Tree of Savior Forum

About F2P/B2P/P2P/P2W

In case anyone is wondering, F2P = free to play, P2P = pay to play, P2W = Pay to Win, B2P = Buy to Play

that stated, let me get started:

The current state of the game is, F2P without cash shop so far, thre WILL be a cash shop in the game, and it probably won’t be P2W

A lot of people compare this game to Ragnarok Online, i started playing ragnarok online in 2004, and stopped only this year because of ToS!

RO biggest flaws are: Full of bots/Gold Sellers and definitely pay to win

ToS can, and must, not follow this steps! and this can simply be solved with a few changes:

First, this game is on Steam, people who uses steam are likely to pay a few bucks for games, it should be B2P, but NOT with a montly fee, just a simbolic 10~20 bucks one time only

Plus this game must DEFINITELY uses steam VAC system, some people may not know, but Steam has this Valve Anti-Cheat system, that permanent ban cheaters from playing VAC-Secured games

why this? simple, with the 10~20 bucks + VAC, gold sellers will struggle to invade the game, as soon as they got caught they’ll get VAC banned and will need to create new Steam Accounts, but doing so will mean they’ll need to buy the game again, and this is not that good for their business

And if you’re under 15 years old and don’t have 20 bucks (or in case you’re in college, haha, sad life < /3 ), you can just ask your parents or someone to gift you the game, seriously, it’s not that much

P2P will also make things easier to the game to not go P2W, the Cash Shop could sell only costumes, headgears, armband and even maybe weapon-costumes, and these MUST NOT BE TRADEABLE
(LOL just sells skins – A.K.A. costumes – and look how much money they earn!!)

Costumes (cosmetics in general) should be earned in events, wich should be done regularly, so even if you don’t want to pay, you’ll still have some fashion clothes to wear (like halloween / christmas things)

“But i don’t want to buy things with real money and i want those cash shop costumes!!!”
think about it, if costumes were in fact tradeable, what would prevent some rich guys to buy 1000 costumes, sell them, and buy top-tier equipment? no matter what, cash shop items must not be tradeable, or else people will always find a way to pay to win, it’s inevitable.

With this single small changes here’s a list of things we’ll have
1 - No Gold-sellers (or at least very few)
2 - No bots (VAC bans ftw)
3 - No P2W (1 time payment just to buy the game, and no benefits from cash shop)
4 - No vip-like system (those things like, you must buy it if you want to be top-tier player)
5 - Developers will gain a lot of money from new players + costumes (wich will lead to a lot of new content)

if all these things do happen, the only thing we’ll need is a bug-free game (seems like a far away dream haha), and this game will be like the MMO Dream, and we’ll all be able to play it for years to come <3


nice suggestions, hope any staff read this

the VAC system seens really good, never heard anything about it.

It’s called B2P = Buy to Play, P2P = is commonly used on monthly subscription based games.

And I am willing to pay around 50 Dollars if I am assured that there are no P2W Items sold on the Cash Shop. And please do not put the Game on sale since that is how Gold sellers in a B2P game I play got flooded, but Gold sellers unfortunately are hard to track and pin down and takes too much resource so I would not worry about it that much as long as the game, if it thus go on the B2P market stay the same price and not go on sale since as mentioned earlier it will flood with Gold Sellers.

Vanity items only, please but not too much. We don’t want rocket ship backpacks or Cars/Trucks as mounts/pets.

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oh, thanks, i made some adjustments to the post

my bad

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i didnt know about thic VAC system, they should use it!!

Please do understand that not all games on steam are VAC enabled. And no VAC will not ban you from all steam games, you will only get banned from the game you cheated.

Here’s a list of games that are VAC enabled

Please do understand that there are 2 different VAC bans, you can be banned from a specific game, or banned from all vac-secured games

Nope. The only instances where you could get banned from multiple games is if you cheated in a Source game or a Source mod, which would result in you getting banned from all Source games and Source mods.

that’s not even the point of the topic, but i’ll change it

Lots of misguided notions in that OP. where to start…

Well lets get the easy one out of the way first. I won’t need a lot of examples for this one because basic logic will do. On gold seller. B2P is not a deterrent, even P2P is not a deterrent. Out of all the MMO’s I’ve played WoW and FFXIV have by far the most bots and gold sellers. Despite the fact they’re pay to play. The reason for this is what stops or encourages bots isn’t a pay wall (or lack there of). It’s the games community, the size of it and how much of it patrons the sellers. If a seller makes $100 off an account beforegetting banned (which would be pretty low takings) do you think they’d care if they had to drop $20 of that on a new account just to do it all over again?

As for P2W concerns, B2P doesn’t resolve that at all. B2P is just F2P with an initial buy in. It’s still dependent on the cash shop, it’s still going to use things like boosters, lock boxes, and selling power as time goes on. Hell even Guild Wars 2 and wildstar went F2P from B2P because there’s next to no difference between the two. The level of P2W in a game depends on the devs and publisher. There are pay to play games like WoW straight up selling levels, B2P games like BDO selling expensive vendables essentially allowing you to convert your real cash to game money, or ESO selling premium account memberships after going B2P and F2P path of exile that only sells cosmetics (IIRC)
The pay model gives no guarantee of anything


they can make bot/gold sellers life a lot harder if they add some chat restrictions, like u cant say something big twice or if u repeat some words you cant send the msg, if they limit megaphones uses (like 1/minute), if someone check (1-2 times/hour) the main cities and/or the global chat for gold sellers and ban, if they add a captcha - like system (to stop bots) and if they use this VAC ban system

This game needs hell lot of balancing if it wants to go B2P or any other than non F2P model. With its current state i kind of don’t want to see Open Beta before they fix many stuff and re-balance skill scaling.

no C2W ? boooo
