Tree of Savior Forum


wiz SLEEP 17 secs, ICEWALL/ICEBOLT/ICEPIKE 5secs, subzero 3secs, PILLAR
archer STONESHOT 10 secs
cleric TELEPATH 21
swordie HELM CHOPPER 2secs, KNOCKBACK 1?, IMPALER 8secs

WTF swordie cc is shorter than long-ranged cc, wiz cc skills aoe too

swordies need to get in front too to disable.

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corsair CC 19 second

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well wizard is pretty much based on cc
archer stone shot was nerfed
telepath makes the druid binded and silenced, and the teleptah victim can only be hurt by his or his partners aoe

on the other hand
if a cata or a fencer get to u, ur dead which is easy for catas bcuz their rush is super op i f it gets to u, it cant destory sz in less than a few seconds, ur basically binded, silenced and getting dmged by a lot.
dont even get me starte on corsair and squire though

Corsair hook CC yourself as well

Subzero shield + dark theurge say hi

BTW have you seen what happen when a warlock or cryo or kino get to you?

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im not saying that wizards arent op, im saying that catas are

Hint: get reflect shield, it disables all cata skills until it run out

Another hint: archer can 1 shot all cata before they can even do anything

Another hint: safety zone?

Seems like all other trees can counter cata just fine? Or am I wrong?


everyone can counter swordsman =/ even pve monsters counter swordsman

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reflect sheild does that? wow i need to roll a wizard

well anyway, im about to start making a fencer :smiley:

how is Sword>Pelt>Hop3>Fencer3?

i can use swap weapon so thats not a problem, i dont even think i will be using hop skills once i get fencer.

will finestra work on fencer skills?

No, you need spear to keep finestra buff, and you need rapier to use fencer skills. So if you want to gimp yourself by counter synergy, go ahead

will the build be viable? idc if i have to swap weapons every once in a while

plus i hate barb

You can use stabbing, pierce and spear lunge with fencer skills. Basically you use 3 ranks for 3 skills.

It would be much better to just go sword 3 pelt corsair fencer 3

When the enemy team got a Swordman everytime i cast Safe Zone they just Knockback me.

Swordmans tree got alot of Rank 2 or superior CC, Bloodletting cant protect you from Hooks, Knockbacks or Rodelero skills.

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Cryokino got a lot of Rank 1 CC, nothing new here, they’re countered via Cleric class.

From my experience playing a Plage Doctor… yeah, you still can Knockback an enemy even if they’re using bloodletting.

About Safe Zone, I dont think it works with any skill to produce Knockback, but it happens to me very often… I’ll need testing.

Well isn’t an easy class to play but they can perma CC people in TBL.

Only impale goes through SZ. If you’re getting KBed for some reason, you’re cleric-ing wrong.

More like 1 person mostly, not people, except cata rush but that’s counterable too. XD

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hmm i found this…

“If the knockback is a “side effect” of a damage skill, then it wont work because SZ blocks all damage (and thus the side effects can’t proc). However “pure” knockbacks (such as Gust) can still affect you”

Well that explains a lot.

You got a point xD

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Umbo blow or rim blow goes through safety zone too (only 1 of them, can’t remember which one).

But hey, if you let a non-cata swordman get to your face like that, you’d die anyway xD

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It’s viable but it’s too narrowed in pierce damage type, once fencer you’ll be mostly holding a spear only when unloading SpearLunge once and switch back to rapier since Fen1 already gives all the tool skill you’ll need.
You’ll also lack a proper AOE due to poor skill aoe ratio unless you’re stacked aoe ratio gear.
While weapon switching can hassle but you can chain SpearLunge>Attaq>Stabbing/Sept which is already equal to Fen2(R7) Attaq>Prep>Sept
To add up Epee stance crit dmg boost modifier only works on pierce type damage.
Better switch Hop3 to either corsair for JR and Hook, Hook>LongStride is also a great gap closer, or Squire for Repair(demn poor poor rapier durability) and Maintenance.

On topic It be great if our knock back/down skills are given collision damage attributes that can proc a short(1sec) r10 stuns.
Since Clerics has Blunt weapon free stun chance attribute, I say we get free bleed chance on slash weapons as attribute.

yeah i like corsair, how this?

idk much about swordie bcuz i only have clerics and an archer.

so idk how i should go about skill points.