Tree of Savior Forum

Change the [Magic Scrolls] ( RNG Stats in the Cash Shop )

The worst part is someone always bid higher than you. xD

if they implement a “win” button for arena fights wich costs 5 dollar a win then its 100% p2w

anything else is “pay to have an increased chance of winning” p2haicow xD

You can actually only sell 5 at a time, and there is a delay before the items will appear on the auction. I am not sure of the specific delay and price tokens typically sell for on the auction… but perhaps someone could try to calculate the amount of silver this person could potentially make if they spent all day putting tokens up for auction.

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Im sure those convenience maybe implemented in the future as a default feature, i dont like IMC to give those as a premium only. SWTOR have the same idea as you, and is pretty hassle to play, my friends left because of that. Convenience should be given as a default feature. Cosmetics is maybe another solutions but is it enough to power the development? Dota2 have that, is dota2 made progress at all? No, it is still the same compare to the time it was ported from dota1. No new heroes and still missing 1 even after 6 years of development of cosmetics. Basically no key features has been added only tons of cosmetics.

lol yeah, the limitation does make it harder, but not a small advantage either if someone has the disposable income. What was it roughly, 1m-2m per token? We likely won’t have nearly as many sold to start as we will once f2p launches, but, 5-10m per day per Steam account I have? Man, that could add up a lot more quickly imo than the stats on a RNG scroll lol

“These clearly Pay 2 Win items, made this grindy game fail in korea, fk it’s gonna be a success in the west!” - IMC

I bid like 5G on each Soulshield, and I get crap stats everytime I unseal them. lol
Bidwars kek

ToS has the potential to become even better than RO in time. but the publishers also have the power to make it fail faster than RO2 did.
lets see which path they choose.

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The list of examples are just examples. I appreciate the fact that you looked into each and every example, and I am well aware that some of them have flaws (which was why I tagged one of them as ‘questionable’)

The point I was trying to make is that there are options. That’s all. I wasn’t too fussed about the nitty gritty of implementation. That would be more suitably debated in another thread. Thank you.

His opinion on convenience is just another type of cash grab idea that limit the players more than it should be. Cosmetics maybe the future but i dont think thats enough, thats why they implemented those RNG stats to attract more paying customers.

Bottom line, there is no solution to cater all the type of people who wants to play this game. IMC may implement those idea but im 100% sure there is no solution that can fix all, there will be sacrifices no matter what kind of decisions they made, people will always complain and leave.

I like how both of you insist that convenience is a ‘default feature’ that free players should have, and it is preposterous to charge for these.

Yet when it comes to things that actually matter - AKA stats - then suddenly p2w is perfectly acceptable and it is okay for these crucial stuff to be behind the paywall, while convenience cannot be behind a paywall.

I just can’t even.

Im not saying those P2W is acceptable. what im saying is what you suggested is another type of cash grab idea,and not a solution, people dont like that for the reason i stated. Or are you going to use our logic to bash those people who dont like your restrictions? Since it’s you wants to make all the people happy, the burden of proof falls on you.

The question is what kind of restrictions are acceptable and what aren’t. And my ‘restrictions’ were to illustrate a point anyway, most of them have pros and cons which it would be inappropriate to go into detail here. I think that’s outside the topic of discussion. Would probably be better to pursue it in another thread?

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Finding of solutions falls on your shoulders claiming there is common ground for all. No matter what method IMC takes there will be type of people like you who dont like the idea of cashing. Whether through convenience, cosmetics, or P2W items. In other words your ideas are invalid.

IMC don’t go down this P2W route! A huge benefit of having you guys publish this over a publisher is that you can control how you monetise your game.

Don’t destroy your own game like many F2P games before you…
This is a big step in that direction.

I think 2 bonuses per headgear is optimal for both paying minmaxers and f2p players. 3 is just too much.

Its called, make a good game and don’t implement awful features that players hate. Lets take a look at some other F2P games shall we? League of Legends. When it launched they announced they would avoid pay to win completely, they have continued to do so to this day. Why are they making millions off their game? because they made a good game. Thats it.

If you make a good game. people want to play it. If they want to play it they will buy silly cosmetic things. The only reason to implement a pay to win is if your game itself isn’t good enough to stand on its own.

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LOL is not pay to win? Im pretty sure you need moneys to buy those exclusive champions or heroes whatever they called. Now that is cash grabbing.