Tree of Savior Forum

By now GvG is useless

There are people using a hack to exploit slots by equipping weapon on them, thauma exploiting to get full con and full int for all party members and crashing GvG match when losing.


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We highly appreciate your inputs and insights regarding to Tree of Savior (We actually don’t bother your insights and inputs, we just have to do our job to ensure public see us doing our job). We will forward this problem to our proper department for further review (We will never forward any of this, our department is always taking a nap). If you do not mind it, please write down the abuse users who are acting in malicious intent (We don’t track down abusers and we dont banned them). Thank you for cooperation. (Actually we thank you if you stopped sending us tickets and such forum thread)

We highly appreciate your inputs and insights regarding to Tree of Savior. We will forward this problem to our proper department for further review. If you do not mind it, please write down the abuse users who are acting in malicious intent. Thank you for cooperation.

None of these things are happening in GVG matches.

Haven’t experienced any of this, doesn’t mean it’s not true though.

Exploiting slots

Thauma bug

And crashing channels

Yeah… Those have all been around for a while…