Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

@Remiri What do you that i must pick on rank 6 after going krivis c1 diev c3 , there are 3 good options druid, cleric c2 and krivis c2 rank 7 i will go to plague doctor. Consider 3~4 hannaming gems for extra heal levels if needed

Yipes…that would be quite the farm. Also you would want to make sure they are in an end-game weapon.

Correct me if I’m wrong but if another plague doctor casts incineration on the same unit wouldn’t it overwrite your incineration?

If so wouldn’t C2 Druid be a better option for world boss build?

You can only use one gem for each skill, so you can’t get more than +1 skill lvl out of monster gems.

Thats good to know … So cant put same gem on gloves and shoes cause it wont.stack?


Im actually cleric 2 and diev 2 going for circle 3 too. But, i want the next circles focus on PVP, maybe Oracle and plague doctor?

It’s either lag (you wont see your charges disappear), or you’ve been interrupted (most likely the case)

Honestly, you can’t make blanket statements like this. It really depends on the case - if C1 of a class is worth it then so be it.

I mean, if Pardoner scrolls didn’t make entire classes worthless every serious endgame party would need a krivis basically.

@meiohjp Yes you are right. I just shared my opinion inatead of a statement (I said in my opinion).

I meant those who think about picking for example cleric1, krivis1, priest2 and then like one or 2 paladins or maybe dievs and then something on top of it. That might work as a alöaround class but I think they would still be lacking a little bit of everything too much to be viable.

Also atm the fact is that daino is scrollable which both a good and a bad thing.

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Hey, so it’s been a week since I posted this build. I think it’d be proper to give everyone an update on the state of this build, and my progression.

At the moment, level 271 with enough cards for 273, and waiting for teammates to grind out the last leg. Up to this point, it’s been pretty smooth. Grinding has been setting up fighting zones for my teammates, placing heal tiles, dropping DOTs on enemies, and keeping out of the way as necessary. With the exception of Incineration, most of my skills are charge based, and so when we’re mobbing/grouping I can’t make a huge impact since we pull in 5-10+ mobs at a time depleting charges quickly.

Granted, this would happen with Zaibas too, but it’s important to observe what kind of influence you’ll have damage-wise at this point.

Survivability is good. I’ve completed almost all of my endgame gear pre-Lolopanther, and seldom die at 22’000 HP. Many mulligans for you to have minutes of safety/invulnerability/pseudo-invulnerability from mobs.

Heads up duels matches are the same. Fairly typical, easy to win.

World bosses is the important one. In two out of maybe fifteen or so instances yesterday, I lost the DPS top six race against Burning Fire Lord and Marionette from 70% and 80% respectively (meaning this is when I joined in the fight from). This is the first time this had happened from HP thresholds this high. In both matches, I noticed that there was a certain party with a few classes that I knew would out-damage me in the long run. Later in the day, I was able to loot from Marionette with that party present as well, but there’s still concern as I still have 20 or so levels over them (meaning they still have a few job points worth of DPS skills to allocate).

I’ll update my headgears (currently 2/3 of my headgears have no enchants on them) and buy Priest buffs (which I currently don’t do) from here on out against bosses. Necroventer and Dullahan are still easy to do since I have the advantage of double damage over other classes in these fights. But as expected, some of the notoriously strong builds from the other class trees are catching up and beating me in a few instances.

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Yeah tbh, it’s bad that Pardoner can trivialize a lotta classes (the main one being Pala3’s barrier) but some skills should straight out not exist - like Daino. It’s ridiculous to impose something as unintuitive as a buff limit just so you can make a skill to counter it.

Can i know what classes outdps-ed u?

Fletcher & Warlock builds.

Now imagine if you had a support party to give you Thaumaturge, Chronomancer (dat Pass) and whatever other buffs you want.,… x:

So if other PDs used Incinerate… you will lose yours and the other Incinerate will tick for THEIR dps?

Also, Thauma2 alt here - will probably be going Thauma3 due to rarity of class and incoming buff. +145INT and +20%MATK sounds good :slight_smile:

Heal x10 (x2 charge, used 2x a minute), Cure x28 (2x a minute), Carve x5 (x3 charge, 2x a a minute?), Owl Statue x3 (x70 over 70s) (x2charge), Carnivory (x30, 2x a minute), Incineration x2 (per second, 80% uptime?).

Total of 702 hits/min of +710 MATK (Before incoming buff to Swell Brain). That’s an additional boost of 8307 DPS to the PD, over a 1minute rotation. (I did not factor in Lamia CD buffs, so this number could be much higher) Also, I did not factor in ATTRIBUTES from the PD. Up to 16,614 DPS with 100% attributes on all skills.

This and a Chrono… hmmmmmmmmmm

I am planning to take druid C7. Carnivory look sexy with 40xhits 1842dmg.
Sterea Trohf is sweet too ! And for next update It let me the choice to take Druid C3 5maybe ? :smiley:

Here’s the build :

  • one world tree + 1 laima for 100% uptime for long dungeons and we have the exact same build :persevere:

haha ! Carnivory lv5 : 117730=35310 / Carnivory lvl10 : 184240=73680

big damages incoming !

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biggest in the game :slight_smile: hope you add my suggestion of cutting one lvl of world tree and add one to laima

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