Tree of Savior Forum

Best Set for PVP

Which one you guys think is better for PVP: Leather or Plate?

Do you think it depends the build?

I am think something like - sw > pestalta > hoplite c2 > corsair c2 > Shinobi
or sw> pestalta> barbarian c2> corsair c2> Shinobi


I’d drop peltasta if my intentions were only pvp.

aaand, go plate! (there’s a good reply about Leather vs Plate in swordsman from xechidna in a post about Fencers here; heres the link Cat with boots - A balance between Evasion and Damage fencer)

thank you man!

Could you explain why I should drop peltasta?

the way i see it, you’d go for a single rank in peltasta just for the sb witch is an amazing way to mob and farm both solo and in a party. In a more pvp oriented build you should aim for a rank that could improve your dps

So, what you suggest? sw 2 or highlander?

Peltasta has Guardian though

Probably, i’d go for sword 2

Barb is rank 3 man…

I need get between those 3 classes before get barb…

Plate = Def (CON build)
Leather = Eva (Dex build)

If PvP, most would likely suggest Plate due to unavoidable Magic Dmg

Not entirely sure if this would be the best pop option but I’m going shinobi as well and may take something like this

Only I’d like to get max hook but I haven’t figured out how I’d like to redo my points for it.

Critiques welcomed

Don’t you think that there’s almost no synergy between highlander and corsair? I mean, skill based damage vs autoattack

that was I thought too man.

Thanks Dragonfang

i’m going for

with leather or cloth

u can also go for

me? I wanna Shinobi lol

From what I’ve been told it should do fine, highlander works with corsair because it lowers their defense making your attacks stronger since 1h is weaker than 2h. But anything you could take before corsair has its pros and cons, I’m still weighing out which is best.

oh ok, so trade all these highlander stuf for swordsman (max restrain) or hoplite (finestra)