Tree of Savior Forum

Change the [Magic Scrolls] ( RNG Stats in the Cash Shop )

Don’t be pedantic, you know exactly what I mean. Just take a look at BDO or Archeage.

Actually +800 hp can make a huge difference, it could mean life or death. Whether you get one-shotted or die on the next hit. Stacking 3 headgears with hp is even worse.

That’s just that one possible stat that you could roll.

… dude.

Squishy have around 7 to 9k hp.
People that do one shot damage to you, deal easily 15~30k damage.

You won’t survive that.
As full con Archer/Wiz/cleric you might just barely scrap out of it.

Go to the freaking stat calculator pleaes xD … and then watch some pvp.

ok so if they nerf the stats to +1 hp each headgear itll still mean life or death cause these 3 hp can prevent you to be 1 shotted…oh god xDD

The fact is, the random stats for head gears give an unfair, unnecessary advantage.For PvE, fine. But it can influence GvG and Open-World PvP.

What about World boss hunting too? Having 3 headgears with 3 different types of elemental attack types?

The game is fine without these items. In fact the game is fairer without them. So why not drop them all together? It only creates a more complex and less competitive experience.

Maybe it works for casuals. But the rest of the community shouldn’t have to suffer for it. The ones who actually CARE about the community and are in it to stay for much much longer. We will all have to buy these headgears with silver, which were initially bought buy people with fat wallets and sold on the market.

It would be better without a Real-Money driven market system. Tokens at least don’t have any cosmetic value, and give benefits that are worth paying the price for if you have that kind of money or work for a living.

Even in PVE it’s not fine, because of World Bosses (rewards given to the top DPS groups).

And regardless of the magic scroll stats effectiveness, if IMC launches the game with such cash shop items, what else will they offer 6 months, a year from now? This is opening the Pandora Box. It’s bound to get worse over time. If we don’t voice our concerns now, it’s going to be too late.

In the Korean version these thing are 8TP each. They cost less than a dollar each (around .88 if I did my math right) in USD. As far as I can tell, they’re also something you can put up on the market place. They are likely to be one of the most common things to be sold on the market. You stated they also drop in game.

I think it’s a nice microtransaction. It’s also a way for players to make some money off of upgrading stats to essentially useless (as far as combat) gear. Yes, you have to pray to the gods of RNG but I’d wait until we get more info on how the RNG for these scrolls work. I’m going to assume that actually getting those “best” rolls is going to take a LOT of work, which is good considering how cheap the item is and that it drops in game even if it is a low rate. There will be people farming them from bosses.

There are class skills that can also mitigate some of this as well (Alchemist and Squire skills for example).

I’m kind of glad this is the only RNG item really in the Korean cash shop so far. Let’s just hope we continue to be able to get costumes/hairs without them being in “lucky boxes” ugh.

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It’s appealing to the wrong market and a potential factor in ktos’s decline due to influencing the players mentality and what’s expected in the game along with the limited game content and failing economy.

That’s not because of the ktos community, that’s because of bad game design.

I was playing too. The game is trying to appeal to the casual market, but the casuals won’t play after 1 month, 2 months or 3 months. The rest of the core and hardcore and even casual-hardcores will be left with what’s left and end up moving to another game regardless.

As it was said in the original post, you cannot sell “Magic Scrolls” on the marketplace. There is also no viable way to “farm” them from bosses, they only come from instance bosses, and you are gated to how many instances you can run a day.

I stated that I opened over 300 boxes and didn’t receive a single scroll. In the current version of iToS, you are able to run dungeons 2 times, +2 with a token. So if I’m “farming” these instance bosses per day, that’s 4 boxes a day I can get. This is equivalent to me farming for “Magic Scrolls” for 75 days and not receiving 1 scroll.

Given that, there is also the fact that I won’t get the enchant I want with just 1 scroll. Again, gaining the scroll without purchasing it from the cash shop is not a viable means to get the enchants you want on your gear.

Cause it gives money to imc from people who have to much?

So what’s the max atk again. 453 physical atk 663 crit atk 33*3 ele atk.

135 atk, 198 crit atk and 99 ele atk~

Crit atk doesnt scale. That’s useless already, outside of twohand sword build. Which will get 300 crit atk from it.

99 Ele Atk, actually worthwhile for damage as it scales with 4 of the possible modifiers.

And the atk scales nicely~

But wait.
Let’s say i’m a cannoner.

I got these two weapons.

That gives me 829 maxt atk +293 crit atk, without the roughly 240 atk i would get from +10 equip.
I have level 280. Another 280 atk.
And i have around 400 str more. ANother 400 atk and 400 crit atk.

That gives me 1509 atk (1749 with +10 equip) and 693 crit atk.

135 atk bonus is roughly 8 ~10% more atk then.
Ele bonus gets added and would differ with which skills and modifiers you use, between 1% and 6% more damage.
198 crit atk … is roughly 30% more crit atk. BUT this is an useless stat, outside of galting gun build … as it won’t scale as well with skills.


In that cherry picked situation you’re saying the headgear stats give [only?] an 8~10% boost. That’s still a good amount.

What if you focused on elemental stats on your headgear? +297 elemental damage?

Would you say it’s not worth it then, in that exact same scenario? Are people not willing to go out of their way to get a Mana Mana for an offhand, just to get the same bonus elemental attack damage? You could get this bonus without even having a Mana Mana, or you could stack it with a Mana Mana for an even bigger bonus.

If I am not mistaken you generate free TP every few hours while ingame, so that gives you a chance to purchase these scrolls without actually paying for TP.

Still seems fair to me, as it still is incredible RNG.
Could get lucky after just 1 scroll compared to someone who used 100 and only got crap stats.

Personally I don’t mind this item being added to the item shop, some of the stats could have been lower but it’s still fine considering how lucky you’d have to be to get a perfect roll.

I’m also not in favor of having stats tied to cosmetics. The idea itself is ridiculous and to be honest, should be abolished on MMOs.

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You are somewhat mistaken. You can generate free TP, but only up to 5. The scrolls cost 8 a piece. You cannot buy a Magic Scroll without paying for extra TP.


How about make them enchant only 1 slot and they only cost 5 TP.

Everyone gets access to them, and if you feel like it, you can spend a bunch of money on scrolls to get the stats you want right away, rather than having to wait to regain TP or to buy a hat you want at the auction house. Leaving it to 1 slot also reduces crazy rng problems and people would be a lot happier with what they get.

Is the 5 TP limit daily or weekly or monthly?

So due to the competitive-nature of the game, everyone should just buy the head gears with silver? The point is the game is fine without it.

The competition and gameplay can be experienced without boosters/stat enchant items.

In fact this only makes it worse because every player has to buy headgears for stats and not cosmetic purposes on the market to play competitively.

The only difference is someone paid real money. Does IMC have sticky fingers or what?

Please read the thread before you post please. You can not buy scroll enchants with your max 5 free TP unless you pay cash.

The kind of pay to win we’ve got with the current implementation goes against IMC’s stated design philosophy.


You can never gain more than 5 free TP. ( Free TP is separate from the TP that you purchase ).

@Raven that would be a good idea too. Making them accessible to everyone, and making the most optimal stat gain not so great.

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Thanks for clarifying that for me, wasn’t aware how it exactly worked.

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