Tree of Savior Forum

Change the [Magic Scrolls] ( RNG Stats in the Cash Shop )

Having more or less of these things has nothing to do with minmaxers.

I AM a minmaxer, and having more cash shop bonuses to fill does nothing for me except making me put more money into the game.

May I add:

  • HUD
  • Loading Screens

League of Legends is the literal opposite of pay to win. Don’t talk about things you know nothing about, you don’t even know that they are called “champions” so it’s pretty obvious that you didn’t even play it.

The fact that you still needed money to acquire those champions still stands, gameplay wise thats not the point. LOL probably used those money to develop more champions.

Well, all I can do here is share what happens in other games. In Ragnarok 2 you can enchant all your gear to get the perfect stats. I heard some players spent more than USD 120.00 in a weapon to get “perfect” stats. And the process is a bit worse than ToS, since you need a item to enchant and another to reset. And this have a huge impact in the gameplay since the higher the item level, the higher are the stats you can get.

To be honest see something similar like this in ToS is really dissapointing.

So well… Discuss those topics are really nice, important and could be a good feedback, but IMC will look at this and other concerns when community make huge backlash. And sadly the Founder’s pack episode show us that. So better wait for the release date and see how community reacts.

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You don’t need money to acquire any champion. Play the game before talking about it.

Thats the opposite of what youre claiming. Cash people clearly have advantage because they have access to those champions more easily.

No matter what method IMC takes there will be type of people like you who dont like the idea of cashing. Whether through convenience, cosmetics, or P2W items.

Not quite sure where you picked that up. Firstly, I think a company has to make money or it will go bust. That is simply common sense. The question is HOW. I’ve never said, nor has anyone reasonable, said that ‘cashing’ is unacceptable no matter how it is done. That is a ridiculous accusation to make. By the way, I am a ‘paying’ player, if you’ve even bothered reading above.

The very fact that I offered both cosmetic and convenience options, means that I am open to cashing through those 2 options. I agree with you that some convenience options are questionable, but some are decent. But that’s not what we are discussing now. We are discussing whether a p2w item ought to be implemented. Please focus the discussion back on track to the specific issue of magic scrolls, rather than general p2w cash shop implementation.

You can acquire any League of Legend champion without spending a dime. This link also doesn’t add anything to your argument. You clearly haven’t played League, so arguing against using it as an example is a bad idea. I played League 2000+ hours and spent money only on champion skins, nothing more.

On topic discussion is appreciated, but arguing over an example made from a game you haven’t played doesn’t help.

Its obvious you have no idea what you are talking about jynxie10. You buy champions with the points you earn in game. You can at a casual pace earn enough IP to buy each champion at the rate they come out.

Also, me owning one champion or the other does not give me any advantage over another player. Pay to win would be if I gave Riot games 20$ and my character moved faster than other players. OH wait, that is what tree of savior is doing…

Your argument of getting 3 stat once every 30 scroll is invalid. I have free scrolls given by nexon, roughtly 10, I got 3 stat, twice, but rolled them anyway because it was useless for my class (back before headgears were all tradable and had 5/5).

Now we are only talking about headgears that has 3 slots and can be enchanted with 3 stats. Nobody was expecting magic scroll and they went ahead to implement it. What makes you think they will not do that to costumes, hairstyles, armbands.

PS: Try not to call someone names. It shows your character.

Only cosmetics in cash shop please. This is not Korea…

We will buy plenty of cosmetic things. All you have to do is work and design some new hairstyle and etc…

/signed /against it

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People seem to be missing the fact that it’s a random roll. Sure, yes in THEORY if you spend MILLIONS of dollars you COULD get amazing rolls like the ones OP mentioned. But do you know what the odds of actually pulling that off are? You’re about 1,000,000x more likely to get a terrible useless roll. I don’t think these will be anywhere near as big of a problem as people seem to think they will. I’m pretty neutral on the issue though. Don’t really care whether they have them or not.

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Either these need to be removed from the cash shop or the drop rate needs to be massivley buffed.

Which makes it even worse, as you have to invest a lot of money, giving an edge to the biggest whales. Look up “Gachapon P2W”, it’s basically the same thing.

This needs to be revamped. Or at least make the ingame drop of these items more common.

Like i said what you suggested is equally disturbing to those P2W items, and will in-turn make people turn off and leave. If you tone down the perks of premium how will it be make more attractive to paying customers then? There is no cure that can fix all. F2W items and restrictions are the same.

[quote=“zhouyu47, post:109, topic:152551, full:true”][/quote]

TOS tokens can be acquire in game, similar to champions, and is clearly a pay to win perks. No matter how much time you play in LOL, there are tons of people who dont have time to acquire those champions by playing, thus resulting to paying instead, clearly an advantage over free to play players. LOL will go down if they dont implemented those cashing. Now the scrolls are disgusting as may seems, the alternatives are equally disturbing.

This is exactly why its pay2win. People willing to spend hundreds/thousands will have perfect hats, everyone else wont.

The way to fix this is one of two options, either

  1. Limit hats to a single upgrade each. This will make creating a ‘perfect’ hat much easier, which combined with the fact that hats can be traded, will make second hand ‘almost’ perfect hats flood the market, giving people who actually have a perfect hat only a small advantage

  2. Make scrolls non random. Let people buy the stat they want. Make the cash shop scrolls guaranteed mid-range upgrade, and dungeon dropped scrolls guaranteed high-range upgrade. In this way once anyone gets a hat they really like, they can just use in game money to buy cash shop scrolls from other players and have a good hat with out having to gamble on it.

Of course option 3 of just removing the scrolls from itos entirely is also good. All three of these options would level the playing field more, which is what is desired.

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Whales are always going to have an edge. That’s just how life works. People with lots of money get to spit on the poor folk like us and there’s nothing we can do about it, because they have money. If the cash shop doesn’t have items they want they won’t spend that money, and if they don’t spend that money the game dies.

If the game is heavily P2W, people leave, the game dies.

I don’t see how a game needs to be P2W to survive. You can prevent gameplay to be P2W based and still make decent revenue from the cash shop. Look at the GW2 model.