Centurion is only being shifted to a higher rank, not deleted. That was stated in the KCBT FAQ. The pastebin reflects patch changes and since Centurion is removed from R6, obviously it will say Centurion is removed.
It’s not a perm remove from game. It could be put back later or move up to higher rank because they’re still in testing period. The one that will be delete/remove are character who’s centurion class. Which is not decide the delete date yet.
Yep chill there fellow centurions for I myself am looking to be a centurion too
Seems like it will indeed be just moved to a higher rank as only the CHARACTERS are going to be deleted not the CLASS
So yeah no need to panic XD
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are you seriously thinking its balance to have a lvl 25 Double punch or lvl 25 Zaibas or lvl 25 Out of Body or lvl 25 Effigy and not break the game
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your mindset is a DPS when they intended clerics as supports. and priest are all about buffs
it would have been better you took Krivis since Zaibas deals a ton of damage.
i feel like zaibas loses it’s touch rather quickly at least as an aoe skill ( with it’s giant cooldown it should be). got krivis 2 to 80 and when splash is active i have to make sure i only hit 3 enemies or so to have a chance at killing them with 1 charge. that is with a full int build.
im got a lvl83 kriv1>prist1>pally1 INT-CON zaibas without splash its damage is fine with me maybe at more higher level it might fall off. Smite from pally functions as inbetween skill while zaibas/cure/heal combo is on CD.
Are you kidding me?
That’s the perfect support healer you have there.
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DPS on a full support character?
Doesn’t seem logical to me, as you would spend any skill point on damage skills to increase the “damage per second” instead of wasting it in buffs/heal type skills.
And by the way: How unfair would it be if a Priest with all sorts of heal, buff and protection skills would be able to throw - according to your words - a nice “DPS” at you whilst you on your Archer/Swordsman/Wizard would have none of these supportive skills above?
Think about that.
brings back memories… dievs as jack, etc
but its the sappers who the rotating blades in this game
just random idea for this class to be usefull
maybe something like when u have this class then u will be allow hired npc for example fantasy star online also use this unique way for player to solo or party then the class can use the class skill more efficient. hope imc maybe just consider one of many possibilities for this class to exist
So I saw the thread title and I was all like “whaat? No way!”, then I saw the thread is from cbt2 and Necromancers have abitlities other than flesh cannon.
i was like “centurion?” i thought it was some sort of upcomign class bcuz on tos base it was there. so i thought it was added already