Tree of Savior Forum

Circle reset NEEDED for game to survive!

I am cleric 1, priest 3 and pardoner 1 now, soon pardoner 2 and I don’t see that “horrible” early game everyone speaks about. We can’t die, we have no downtime, we kill a bit slower.

Heck I explored lvl 258 maps today to 100% as priest hardly dieing as level 130…

You always have party slots, everyone loves you… wants to shower you in silver so you join their next group again.


Circle reset NEEDED for me to survive!



Not everyone has all the time in the world to burn on games like these, if someone has maybe an hour or two every few days to play and they screw up a character they have invested alot into they will leave no if ands or buts.


…and thank goodnes for that. There doesn’t need to be a lot to start with since folks who are playing right now have already paid for the privilege, but once the gates open they’ll need to open up more cosmetic items & other such minor boons. I just don’t want to see it go P2W.

Yeah, that’s a bit frustrating, but that’s our reality nonetheless. We can either wait until they’re revealed, start playing and cross our fingers, or roll a different class in the meantime.

Ultimately this is no different than any other game that doesn’t offer what amounts to a full character reset. Someone could have the 1337est build in the game, then the devs realize it’s OP and nerf it and now their build is RUINED RUINED RUINED!

Oh well. It happens. Accept the reality and either keep playing the toon or learn to enjoy the reroll.


Or option B, they go and play a different game where their progress wont be erased because of a patch which I guarantee will be the more likely route.


Circle reset? People will leave the game? Sure go ahead and leave. We don’t need self entitled pips here. Want to reset to a different job? Create a new character. This is an MMORPG for Christs sakes! Go back to your tekken and street fighter games!


I wholly support everyone who hates this to leave over this so the game can die faster. That’ll show those people telling everyone to leave!

Alternatively, it means less people camping my spawn spots. It’s a win-win either way!


I would gladly pay 20$ to circle reset. the option is too valuable to not consider throwing more of my money at IMC games (wink wink)


In all seriousness, as I’ve stated in other threads, I do feel that they should add a circle reset to the cash shop solely on the grounds that they need more ways to make money. I just find it difficult to turn a profit as it is when the cash shop right now barely sells anything whatsoever Oo

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Circle reset should not be allowed unless in extreme cases.
Like a class revamp or special events.

It’s not a nightmare,

Once you reach a reasonable level where you have to grind, people will love to invite you to their grinding parties because you are a priest/cleric.

Circle reset would ruin this game more than helping it; the only time I see it as acceptable is when a class goes through a major revamp or a major patch update that changes alot of balance issues.

this is a very good idea.


I say at least a one time circle reset per account. If it was a cash shop item, people will abuse it. I understand people messed up their builds or went a certain class which they did research on , only to find out it was nerfed in this version and doesnt work well anymore. That and these are people who put their 50 bucks DLC on there character so making a new char would just be a waste and push people away from the game.

So basically. Yes to Class reset, just a one time thing though and 1 reset whenever new circles are released.


On all MMO, when a new classe is announced/released, it does not come with a way to “switch” your existing character to said new class. I think it’s pretty much the same for new classes/circles. Just aknowledge it or, if you want to play it, create a new character. It comes with the spirit of this game. If you feel like you need a more permissive approach i think this game might not be for you.

I understand the argument against build swapping for leveling, I also understand how nice it is to have a rare and effective build that others cannot easily copy. I enjoy being in that situation and it’s clear many others do also, given the responses against a reset. However, those issues pale in comparison to the struggle of the players who have made useless characters and are quitting in response.

A good MMO is driven by a strong endgame, repeating the same monotonous leveling experience comes second. Resetting is very healthy for the endgame community and the games population in general while also solving the massive problem for those individuals who are stuck with near unplayable characters.

Having an endgame situation where players can reset to whichever build they like creates a strong sense of balance. It allows the developers to make balance changes in a manner fair to the players, and for the players to respond accordingly. It makes endgame play more responsive, competitive and overall promotes a very healthy environment for the game to persist in. Anyone who has ever played through a dungeon with a well built party member can see that the current build is laughably imbalanced - which (if that’s what you REALLY want) is OK, IF players can alter their builds on the fly, but they can’t.

My motivation is simple; I’ve played for 200 hours so far, my build is terrible, my time was wasted, and I quit until a circle reset is available. I’m only doing that out of fear a circle reset will never come and all of my play time would be for nothing but I do really want to play the game again.

I understand some people don’t want resets but if they aren’t available people will be quitting in droves and no one wants that.


Planning and building your characters and trying new builds is a huge part of this game. Just as important as whatever end game you think is here. It’s not meant to be easy to try different builds to find the best one, its meant to take time and effort.

It’s kind of like say, youre playing a game where the main draw is its crafting system. In this game, you specialize in maces, but you find the sword specialization is better and want to be able to switch over whenever you want. This would defeat the purpose of the specializations in the first place if you could change them. This would also hurt replay value.

I do like the idea of them adding a way to test your new class before you commit on one though. Lets say you hit rank 3 cleric, you could be able to try some of bokor and dievderby skills since they were just unlocked, but not the others. Maybe, by class level 5 if you don’t like it, you can abandon that one class, but lose all your class xp for that rank.

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The best MMO to date outside of EQ, pre EQ2 crap.

So you “All” statement is invalid.

As for people changing to cookie cutter so what?
“OMG, this kills PVP” is a useless invalid argument, let PvP die if something like this is enough to kill it.

$50+ circle reset limited to 1/2 per character with each new rank release. Its reasonable both in severity, $50+, and takes care of IMC side f_ups, Like an Spr/int sword that requires finestra and dov to be practical.

I am happy to pay for such services in game, people need to get a job or save allowance. But it does need limits because unchecked it causes problems.

Another point is every one who rushed past rank 2 with out bothering to do a little research deserves to wait till New rank before they can fix their foolishness.

Third point, This will allow for deep testing of classes such as shinobi, and higher circles of less popular classes. Too much paper theory and no real world testing due to risk/reward not being worth while. Gambling $50 and a few months to try out a class that on paper seems enjoyable would be excellent.


be smarter about your build.


Most of the skill descriptions give such little information they’re meaningless. Simply planning a build well doesn’t prevent you from miss-clicking a circle change or having a patch change your build. Saying plan your build is not a valid argument in any way at all. Not even slightly.

It’s even less effective to say that when the game is so new and there isn’t an abundance of information to base builds on. To make it even worse, what matters the most is the balance between builds at end game, of which there is almost no data available at all other than a few Korean builds (many of which were recently nerfed, including my build).

The devs are making changes and we do need a way to respond to them.


Huh? I think you completely misunderstood. I never said anything about changing your starting class.

The OP wants to change from, for example




Is this also not what you were talking about?

And yes, those are all classes. When you go up a rank, you can either pick a new class or go to a higher circle in your existing class. Pretty sure the op is talking about resetting the whole thing, even though he says circle.