Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)


/\ Not sure if I can trust this but, is the only answerd i found.

/ Mecanic Manual, as you can see incinerate is a status.(Page 18)

I would love to see anyone who really tested it, I belive that pandemic spread incinerate, but there are basically no data around.

Bloodletting is AoE? Are you already tested it?
I mean, when i watch some PD videos, I usually saw people using it in one taget Well… maybe i didn’t notice well.

Can you explain how is it target work?
-AoE around you?
-Target AoE like muskeeter Snipe?
-AoE for any ally in “X” distance?
-AoE like the spell Cure

Ty, for the incoming answer

@archasanarrow The latter is better in terms of both, however in world bosses you’ll have to compete with other PDs overwriting your Incineration at times.

@Remiri: It’s pretty good, but Krivis C1 (and outside of Melstis, Krivis as a whole) is nearly entirely worthless in PvP, both Battle League and objective. If the choice is between Dievdirby C3 and Krivis C1, the former is the clear winner in rounded playstyle. Higher level Carve World Tree is also pretty darn good, for both zoning pressure in PvP as well as general PvE including ET.

@justinomengan: If the goal is solo grinding, you will struggle. You shouldn’t have too hard a time in just questing though? Carve flying things, magic circle ground things. I had a fine time personally playing fully solo to 146 outside of dungeons.

@ptiradentes: Pandemic did not spread Incineration when I tested on kTOS. So again, if there’s an answer, we’ll discover it naturally here separate from any documentation.

Bloodletting is AoE, I use it for me and my teammates all the time. Cast it, and nearby allies (around Divine Might area) gain the effect as well.

About your build and divine might, does divine might help you go higher then the normal lvl cap on owl, austrine and others? if not, it might be nice taking out 1 point from astrine and carve own to put 1 in Carve Vakarine and 1 more in Carve World Tree no?

I’m rerolling my cleric to go and try the same build, so, thanks for the insight on this thread so far, much appreciated. I went Cleric 2 krivis 1 sadhu 1 and sadhu felt way too clunky. Its not bad but… its too much work for what little it gives, while also making you focus on defensive buffs on yourself instead of on the party, didnt feel quite right to go int cleric that way. The diev 3 path seem much more enjoyable from what i could read so far.

OK thanks for the input, I plan to make a build similar to this but really only for world-boss killing as I already have a PVP chaplain with cleric 2 for support.

@guillaume_bergevin: Skills go up to level 20, and up to level 19 can naturally be obtained (1 Divine Might, 1 Monster Gem, 2 class weapon). Divine Might is always an improvement.

@Remiri: If the boss is stationary, Dievdirby C3 will do more. Against mobile bosses and pushback bosses (a lot of those) Zaiba should do a little better.

Any thoughts on Gems for this build?

I do have a Hanaming (Heal) and an Echad Wizard (Carve World Tree) for a while now but I’m not sure if I should socket them at later levels.

I heard we can’t sell them anymore since they disappear after unsocketing them from items.

Which are the best choices for monster gems?
Should I hope to drop one for Owl or Carve or should I use the ones I got?


Well, lets look at normal gems first before checking for skill gems:

Blue gem: Magic attack
Green Gem: Critical rate
Red gem: Maximum attack
Yellow Gem: Critical attack
Should have blue gems if its a rod, or red gems is its a mace, for carve.

Sub weapons:
Blue gem: Block rate
Green Gem: Critical rate
Red gem: Physical damage
Yellow Gem: Critical attack
I guess blue gems for block if its a shield, else, nothing seem all that good if its a dagger, so if dagger, its a good slot for a skill gem. Maybe red gem for physical attack for carve? 1 red gem there would be better for carve then 1 skill gem i guess. Carve is around 26 extra damage per lvl, so as long as a red gem is lvl 6+, you get more out of it, and it applies to auto attacks.

Blue gem: SP recovery
Green Gem: Accuracy
Red gem: Critical Attack
Yellow Gem: Block penetration
Blue gems for sp regen seem decent. Less pot chugging, else, yellow gems for block penetration to be able to land those carves is nice, else, green gems for hit rate for the same reason. All 3 are good. SP recovery might be overkill, clerics seem fine on that point.

Blue gem: Magic defense
Green Gem: Evasion
Red gem: HP recovery
Yellow Gem: HP
Mostly defensive ones, other then hp, the rest seems to lack, could be a good skill gem spot.

Top and bottom:
Blue gem: SP
Green Gem: Critical resistance
Red gem: HP
Yellow Gem: Physical defense
Red gems are good. The rest seem lacking.

So, good skill gem slots seem to be boots and top/bottom, so long as you got enough hp.

As far as gems are concerned, i don’t think skill gems for damage are worth it, since it usually only adds a bit more. Skill gems to improve duration seem much more useful since gear can’t help that. Gems should be used if its anything that somewhat scale or adds things gear can’t provide.

