Tree of Savior Forum

Centurion class will be removed from the game!

It looks like the Centurion class has been removed from the game.

Look at line 23 here:

What’s your opinion?

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i beg your pardon


The buffs seemed like they could break the game, if planned well within the confines of the meta. Special Formation Force was uniquely broken. I was even considering building a solo Centurion. Guess that dream’s gone, which doesn’t really bother me.

its CBT, centurion will most likely just going to be reworked

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Hm, instead of the Players losing control over the movement, they should be forced to keep the formation on their own accord so they (and their teammates) get the buff.


My opinion: It needed rework anyway, 8 slots for conscript but only 5 people in party so there’s 4 empty. Since AoE still hit everyone this skill doesn’t really protect you that well.

That said, this is old news.
They already said that Cent is not permanently removed, just reshuffled to higher rank class, instead at rank 6 will be Fencer in its place.

The Centurion character will be deleted. (deletion date undecided)

Right back at you.

Or, here:

The removal hasn’t happened yet on kCBT but I’m fairly certain they intend to remove it before iCBT2.

They’ve said they will be adjusting it to a higher rank and will most likely include it back in the game when they have more large party features (i.e. GvG).

I would expect some minor reworks as well when it eventually comes back.


Can you read?

It clearly says: “Centurion will be deleted.”

are we getting

It only says: “The Centurion character will be deleted”

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Who knows, but IMC have stated they’d like to add Guild features in, so it’s definitely a possibility if they’re taking some more inspiration from GE. :smile:

But anyway, players can use skill inside the formation, yeah? I thought players could only auto-attack haha

They should be able to, but only when the formation isn’t moving. (If the skill can be charged on the move, I would assume it’s fine.)

I’ve used a skill inside a formation which wasn’t moving before. It was Monk’s Energy Blast.

I totally agree with you!
Letting one player taking control of few players opens a huge space (in the future) for botting.
Your idea just fit perfectly and it doesn’t seems so hard to implement this engine in-game.

what if centurion doesnt restrict movements and just drops buff tiles that form a formation that follows the centurion

This is a much better idea. The number of squares affected would increase with the level of Formation, to allow easier access to Formation bonuses for party members. The lower level your Formation is, the harder it will be to stay in formation, due to the limited number of affected squares.

This also provides more options for strategy during combat, because you can work within the number of squares Centurion gives you to plan your combat in different ways, for different situations.

@NoElement I really like that point you made about botting. Centurion seemed like bot-candy already pre-wrapped and ready to suck. It is a class with tonnes of potential, but it needs some heavy changes.

Centurion was the first class that caught my interest, I still remember how good I felt when I saw it for the first time. If it really gets removed instead of slightly adjusted it shows the developers are going a route that hurts many good games. Heavily nerfing everything people say is OP or just plain removing it from the game never ends well. Instead of making everything else have good things they end up making things bad or just removing them, which makes the game stale and lose all of the skills/classes/combinations that make players play the game just to work towards them. Its better to have 100 " overpowered " classes than a couple strong things that become the meta either way. I’ve seen this in to many games I’ve played to the things me and many others plan on using, its getting tiring. I would rather have the monsters be OP than limited in fun, effective builds.

ummm regarding balances

Did you know the barbarian class used to do 10,000 auto attack damage?

Did you know Clerics used to have lvl25 skills?

Did you know only 10+ people played Quarrel Shooters?

yep, thats why we need balance,

I wouldn’t assume it is a permanent deletion from the game. There were some pretty clear problems with the class besides simple skill balance. It seemed like a potential haven for bots, and it strikes me as more than simply coincidence that Centurion was removed within the same week a bot was apparently spotted.

Most developers don’t like to waste assets. I would not be surprised to see it reintroduced for a later class rank or as a hidden class, after some heavy mechanical tweaks.