Tree of Savior Forum

Cat with boots - A balance between Evasion and Damage fencer

So, my fencer build. I would appreciate any suggestions!

The main thing is that I love evading attacks. Mainly PvE but would like to have some fun in PvP as well (I know that I cannot evade magic btw).
I’ll try a 1:1 or 3:4 STR:DEX and ofc some CON.

I’ve put a level on guardian to get the attribute and tried my best balancing fencer skills to get evasion.

I saw everyone doing some nice names for builds. So I tried to find a not so boring name haha~

Thanks in advance!


i dont know exactly, but i heard heavy dex fencers were the way to go. doesnt scale well as str though…

Maybe going 2:1 STR:DEX for scale purposes and using gems for evasion?

I don’t see anything wrong with the build.
But I always stuck to spears instead of rapiers. Haha.
I guess it’ll be very dependent on how you build your stats. Some skills lack damage compared to other classes, however than can really be turned around if you had a high critical rate. I wonder how much damage “Preparation” would add if done successfully. xD

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you build is exactly like one of my builds im considering to use on iobt.
you probably want to either rush h2 for skyliner
or go pelt then high3 for the lvl 50 dungeon.

one awkward thing about this build is that even if u go 1 rapier shield/ 2h sw, the 2h sw will only be for one move: skyliner
it can be done without a weapon swap, but potential damage will be slightly weaker

Idk how much but pretty sure its a lot.

In this video a fencer is leveling and when she uses Preparation and Sept Etoiles mobs die so fast.

Also, so lovely to level with this much block and evasion.

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Well, if the situation says I should focus on killing fast, maybe I will change to 2h sword.

Using fencer skills aren’t that bad though.

personally Ied drop Esquive Toucher for Lunge.
Toucher is crap…
as well as dropping Vertical slash, it sounds like a good move on paper, but in actual testing its REALLY bad.
take this into consideration ESPECIALLY if your going for DMG

Im also unsure why everyone skips Bash, and Wagon wheel…
the AOE knockdowns are OP in pvp AND pve

this is my build.
going 1:2 STR/DEX with 1 CON every 7 levels

looks like u know what you’re doing. but why are u going high pelt high instead of high2 pelt or pelt high2? am i missing something?

i will consider dropping one point on my toucher and vs
wagon wheel might be good for knockdowns but do no scaling dmg. at most i say one point

i think i should point out here that all skills after putting one point on it, scales very bad. it doesnt increase by % but by a predetermined number, and mp costs go up too.
so especially circle 1 skills have no difference 1 point or 5 point when u are at lvl 280. except multihits like fireball and zaibas

I was thinking if i should or not skip bash xD
Maybe I’ll put just for the knock down.

Well, vertical slash isn’t that bad. it combos with skull swing and do more damage the more the enemy is debuffed (that’s what I understood).

Wagon wheel is my pain. I do think it can be useful. But i like so much the other skils… Also, do you think any player in PvP can be knocked up with just 1 point in wagon wheel? Or it can’t happen because it needs more levels?


I put on highlander on rank 2 because its easier to level in this part of the game imo.

if I put just one point on the skill, probably its just for the effect. Principally if the effect doesn’t go up with levels. An example is flanconnade, it says that raises block but idk how much… So I consider its the same through the levels.

Vertical slash gets good in the later points of the game maybe.
skull swing -> lunge -> cross slash -> vertical slash.
On a world boss with 400-600 DEF, MIGHT get some high damage with lunge debuff doubling the dmg of vertical slash…
The way I understand it, vertical slash just adds the DEF of the enemy as dmg if they are under skull swing.
So the more DEF they have, the stronger it is…
But nothing under lvl 170 has more then 200 DEF…
Your damage variance is often more then 200 dmg between your min/max so It MIGHT only be getting low dmg because there’s not enough DEF to make a difference…

But this is just a theory, I’ve yet to extensively test it

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Actually no…
Looking over this more critically, vertical slash is actually worse then bad… It’s terri-bad… (Terrible and bad)

Think about it… It’s max base dmg is 635, so if it only adds the missing DEF as damage plus 100 damage per debuff.
On current end dame conteint it’s only going to be hitting 1335 DMG (with just skull swing debuff.)
That’s Just barely stronger then cross slash and A LOT weaker then Moulinet.

And even when we get to a point where enemies have 1000 DEF that’s only 1735, which is still not much stronger then Cross Slash and still weaker then Moulinet.

And at the point where enemies start to have 1500 DEF or even 2000 DEF, that’s going to be 2735, which is finally just barely stronger then Moulinet, but weaker then the rank 6-7 skills.
And at a point where enemies would have 2k DEF the rank 6-7 skills would likely have been long since out classed by stronger ranks anyways…

That makes it REALLY bad, because it scales poorly with a minuscule stat.
You COULD get it double dmg by using lunge first, but you would still achieve higher DPS using just about anything else.

no i mean your class build order is high pelt high
why dont u rush skyliner or rush SB?

It should really add x2 the Missing DEF as DMG, that would save it really.
On current end game enemies that’s adding about 800-1200 to its 635 base + 100 per debuff would make it really feel like a real c3 skill and it would scale MUCH better that way while not being OP.
It’s still not stronger then the rank 6+ skills or Moulinet for that matter, but it’s closer to them in DMG like a c3 skill should be.

Also adding 2x the lost DEF would make it a strong option on plate armor enemies which is something that Highlander struggles against.

It’s easier to lvl with Highlander in the early game vs paltasta.
Because of carter stroke which can singlehandedly carry you through most of the early game.

Your other options is to rush Highlander c3 and get paltasta afterwards but you want swashbuckling for dungeoning in the early stages unless you have a party with someone who went paltasta


and wear a shield.

What you think of a build like that?

I picked corsair for the utility in both pvp and pve, you think it can work or a build like yours will do better?
Oh, and what is better for fencer, plate or leather armor?

Pretty sure its leather. But in some cases you could prefer using plate or even cloth(for magical defense)