Heal is decent, since 1 more heal tile actually scales well. Carve world tree is also quite good. Weapons should have skill gems since extra damage on it applies to all attacks, not just that specific skill.

hope that helps.


Thanks for this awesome guide! Had two quick questions (apologize if it’s been answered already, this thread is huge lol).

  1. Would the build have a lot of adjustments if you’re only sticking to PVE? If so, what would those be?
  2. Are high ranks of Zemyna worth it while you’re leveling? I’ve only gotten to the 2nd dungeon but the biggest limiting factor is SP. Was planning on using a skill reset pot anyways, so thought this would help with the downtime/slower dps.

Thanks! Really helpful!

The thing I forgot to mention is that both Hanaming and Echad Wiz are weapon slots gems. So I can’t socket into boots or chest/pants.

Does the Red Gem really make that big of a difference on weapons?

hmm those weapon skill gems can’t go into offhand? X:

Hi veritas, what is ur stat distribution for such a build?

1: i dont think anything would change if its PvE only, since thats pretty much the purpose of the build. It has everything optimised for mobbing/boss damage. Its still good for PvP since it has plague doctor’s utility and other goodies (silence from world tree for exemple), but nothing that i see should change for PvE.

2: Early on, sp regen is a bi***, therofore, its tempting to invest in it, but from all i could gather, the AoE is kinda low, if you move too far from it, you just lost the effect since the cooldown is big, and the points there could be replaced by money in the form of potions, which makes it an unnoptimal choice.

If you got trouble with sp, try sitting once each 10 sec, to double your natural SP recovery (natural recovery each 20 sec if standing, or each 10 sec if sitting, so abuse the sitting part by using sit once each 10 sec, it helps a LOT), or putting down campfire often, which are dirt cheap.

Later on, clerics dont spam enough spells to have that much of an issue with sp recovery, so those points spent would be kinda wasted for you.

Now, looking at other classes, everyone should have their own methods of dealing with SP recovery. Utility wizards dont spam, ele wizards put their whole combo and then wait until its up again, they got time to sit down and regen from campfire, psychokino and summoners lose % of max sp from casting certain spells, and it can’t be cut with this, and archers auto attack a lot and should be fine, unless they go fletcher, where their arrows cost SP each auto attack. small amount of it each time, they are the only one benefiting form it in the long run. Anything else either dont spam or has such high cost that its gonna be insignificant anyway unless maxed, and you really don’t wanna max that just so it cost a bit less in potions.

Since its situational, if you REALLY wanna invest in it, put 1 point in Carve Zemyna by taking a point of carve or world tree, and if anything, just use divine might before it and it should be sufficient. Dont put any more points into it, cause you’ll have to sacrifice something else which is usually better and/or scales better. Before any sort of big dungeon, you’ll be moving too much to make even using it once worth it.

I’m going to assume you speak of red gem in subweapon, aka dagger.
Its not that big a difference tbh, its not something i would try to put a lot of talt/other gems to lvl a powerfull red gem for only physical damage for carve and auto attack. it helps, but its only 1 skill. Keep that in mind for when theres nothing left to do to improve your damage, its kind of a low priority.

If you were actually speaking of blue gem on main weapon:
its not that it makes THAT big a difference, its mostly that it provides magic attack, which works on ALL skills. It shouldnt matter much until you hit max lvl, which wont be there for a while yet. LvL 10 blue gem is 59 magic attack. its a really nice bonus, but dont start gemming low lvl gear for that, since unsocketing reduce the gem lvl by 1, huge downgrade. Dont unsocket for it unless its already a end-game weapon with nopossible upgrade.

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i never used one myself, but from the description, i assumed skill gems can go in anything, since i didnt see (weapon slot only), it says equipment.

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in-game description are often lacking
Hanaming Gem from this database says Weapons, Gloves… interesting
Same with Echad Wizard
Caras Wizard (Owl statue skillgem) says Weapon, Shoes
However I’m not sure where this Caras Wizard is found or if its one of those cases of a misnaming between the item drop and the actual monster’s name.


Thanks for the reply! Will def take your advice :slight_smile:

Would you recomend Krivis C1 instead of Diev3 from purely a PvE viewpoint(in terms of levelling/grinding/questing/end game? I don’t intend to participate in PvP on my Diev.

2 Zaibas charges seem to provide more damage than a higher level owl/carve attack? Or am i wrong? My Diev is at C2 now and I don’t wanna make a wrong decision =X. I had tried pming you in game but I think you were busy?

Also, I noticed you are using karacha dagger? Does the bonus damage to medium targets apply for magic spells such as Owl, Cure, Carnivory etc?

I heard if you really want krivis go c2 for 19 zaibas + aoe

I am already Diev2, cant go Krivis2 now~

kriv 1 too lack luster and diev is the best way to go dropping 1 circle is cutting your effectivness in half

Ive been playing the build. At lvl110 atm. Been a blast. But how do you deal with bosses knockbacks on owls? Everytime i carve owls the boss (mission) knocks them back making them useless