Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

Yeah, that’s not a bad idea, but it’s only 2 seconds without the laima haha. But I edited it yep

Well if you going to take Druid c2 I think transform is a good skill too.

watch @5.50 minute

Im trying this build too, I would like to know what kind of armor should we use from the start? you said plate is the only good one later and that we need accuracy from gloves so im assuming its plate?

also, we shouldnt really put points at SPR never? is that right?

assuming I really wanted one point in vakarine, from where do you suggest I take this point from?

Thanks a lot.


The build is of course solid - but this isn’t easy leveling.

I am pretty sure you either played in party or your mind is made you forget your early ranks.

Without the pardoner buffs I would have killed myself several times up to diev 2. Maybe orsha questline is better but klaipeda is full of flying mobs.

Autoattack for might 40 something - which of course is due to going int.

I agree… this build is not suitable for solo players unless u have buffs from pardoner… I’m currently lvl 77 using pardoner buffs… cant wait for diev2 :smiley:

Idk about that guys.

I’m currently at 134 and I had NO issues leveling up. Was quite a breeze compared to my Hoplite3 (126).

No grind AT ALL (had to grind with the Hoplite a bit at 70s) since level 1 being smart with cards.

Mostly solo (95%).

Leveling up Cure and Heal attributtes may have helped a lot (used cash from the previous char) and of course the Arde Dagger also helped a lot. But I could have leveled up without the dagger with not that many problems. Carve Attack is love. Carve Attack is life.

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@Pappus @ArtisanKing Not sure if this documentation helps but: I had no issues leveling up, and also kept ahead of the general playerbase of Klaipeda on server launch while playing strictly solo. I also did not grind at all until level 146, and moreover on top of that I skipped several quests as well as three entire maps worth of cards (two because I forgot them entirely, one because Galeed Plateau was too much effort).

The only noteworthy grouping segments I can recall are when I trio’d through Tenet Chapel (the segment roughly around level 40 right before you get Dievdirbys) and obviously grouped up for any and all dungeons. The issue was since I was pushing to keep ahead of the general playerbase I couldn’t find a group that could match my play hours so I just played solo. There were obviously while I worked my way up, no such thing as Pardoner buffs yet.

My entire journey was broadcasted.

its the killing speed too slow~ always get ksed by archers had to switch channels often to avoid them >.<

now im lvl 90 using arde dagger from my elementalist… its so much easier… :heart_eyes:

Reaching Rank 4 (around lv 79) took a bit more effort as damage was low but then I went to 90 pretty fast, got a Arde Dagger (dat luck) and its so much better to level it up now~

For this build at endgame, would a good rod be better than a blunt weapon?

Owl , Carnivory and Incinerate are all magic attacks, right?

You can use any type or armor from the start. I used cloth because a lot of the quest reward gear gave useful stats like intelligence, SP, and spirit.

Later on, by the early 200s, I switched to plate, for better resistances and higher health against much more dangerous enemies.

Spirit should be completely unnecessary. Especially with the new quest reward SP potions.

If you really want the free warp, take a point from Statue of Goddess Laima. That’d have the least impact on everything.

this thread is really helping me out. i have 2 clerics now though Q.Q
1 is cleric 2 diev 2 at lvl 82
2 is at lvl 39 with cleric 1 priest 1

guys im having doubts please help me decide =/

cleric 2 > diev 2> priest 2 > pd 1
cleric 2 > diev 3 > priest 1 > pd 1

or is there any other routes? i dont like AA chaplain and tanker pala’s
im focusing on INT / CON / SPR atm with 6:3:1 or 5:4:1
is this a bad idea? im on my 2nd run for an over all cleric support - with some buffs and dps for over all pve, pvp, gvg, et thank you for your advise in advance.

Yes and no. Because this build uses Carve, it’s still important to have a blunt weapon. What makes itemization convenient is that one of the most powerful magic attack weapons in terms of raw un-upgraded stats happens to be a blunt weapon (Catacombs Club). When we factor in upgrades, a lot of rod weapons surpasses it after several upgrades, but for a one-item wonder kind of deal a Catacombs Club at endgame will suffice for a long time considering upgrade costs.

Ultimately though yes, you’d want a strong physical attack weapon for when Carve is up, and then a highly upgraded rod during all other occasions.

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Priest C2 is kind of not so great. It’s one circle deeper for extremely mediocre gains. Priest C1 is acceptable, since Resurrection is immensely useful, especially in later content when regular mobs can kill you if you aren’t careful. Earth Tower as well is a decent example, where dying at one of the upper floors forces you to run all the way back up from the base floor, a timely task when each floor is a time attack to begin with.

If I had to choose between the two, I’d pick the second one personally.

yes. i had been following your guide aswell on my first cleric but i had to change the druid part. for me personally coz i dont have the time for boss hunting or rather pvp-centered.

where would you place your skill points though if you had been a priest rather a druid?

would it be like?

aspersion - ?
monstrance - ?
blessing - 5?
ressurection - 5?

i liked your build cuz its not soley on supporting members where you had no contribution on DPS-ing

thank you

Seems mostly abitrary, but your last 5 points can go 4 in Aspersion and 1 in Monstrance.

Hi, I watched your stream now I’m interested in using your build. I have a question though. What weapon did you use for lv 120++++? Is Toy Hammer a good weapon for this build???

I used a Sestas Mace (quest reward) until 170 where I upgraded into Istora Mace (also quest reward) and shortly afterwards a Sledgehammer (common 170 blunt). I would’ve used Valia but it was not conducive to my time to make one.

Toy Hammer is not a great weapon for this build.

so you just use quest weapon all the way up? What’s the stat for this build??

Great guide, thanks for the effort!!!

I’m lvl 66 right now and i’m having some trouble leveling, my DPS on trash mobs are low and i cant spam too much carve, heal or cure because of the SP, 5~10 skills and i already used 50% of my sp. I have 100+ INT and damage attributes lvl 10+. Any tips??
