Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

thanks op

1 more question though xD
i was also planning on getting 1 carve vakarine, my plan was to use the skill on the field, then use town scroll portal, then can i use my statue from field to teleport back? haha, anyone tried it this way?

You cannot teleport back to your Statue of Goddess Vakarine. You can use a TP warp scroll to set a checkpoint at the exact spot you were at and use Vakarine to teleport back to the checkpoint quickly, though.

I don’t get it. The TOSbase build has only 21 skills at C2.

Am I missing something?


Edit: Oh nvm I’m dumb lmao. I’m suppose to save skills again to max carve and owl again, right?

What’s the aoe ratio on Owl?

Made it to lv 70 this weekend, damage is a bit low right now before Rank 4~ But thats because I’ve gotten used to archer and wizard numbers haha, definitely looking forward to those owls.

@Veritas Hi bro,

I was going for this build:

After read you review I am thinking in changing to:

*Leveling cure will make it really more effective.
*Leveling SZ will increase it block from 28~40, and this won’t make lot of diference, since you will not stand by for so long.

Not sure:
*Probably you are right by not leveling Statue of Goddess Zemyna, its just not look good.
*How good is carve? I mean… its a 400 damage skill with more 100 if it’s a plants. Since I’ll use a rod and shield for better PvP stats it will give just that damage? How do you manage to hit 4k with it??
It attack more then one time? How many? Overheart for 2 charges?
(I am even considering leveling Laima, by lack of option)

*Bloodletting level 5, you need this points in other skill and you can have it for 45/60 instead of 60/60.
*Beak Mask 1: So you can protect you and more one guy in PvP
*Pandemic 1: So you can spread stats like incinerate and others, just one level is more then enough for DG/GvG and maybe PvP.
*Fumigate 1: Look like an “second cure”, that you take just by loosing 5 secs in Bloodletting, sounds ok to me.

What do you think bro? Would like to see your opinion.

PS: Can you explain me one Druid point?

Carnivory -> Does this skill work if the ground that is not made by plant? Or in this case you have cast Chortasmata first and after that cast Carnivory and after that lure enemies to this!?

My carve is at 8 right now. On monsters without weaknesses to carve/pierce it does about 400 * 5. On Plants + Pierce weakness mopnsters I do about 1.5k per TICK 3 Charges for overheat.

You can’t spread incinerate with pandemic (based on what he said)

That being said, you have 3 scenarios for PVE:

  1. you’re fighting a mob of monsters by yourself. Your debuffs AKA Laima and World tree are AOE, so there’s no need to spread the debuffs.

  2. you’re fighting a mob of monsters with a party. The mobs will most likely die before you really get any noticeable effect from the extra debuffs on the extra 5 mobs.

  3. you’re bossing (solo/party). Who is there to spread pandemic to other than the boss?

His and my build is DPS based first. You get a lot of damage from carnivory and you also get telepath (which is useful for pvp).

What else would you get at rank 6? Most of the cleric classes are a waste of ranks if you don’t invest more than 1 circle in them (with the exception of Druid/PD/Diev).

I couldn’t understand your last question

*If incinerate can’t get pandemic. Probably using one point in this would be a waster indeed.

*So carve is 5 hits and OverHeat 3? Well… That looks a way better then i thought

*I didn’t mean that Druid woudn’t be a good choice, nothing like that. My question was about a skill mecanic, since I didn’t perfect undertood when I read.

How is the dps of this build regarding solo play/questing/grinding? is it too single target heavy but AoE kinda lack a bit? It seems really interesting but i kinda do not want to restrain myself to a build that only shins at WB and other powerful bosses.

Can you give brief explanation on which gives more damage druid 2 of PD and what are the benefits of going druid 2 and pd respective?

It’s definitely good for mobby places. One example of such is ET.

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I Like this build but druid is for DPS only. I think Oracle or pardoner can work better in pvp. Oracle have one of best pvp skill: counterspell and arcane energy can give you a good amount of SP, pardoner have 1 good damage skill can also remove controll (indulgentia) increase magick deff and increase stun/silence for 10 sec. I suppose this is best option if you are pvp focus than only 1 skill can controll enemy. You agree? (Sorry for bad english)

@Walaa: Yes, save points to max out Carve and Carve Owl again at C2 Dievdirbys.

@BlackGhost: Don’t know what the ratio is. Seems to hit everything that the animation touches, so it must be very high.

@Kalandros: Please report back to let me know your experiences!

@ptiradentes: If you will not use a Blunt weapon, then don’t bother with Carve. Fumigate 1 is unnecessary when Bloodletting will be active regardless. It looks like BlackGhost explained most of the other questions. Carnivory must be cast on a grass zone, so yes Chortasmata, or tall grass/flowers/even some trees somehow in certain maps.

@Rick-sama: Okay DPS, but far more concentrated on creating zones for your party to do quick skirmishes in. I’ll try to update the opening post some time today with a few videos on how it handles mobile grinding as a support and off-DPS.

@archasanarrow: Moot question. Plague Doctor C1 + Druid C1 > Druid C2 in terms of raw damage.

@uchiha_raiko: Yes, Oracle is a stronger PvP class overall (for the reason of Counterspell). Arcane Energy is not a very good skill though. In terms of Pardoner, Indulgentia is pointless with the existence of Bloodletting, however Increase Magic Defense is very efficient in PvP. Telepathy is very situation in Druid. Druid is mostly for PvE reasons.

Discerning evil + magick res is better than counterspell in your opinion? Discerning evil can increase silence effect and work with carve world tree?

Carve World Tree’s Silence is a permeating effect, much like Carve Statue of Goddess Laima. It has no duration for Discerning Evil to increase.

*Bloodletting is one person buff, I mean, you can find use for fumigate for a team player in PvP/GvG, don’t you think?

*Bro, are you sure that Pandemic don’t spread incinerate? Because incinerate is a Status (the only rank 3 status AaMoF).

*So no Carve and no Zemyna? It’s impossible to use all points if I just Vakarine 1.
Between all the bads, what do you suggest me to invest?

Bloodletting is not a one person buff. It applies to all teammates in a nearby area-of-effect as well.

Pandemic did not spread Incineration previously. If it does now, it’d be new to me (changes did occur from kTOS to iTOS). From referenced knowledge, it does not.

If no Carve you mind as well get Zemyna to be honest. Provide an unnecessary luxury for you and your teammates.

in ET or world bosses what do you think is better c2>d3>d2 or c2>d3>d1>pd?

  • in terms of damage
  • in terms of support

I know you mentioned that Krivis C1 is not in the focus of this build, but wouldn’t it fit nicely in the build instead of Diev C3?

The extra 2 casts of Zaibas in your rotation might be more overall damage than 5 more points in carve and owl. I guess it depends on if you ever find yourself auto-attacking in your rotation, if you do then I think it might be a better option.

Full INT Zaibas deals cure-level damage, since it has a 2 cast overheat.

hi. broko, im having with the skill rotations on mobs esp on flying monsters. its really hard lvling solo, im at lvl 82 atm. and only 60 lvl 4 cards left… i dont have friends to play with :D. maybe i should reroll to a more solo oriented class. or do you have a solution on solo grinding xD

thank you