Tree of Savior Forum

Change the [Magic Scrolls] ( RNG Stats in the Cash Shop )

Yes youre correct, it is not fair. How do you make casher spend cash then? Hiring Bill Gates to sponsor TOS so IMC can no longer have money problems then?

Basically, the only defense for this practice is ‘‘Dude, it’s their right. They’re a business, they need to make profit, it’s nothing personal.’’.

Yeah, you’re technically right; but when you defend a company that way you’re basically throwing their reputation in the mud just to invalidate what I say regardless of how meaningful it is.

If this game cannot support itself financially without insulting its own design philosphy then it is not a game that deserves support. There are many ways to earn money without ruining the integrity of your game; stuff like this is what you’d expect from bad investors pressuring them to milk their game as much as they can so they can dump it in a few years.

There thousand people work for him. So basically, he would use his employee’s time.
Even the game is well balance, Bill Gate could ruins any game if he want :smiley:

But that’s not the thing to discuss here. My point is we have to look on 2 sides. If we can’t be reasonable, IMC will not listen to us at all.

Just to clarify:

You can’t obtain TP from other means besides the free TP that caps at 5. You have to pay. There is nothing in the game currently ( iToS or kToS version ) that allows for this.

Nothing in this topic is aimed at IMC not being able to have a way to make money. They should be able to make money, and players should support them.

I don’t believe that creating RNG stat-giving items in the cash shop is the way to do it, and I think more importantly that by having this item it will hurt the game’s longevity and cause IMC to make less money in the log run.

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You make interesting content so subscribers ( token users ) are compelled to keep paying every 30 days for a token. You create more hairstyles and class costumes so people want to buy them. You create incentives for people to create new characters/classes, so that they will buy a costume/hairstyle for that class, and buy exp boosters to level that class quicker.

You create healthy ways of making money by having the game be continually interesting to players, so that they keep playing and the community keeps growing. Do this with endgame PvE dungeons/areas, GvG, end game content, scaling PvP, adding more content as the game grows, etc.

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Yes, they have to find ways then if this P2W items is not applicable. How about restricting the convenience of free players? Is this good? Cosmetics alone may not be enough to support or float this game. Do you agree with restrictions? Im pretty sure you have an idea on your mind for the alternatives, smart people tend to have alternative solutions if they see something is not right.

That’s our assumption.

It is not an assumption. I can verify this 100% for you.

When we can’t still play the game? o_0

Take this with a grain of salt, but GvG may award TP in the future. Seems like the Top 10 will get some.

Then again, it’s a snake biting its own tail, because the most successful guilds are probably going to be the ones who spend the most on these Magic Scrolls, to get a significant edge.


I’m aware of this. It doesn’t help the state of the game when it comes to RNG stat scrolls in any form.

He’s playing KToS. As a fellow player, I can verify this too.


Already heard of that. We’ll see where it goes.

Yeah I’m aware of that, and I know in the FAQ they said you can only have max 5 TP.
Still, we can’t cannot verify there no way to gain more than 5 TP without paying. What you can verify is it’s true for kToS.

…this again.

MS are not P2W!

The amount it gives extra is extremly little.
AND the stats it gives are EXTREMLY random + it overwrites the old ones it gave…

Shall i really go ahead an calculate the possiblities of statisticaly getting 3 times your desired stat packed?

And just for the heck of it.
You can get them from DUNGEON drops and the market will be swarmed with them (if market doesnt die before that).

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I’m sorry Green, but the droprate is extremely minimal for them.

So you want to spend money on worthless stats? That’s what you are telling me right now in your post.

This is exactly the problem, It’s pay2win because it encourages spending more money to get better enchants. There’s no better way to justify it. The Random factor IS what makes it Pay2Win.

And lets be honest it’s not hard to roll a 3-stat item IF YOU ARE LUCKY. I also played ktos. I don’t agree with the market being flooded with Cash items that’s based on Random stats.

highly doubt that…competitive and pvp oriented guilds who play 1:1 as a group can outmatch any random guild who spends even for the max possible best stats (wich must be achieved first its not like you get it just like that)

good example in echo of soul - friend of mine played warrior and got more kills than anybody even without any gems or jewls or w/e its called…more stats cant compensate bad gameplay…you just die a lil slower thats all

Given equal skill, the guild with the best stats wins. This was my point.

thats the most vague argument ever…nobody can have “equal skill” everyones brain is unique

and just saying again i dont support these rng scrolls w/e - not because it got a “i won” button but because i hate rng stuff and my luck is terrible - i remember that it took like 20 muffler until i got one to +6 in ragnarok…my very first +6 muffler!

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Heck, do you know what drop rate itos has?

We don’t know.

And 1% is still 1% … you can get lucky and have 5 in a row.
Or unlucky and none in 10000 kills.

And even then … it’s not even relevant outside of early game of 100 level range …

If you want to min max… okay. But these people tend to forget that you wont steamroll anyone with a few extra stats.

In comparision arche age sells pay2 win gear … which will make you invincible.

There’s other problems we need our attention on:
-market restictions
-1:1 trade
-buy in shops
-shared storehouse
-pvp with and without your own gear
-block mechanics
-dodge mechanics
-skill modifiers/ scaleing with levels

I will roll some MS scrolls, just 5 or 8 maybe.
As i would love some aoe Atk ratio on my archer earlygame, when it’s not avaible for me easily.

But does that make me OP? Imbalanced? Or P2W like?

Yes, if i spend 2000 dollars on MS scrolls.
BE really lucky.

I will be abled to kill the 90er dungeon boss, in 1 1/2 multishot uses with the right gear, enough skill attributes and two hand bow.

… previously took me 2 multishot uses + a few atks.

And the further we go in levels.
This bonus will be worth less and less.
AOE atk ratio is the only thing that’s really usefull and doesnt fall off.

But that’s useless in pvp … against most.