Any good centurion builds out there? whats the preffered wep?
i’m not sure if u rly want a centurionbuild right now since it has been removed and is not available in icbt2
Uhhhhhhhh What centurion?
They are most likely coming back later on as a higher rank class, but as for now it looks like Centurion will not be an available class.
I must commit seppuku now Q.Q
Is there any viable oracle build? that can make monies?
dammit i was building a centurion 2 ,the Ginyu Forces formation looked so cool
ps: do anyone know why it got deleted? was a unique class that got my attention
it got deleted due to it being kind of “useless” cause it has no function in the game yet… since there are no raids etc. u could rly profit from the centurion enough to make it a viable choice…
it will be implemented later again on a higher rank, when the game has such content to offer