Tree of Savior Forum

Cash shop monetization?

With the website renewal and OBT right around the corner, I think it would be a great idea to:

  1. Announce the games cash shop, and give us some details about it.

  2. Use OBT to take suggestions from the players on improving the cash shop if need be.

Every time someone asks me for what the cash shop is like, I always have to respond that we don’t know what iToS is like, but kToS is like this, and the kToS cash shop, more importantly, the TP token sub benefits never really sit well with anyone. Can we get some specs? @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John


I’ll just drop this here:

About Bringing RNG to the Cash Shop

And this

Preparing for a Healthy Economy in the International Server

I am linking these topics because I want the ideas portrayed in them to get more exposure and attention specially with iOBT drawing up closer.

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it’s a bit old, but now that we have a more active staff…

Please keep in mind that this thread isn’t for debating about the monetization style (f2p/b2p/p2p), but the in depth details of what’s offered in the cash shop. More importantly how subscriptions will be handled, and if free players will still be locked away behind some in-game privelages such as trading.


I’m sorry if the links we’ve posted seem a tad off topic, we just think these topics encapsulate suggestions that don’t hurt keeping in mind, related to the cash shop.

No problem, I’m glad those links are there, but I don’t want this to end up being a debate thread. The more suggestions we get out there, the better.

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It’s hard to know what suggestions to make when we don’t know how they’re going to monetize it, so if IMC could share their plans that’d be great.

But I think from past threads one of the biggest gripes international users had was the limitations on trading. That and we’d probably not pay as much for cosmetic items, but to make up for the low prices there is a much larger pool of people here so you’d probably sell more units with a lower price than to just a few at a larger prices while making people feel good about their purchase rather than ripped off.

The problem with that is, when under the same publisher (example Nexon) the concern of use the same CS model on the country of origin and western market is highly possible, but since we are under the dev as publisher, and the dev itself already said they will think and are accepting suggestions for the Int version CS, we have to come up with something that is lucrative but not game breaking.
About Premium/Patron or w/e it may be called here, i am neutral, in all honesty, this kind of system can be toxic in some way if not handled right, but can become a great system if done well.

As for CS items, i still stick to cosmetics and account utilities (such as lodge upgrades, furniture (which can be acquired in-game but being a lesser version or something), hair styles, costumes and so on…), mounts (as long as it doesn’t give any stats except movement speed).

I don’t want to see cash shop in this open beta…

let’s test everything else and then you can worry about money when things get stable…

droping cash shop right now, would be like putting a bank on a small island with an active volcano

Oh I don’t mean in the beta, as in the game. I mean a post about it.

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FAQ mentions Token and you can buy TP with Steam Cash

That seems like old info since they mention 1:1 trading not being enabled and don’t even mention things like being able to reroll cubes more, still waiting on staff to shed some more light.

Yeah it’s old info. Ignore it

The main issue regarding iToS’ cash shop are the restrictions on the market and trading. If staff members could tell us whether or not this system will be brought over to the international server, it would set the tone for the acceptance of other items in the cash shop.

From what i found out they might carry it to the international server, If its not why would they have this in the FAQ? @ZemynaHell

Disheartening and making me lose my hype, but i just hope they change it later in the game.

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yea i don’t like this token thing either

Who in heavens name does? :joy:

Yeah, if they keep it just “as is”, seems to me like an indicator that all our pleas and suggestions have fallen into deaf ears… an indicator of what’s to come to iToS, if you ask me.

Some interesting updates on the GiHub Translations. 2 Hours ago:

oh geez, that doesn’t look good