Tree of Savior Forum

[Cheat report] [Klaipeda] Bluehound using AoE and equipment hidden slots in Team Battle League


I’ve been trying to collect info on the player (team name) Bluehound which have been suspect for AoE/Range hacks in Team Battle League as well using hidden equipment in hidden slots.

  • Here are the proofs

Someone’s else screenshot randomly found in imgur:

Uncensored one:

Found him on Fedimian ch1 (12:21 - 2016-09-10):

Hidden slots:

As well a good proof video of what happens in TBL (JiggaJacks stream):

One example of my matches. Scroll to 13 and play on slow speed to see how is he hitting people behind him in such long range:

I also have a video I recorded myself but still didn’t upload. I guess this is enough proof to be honest.

@STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @moderators

These cheats in Team Battle League are still going for some time already. Crashing channels, AoE things, hidden gear slots and such.

These are enough information to take a look at the logs you have and start giving sanctions to these players :<

I hope this is enough proof to have this fixed as well players punished. And I also hope more people starts reporting these cases :<


That first SS looks creepy LOL.

Forgot to mention that it is freaking funny how that black label in the char face make it look like a victim. hahahahaha


Huehuehue… hello Hook64 :sparkles:
huehuehue… :joy:

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Left only the clickable link then \o

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Nah… IMC wont ban this guy, why?
b’coz this cheater is buying TP!!! :joy:
Look at that premium hairstyle the toon is wearing.


I think after this @STAFF_John have even more reasons to check your logs o:

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Just cross-linking a report from the actual report section:

Couple more videos in there.

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We are down to namecalling in the General Discussion? A new low indeed.

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It’s just an appeal and warning for people actually starting recording and collecting proof of hacking and such as some people thinks it doesn’t worth. We need to show a bit that recording and reporting works and gets people banned once staffs sees what is happening.

I didn’t cover. Just found the picture randomly there from another person o:

You even assume you’re cheating. :<


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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Shouldnt this be in the report section?

these guy funny lol. Cheatah always act same when caught
he keep check bak to see if post about him
is god edit skill wit paint
butter skil than guy have in gaming

Holy ■■■■ bluehound was a robot this whole time.

Using hacks and still losing? Pathetic.


I’ve once reported a hacker, with all evidences (SS and videos, 3 days of updates about it), they replied saying they’ll investigate and look into it.

a month later…

The guy is still playing. Now I don’t even bother reporting hackers/botters I see coz, well, nothing will happen anyway.

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What do you expect, the dude is buying TP
IMC dont give a sh*t whether your a cheater/hacker/exploiter as long as you BUY TP from them, you’re untouchable

IMC doesn’t want to loose their source of income :sparkles: