140 clear [click] (

ty for the response.

Do you think ranger 3 is basically picked because of the lvl15 steady shot (20% damage for 10s) instead of archer 2 hunter 2 (15% damage plus a flat crit) in fletcher mergen build? I personally going for the arch2> ran> scout > f3 > M because cloaking is a nice utility and Flecher already have tons of filler skills making ranger3 abilities a bit overkill. What’s your opinion?

Also do know about fletcher3 skill allocation preference in ktos? is 15 crossfire overkill for mana? is barbed arrow still a forgotten skill in favor of bodkin being a def reduction and spammable?

Ty and sorry about the many questions, I think the major doubt right now is not even the class ranks but skills allocations in some dps builds, because many skills are now being relevant damage wise.

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Barb C3 can already do 20 sec stun in our version.It’s amazing with Pouncing.


Ranger3 is picked for steady aim 15 yes. +20% missile damage, and +150 extra damage. You can max the steady aim attribute for +(150 +100) extra damage.
Spiral arrow is now a nice burst too.

Hunter skill coursing & retrieve do NOT work vs bosses. Snatching only works vs flying boss.
For sure hunter is low CD damage vs normal mobs. Some mobs are resistant vs hunter skills though. Hunter coursing reduce def by % and will give you 40% flat crit vs the enemy. Hunter skill single target damage vs normal mob is high, usually it will die (skills have 2 overheat too…). Hunter & fletcher combo single target damage might be too much… [click for video of hunter3 falcon3] (
If you need to know which mobs are resist vs hunter skills, go to anti-archer mob -immune to hunter skills- [here] ([Info] List of special & status resist mobs (link resist, more...))
Fletcher require lvl 11 broadhead & lvl 10 magic arrow. Other point is free.

Wow sorry I swapped the classes, my mistake. Where you readhunter I meant Ranger, sorry for that. Fixed my original post, could you answer it again?

Thanks! We should be giving u money for the answers hahaha … I guess mergen/fletcher will become a even more popular choice… It has losts of burst skills and DOT. Probably going for musket wugushu thou

I understand. Archer2 > rang1 > scout1 > fletcher3 > mergen is still viable. You will rely on fletcher skills. Luckily fletcher skill cd is very low. You must remember to craft arrows. You take arch2 and rang1 for buffs, scout for utility, fletch3 main dps and mergen burst. Scout1 is for PvE convenience with invisible + movspeed. Flare shot duration is 10s at all levels now, it is okay for some bonus damage. Your AoE will not be the greatest. It is decent AoE since most skills were buffed.

The other fletcher builds I’ve seen are arch2 sapper2, ranger3, arch2 ran2, arch2 hun2, arch2 ran1 wugu1.