Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

I played it for a lot of things, I actually didn’t even know it worked till I did it so it was a bonus. Werewolf is dead naow tho so doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work. You wouldn’t be able to cast it.

aww so we can’t have 100% uptime awoo form anymore…

Imma take a guess here and predict NO ONE will go druid3 anymore.


Am still going to dedicate 1 of my clerics to be a Druid3 Miko.

Awoo waving Gohei and doing Kagura dance is very screenshot worthy. :3

Hum so… Diev3druid3 is kind of back? Owls deal damage based on spr right? So you can go full spr and let the weapon do all the damage. Or full int since owls arent that amusing and let them deal some damage with a good weapon later on…

That is if you want to have the demi-wolf form back faster. Which is what i want :V

Cleric2Diev3Druid3 X. Exorcist maybe? From what i’ve played, miko doest really makes a difference. But if owls do deal more then, what…idk… Possesion? then it should be good i guess. That + the arrow thingy… Hum considering

Maybe even finish with priest for revive. Who knows. For AA you can always buy/make some daino scrolls i guess. I’ll end up leveling a krivis for that hmhm…

Don’t know for sure yet. We’ll see

As druid main, i was very excited for the new lycan changes but with the nerf to lycan at last minutes, i can’t find a reason to go druid3, c1 and c2 are better now, especially c2 and it seems that druid2-exo2 works very well.

I will always be a Druid 3 awooo…

Druid Changes will only make my C2-P3-D3-INQ1 perform better in TBL since I don’t use transform much.


Guess I shoulda put NO ONE in quotes :wink::wink:

Good news is, a lot of people on Inven Ktos forums are angry about the changes. Hopefully IMC wises up and changes these nerfs to Druid 3


Also, I just want to point this out in case people misundertood Hengestone Changes. Because from what I read, the changes were additional and not revamp. So, I’m thinking whether Hengestone + Transform will still be viable ( +100% HP / +20% Damage )

Because from this video, Hengestone still gives +1 Skill, but it wasn’t written on the tooltip ( src. a friend ). I hope someone can confirm if the old effect still works on Transform ( NOTE: Not Lycanthrophy )

If you guys are too lazy to watch the video. Her/His base Carnivory, Chortasmata level is 5. But both DM and HS gave +1 on the skills so it raised to level 7.


Solo Druid Unique Raid
Class Path: Cleric2-Kriv3-Druid3-Tao1

This is after the Lycan Duration Nerf. Still a pretty good burst. But Look at the Chortasmata Range oh my god.


Judging from how much damage Chortasmata, Carnivory and Zaibas deal, the player should be sitting around 8k+ matk.

Old lycan is pretty good when it’s attacks can 1hko due to the limited duration we can spend in it. Getting to that amount of matk/patk to make it viable is kind of daunting :X

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The skill lock is terrible, who cares about damage buffs from wolf only, we coulda got that same high damage from the combination of class skills and wolf skills. It makes the rest of your build useless during use in a game about deep class customization.

SP drain sucks and no one likes it (just like how Sorcs hated it), why make it worst? Why shorten the duration on top of it at same time when it’s already dependent on your SP?
It’d be better off as being a toggle skill like Dragoon Helmet if it was going to drain SP, otherwise make it cost no SP drain and last a duration with cooldown. Making it have all penalties at once is just rude and annoying.

I’m 100% positive that the controller hotkey issue isn’t fixed cuz I have low expectations. Probably no Werewolf AA either despite giving it to hybrid or any sound effect improvements.
The attribute coulda been a cosmetic change only.

With the advent of the reworks coming about for the various ranks/classes in ToS, Druid was givin some of that sweet love recently. What started as a bang to an incredible change to Druids, is now slowly ending with a sad fizzle. You’re probably wondering “What are you talking about?”, well I’m talking about the recent changes they made to Druid 3 and its iconic skill Lycanthropy.


The changes here were quite something to behold. For those that loved full Lycanthropy in all its wolf like glory, it finally became the beast it was meant to be. Damage was increased, skill level mattered, skill cooldown was shorten, and defenses were increased. A juggernaut like form that was easily balanced by its high sp consumption. Everything was beginning to falling in to place, albeit the downside of no longer being able to cast skills was sad to be seen, this was easily something to truly be excited for.

With the restrictions on Lycanthropy no longer allowing the usage of skills outside of wolf form, IMC did something no one expected… they made an alternative (attribute) to it. The attribute that we all now call “Awoo”.


“Awoo” allowed for an alternative to the full wolf form we are so familiar with. It served as a form to allow usage of other skills while still maintaing a few benefits of Lycanthropy. This was a great idea for an attribute and a very smart move on the developers part.

Then all to suddenly… tragedy struck!


Now you’re probably saying “Tragedy? What tragedy? You got buffed even more” and to that I say you are right. Who doesn’t love that sweet increase.
But look more closely…


That buff came with an unwanted/un-needed price.

That duration change from 100 seconds to 30 seconds was the biggest slap in the face to all Druids who played full Lycanthropy wolf form. Not only were we no longer allowed to have full wolf uptime anymore, but what was also found in the KToS update notes, was the fact that Melstis no longer worked for Full Lycan nor its new “Awoo” form.


One step forward and two steps back…
What started with a bang to a great set of changes is now turning into a sad fizzle of a change.

Return the longer duration to Lycathropy to allow 100% uptime on wolf form. Return the interaction of Melstis and Lycanthropy/Awoo. Look at every forum post from Inven, Reddit and this one, about Druid 3 and Lycanthropy. No one likes the nerf in duration or the lose of interaction with Melstis. Return what was such an iconic form and interactions that made Druid 3 such an appealing rank to some.

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan

I’m not even gonna get started on whats wrong with current and new Hengestone.

Here is a link to a post that gives some feedback about the new Druid to come.


so Awoo Mode is dead now ?

Can someone test the level debuff on Druid C2 Vines root and DOT in a duel against a Plague Doctor please.

Druid C3: From one of the best C3s to the absolute worst check this thread, meyby its still hope :slight_smile: i mean error in translation or bug in ktest :stuck_out_tongue:

Omg this is awesome gameplay there’s so great . Can’t decide if follow this build taiost or do have idea other build that goes well with this beast play style?

i will go tao or exo, dunno yet ;p

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It looks really badass like when off wolf mode he go spam the vine and grass or zaibas then when cd done change to super fast badass wolf to kill all mob instantly omg . I feel like super imba if this build intended definitely something new for player to try but druid3 should go physical build or magic looks hybrid both . Combo with taiost not bad with zaibas all those attribute if taiost amulet fly abit faster could be like naruto ninja hahaha awesome