Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

Get your tank to get them near a corner. Carve the owls near a corner. That way, when they get knocked back they fly back to almost the same exact spots. It helps immensely when the tanks make them face away from owl so their frontal swipes/attacks don’t knock back owl.

Krivis C1 damage is not that bad. It is an OK alternative to Dievdirbys C3 if you strictly only care about PvE, but losing out on high Carve World Tree, Carve Owl, and even Carve Statue Goddess Ausrine is pretty harsh. The overall damage output might be higher though, especially in dynamic gameplay with mobile bosses or bosses with knockback.

The bonus damage on Karacha on it does apply to your spells.

In regards to the owl getting knocked back, if the boss is non-mobile carving the owl inside its hitbox prevents it from being knocked away. Otherwise, it’s not easy.

How much damage does 5 Zaibas do on a higher level character? I thought I was seeing only like 300-700 per tick.

About as strong as Cure, a little stronger with less hits. Lightning elemental though.

At level 5? Interesting. Thought it would do less.

The main thing about higher zaibas levels (or really, most really damaging skills in this game) is getting more hits. If you really did see someone doing that little (which sounds weird), they probably had no int, a garbage weapon and no attribute. Level 10 zaibas would boost those numbers by about 100, but would actually give it +55% total damage from the increased hit count alone.

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Also Krivis c1 would add 2 more debuffs to feed the incinerate fire, so it does have some synergy with PD.

To elaborate, think about 400 int, 900 matk, 30% zaibas attribute (which’s honestly VERY affordable), 250 enemy magic defense.

Level 5 Zaibas: 166 + INT. So (566 + 900 - 250) * 1.3 = 1580 per hit.

Zaibas and Cure scale rather well because they’re 2 of the few (only?) skills that scale with a main stat (rather than just the attack value that main stat provides, like almost every other skill).

Archer 1 starts with Oblique Shot, a 8 sp spammable skill. Archers spam Oblique Shot as a filler, because of the attribute damage bonus, except for Quarrel Shooter 3 which does auto attack 90% of the time. Unless they get a superior filler skill like Split Arrow or the Fletcher skills, they’re spamming Oblique Shot between skill cooldowns.

Oblique Shot looks exactly like auto attack except it bounces, so you can be forgiven for not realizing this.

Out of all classes, Archers are notorious for having the worst SP problems because of this. They chug SP potions regularly if they don’t want their DPS to drop hard.

The SP statue is great for Archers because it reduces the cost of Oblique Shot to 0.

still wouldnt put more then 1 point in the statue, but its a good point nonetheless. Thanks for the correction/reminder. With one point, its 6 less sp per skill (lvl 1 + divine might) Should be sufficient to help them out even if it doesnt cancel it.

From the OP and general theorycrafting, i thing the rest are better in the long run

Oblique Shot’s SP cost was reduced to six at level one, making it slightly more easily spammable.

I can’t say that in my time using it, that it was ever a major cause of SP issue or a money-sink through potions.

The only time I ever had issues with SP as an Archer was when I rolled Fletcher. I’ve inquired with Archer teammates who also were able to sustain just fine with just potions.

Its still 8, I checked just now.

The point is still that Archers (except for QS3) chug SP potions on cd, whether or not they’re Fletchers.

I guess if the people you play with don’t care about sp pot costs at all, then ignoring the sp statue is fine.

I just really liked it in pugs and I’d hate to see that dievs regularly skip it due to the advice in this thread.

Btw is it just me or does Carve get 5 hits on Small targets, 3 on Med/Large? Or is that because of AoE ratio?

Yeah my bad, I forgot Zaibas scaled with int. So yes Zaibas is good, but having just c1 seems meh. You’re sacrificing either druid or cleric c2 for that so think about the potential losses.

I was asking about sacrificing diev3 for krivis1. The shorter owl duration/world tree is the one bugging me…not sure if it is worth it for zaibas 5.

Does anyone else have a problem with the Carve Attack animation?

Sometimes I use Carve Atk and the animation goes off but there are no damage ticks and I stay frozen for a while without being able to move or usse any other attack.

Does this happen to anyone else?

It’s honestly not worth it. Zaibas 5 really isn’t that great, by the time you reach diev3 its novelty ahould have worn off.

im still running the 90/115 dg so many of them have no tanks. good to know something works for the higher lvls tho.

I also have a problem with disappearing owls right after i finish casting them. not sure if bug or i got interrupted or something

Diev already has this covered with statues’ alinments. :slight_smile:

Also kriv1 alone isnt that good IMO. I wonder why people wanna pick those class circle1’s for weak skills. For the future I really think that instead of picking a circle or 2 of everything, focusing on something is more beneficial. Then combining that with a class that functions well with he class you started going for. (Which is why I started doubting my thoughts of picking PD as the last pick for this build).

It may have it covered but auk and zal are 2 more ailments, so a potential 4 more seconds.

Zai is great at rank 5, and Daino speaks for itself. It really isn’t a bad option.