Tree of Savior Forum

Change the [Magic Scrolls] ( RNG Stats in the Cash Shop )

I would much prefer +42 MATK, +1 AoE Ratio, +1 Move Speed, for a total of +126 MATK, +3 AoE Ratio, +3 Move Speed.

But I’ll take a second to prove myself the odd-man out. I’m okay with this item being in the cash shop. I do, however, agree the drop rate needs to be increased in-game.

In addition I feel there needs to be an in-game item (vendor, drop, or some fairly common source) that allows you to “Lock” these bonuses. Exactly how Tera does it with their Spell Binds when re-rolling bonuses with Enigmatics.

For us this could be: Use a Magic Scroll on the headgear. Awards 1~3 stats randomly. If you see one you like, use a Magic Scroll with (X item here) to “lock” that stat in place. Your Magic Scroll (which gives you 1~3) is guaranteed by default to at least give you 1 additional stat. Find the next one you want, lock, roll your third stat.

In this way it gives us some measure of control which cuts back on cash shop expenses drastically as well as having to remain reliant on RNG for that “perfect piece” that only whales or the very blessed will luckily roll. Locking also cuts down on the number of Magic Scrolls needed because it would allow a guaranteed 3 stat piece in only 3 Magic Scrolls where as right now you could, in theory, use 100+ and not get a 3 stat bonus (even if the stats aren’t perfect, but, you can work on that in time)


We will see! I made a thread that hopefully will give some information on the topic at hand. Since the cash shop is such a crazy topic to search through.

that is why you dont listen to people who has never played the game.

you can buy TOKENS with in-game currency.
Everything else in the TP market is non-tradable.

This is pay2win cash shop.

Firstly this is a game for 13+, in which gambling with real money should not exist in a game like this.

Secondly you have to consider the skill AWAKENING does this already, but the chances of getting something good are even worse AT THE COST OF 1 POTENTIAL Already this skill has been nerfed to the ground but even worse the stats from this skill are bad.

Chance is pretty low that you can get what you want from awakening. It was better when items had fixed awakening options.

This is nothing but a cash grab by IMC. I’m very dissapointed. :confused:

I am 100% against this. I understand korea market doesnt mind this , but It will destroy the image of your company here IMC. You should really not go for it , or if you do make it as accessible to free players as it is for us.
1% from cubes doesnt even come close to making this item less pay to win when free players have 2 dungeons dailly.

As of now, I bought the $50 pack and I have 650 tps to spare, I will buy only cosmetics and wont even touch that and I invite anyone that thinks those items have no place in itos to do the same.

+1 for pretty cosmetics c:

I would be amused to see the scrolls change the color of an outfit and/or headgear vs giving them stats. It would be completely cosmetic then.

Keep in mind that even if you can buy the token with silver, it’s still came from someone who bought it with $. Unless it’s dropped in game with a decent rate, it’s cash shop exclusive.

WOW i didnt know about this item, it IS REALLY BAD AND P2W. i thought the cash shop was perfect, and they come with this.
@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines

In order for these buffs cause a significant impact it would be necessary to get the exact same buff set on 3 different gears with high values, that’s not easy and it’s extremely expensive since it`s all RNG.

I don’t think many people would be wiiling to spend a tremendous amount of money to gamble on these things, but i might be wrong.

But i agree when you say that this is a p2w feature.

Ps: If they don’t delete this thing entirely i’m going to buy 3 scrolls and enchant each headgear one time and roll with whatever i get.

the problem is, if a guild of money ppl decide to use it. they probably will kill all other guilds. and its P2W

If they don’t delete this I’ll probably just walk away from the game entirely. No amount of art + BGM can fix a game with broken game play.

All they have to do is raise the drop rate and it will not be P2W.


If the community wants to promote some kind of boycott or start a petition to remove it from the game, you guys have my support, having this thing or not doesn’t make a difference for me.

As i said, you guys made some really good points and i do agree that this is a p2w feature.

I was replying to the fella who said you can buy TP with ingame currency, which is clearly incorrect.

They withdrew the founders pack temporarily which was going to be a 3 month early access period because it was too long of a head-start.

The idea was that they need to iron out the game and stability of the servers before it goes free2play.

However they apologized and changed it to one month early access and threw in a load of extra goodies that you get additionally to what you paid for.

So I’m expecting them to iron out the problems with the game in the next 3 months, otherwise i will decide to drop it.

I will just leave after my 60 day token expires if this remains in the cash shop.

Except, the chances of getting all those bonuses are incredibly slim. Slimmer than the chances that a magic scroll will drop from a boss cube.

Also, how is Item Awakening a “Cash Grab” and how does it suck more than it previously did? It lets you use the gear you want to use, rather than lame crap like a level 120 White Rod at 280.

Isnt that how free to play mmo games are designs? Giving incentives in items to it make appealing to paying customers? Unless you want this game to be P2P or B2P. F2P games are always P2W.

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They should be reduced to only 1 stat bonus per hat instead of 3.

And this should be done quick, right now before they launch.


This is a obvious P2W situation. Don’t know if dropping it for one stat bonus per hat or simply making the stat bonuses not that big would help, but something must be done.


So. How is this not P2W again? In addition to market and trading locked, we now have this.

Remember, when they said that cash shop would contain only cosmetics? Yeah.