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@alvin_swj - The ability to revive on a 30 second cooldown is far more important in late game content. There’s many forms of mitigation, but few forms of revival. I’m sure high-difficulty content will always prohibit use of Soul Crystal.
@superb - Adds a base-damage modifier of an additional 20% damage (modifiable by attributes) if your current weapon equipped is a blunt weapon. This applies to all skills and is retroactive. Applies only to plants, which you can also retroactively change with Chortasmata.
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You’re more likely to gain better overall damage with a highly reinforced rod sharpened over the 20% bonus from that passive.
hi thanks for sharing your build.
i have questions…
is full con work with this build? aiming for pvp
is carve attack gives low damage with no str build?
can you recommend what skills that I should get if i take druid c2 instead of pd (pvp focus and druid skills only haha no need to mention diev/cleric skill)
I don’t think I’ll be making a Diev in the end, the gameplay doesn’t appeal to me very much. Will definitely be using this as a reference though.
The following build is what I’m interested on trying (INT-based):
–but then I have to replace Krivis, because this build can’t really use it effectively… I only gain one decent filler ability in practice, since Zaibas requires C2 for aoe capability, and I don’t really need it considering Effigy exists. Nor do I need Daino at all. Should I go Priest1 for endgame PvM instead?
I was tempted to go Cleric3 instead of Krivis, and I’m sure you understand the temptation… but being viable for endgame dungeons’s more important to me than Cure 15, and for rank8 I already want PD for that delicious Bokor + PD synergy
- Yes.
- Gives good enough damage to level with it and to kill non-elite mobs.
- Carnivory Lv. 10, Chortasmata Lv. 7, Telepath Lv. 6, Sterea Troph Lv. 5, Shape Shifting Lv. 1, Transform Lv. 1. If you ever do transform in PvP, it’s usually very brief for something like Panto Haste before exiting the transformation and keeping the haste. Chortasmata is taken to a higher level so you have more zoning pressure with it, making it scarier to cross over for a longer amount of time.
@Naivety - Any Cleric C2 build with Priest C1 is capable of doing late endgame content. Krivis C1 is highly unnecessary in that build, and Cleric C3 is overkill for too little yield (playing one right now in a Paladin build).
Important message to all following this build, as of 06/21/16 10:15 AM, Silence does not seem to have a bearing on enemy AI and their ability to act anymore. This is more than likely a bug, and not intended. For the time being, Carve World Tree only affects other players in PvP, and that’s it.
i think carve world tree is completely useless now
waste point
@phuket_92 - I wouldn’t unskill it, just in case it’s fixed soon. But yes, as of this time, the skill has no value. Which is a problem considering how important of a skill it is at high level gameplay.
For everyone else, please bring attention to these threads posted by fellow Dievdirbys to increase visibility on the issue. Like them, post in them, whatever you want to do.
I see… yeah, I figured Krivis wasn’t adding much, dat Cure 15 though D:
Well, I guess I’ll just go Priest1 instead then. Is the build itself fine though? I wouldn’t have much use in Telepath over lv1 and Chortosmata lv8’s downtime is very brief, so I just dumped the rest of the points on Transform as filler.
How much CON is really needed for gvg? Is 20k HP enough? I’ve had recommendations of 2:3 or 1:1 INT:CON.
You probably won’t be using Deprotected Zone much, move the point into two more blocks with Safety Zone.
You probably won’t be using zombies much. They’re not that great until KR’s zombies buff.
Personally I don’t think you’ll spend that much time in the transformed state. I’d take more Telepath if PvP is your goal. But I only really like Panto Haste anyways, which has you transform for all of five seconds to cast it on yourself.
The more HP usually the better. General rule of thumb, can’t fight if you’re dead. Enough HP to survive archer burst is a good threshold. In that regard, 20K HP is not enough.
Deprotected’s there because I intend to go for PD on rank8.
I’m aware about Transform, it’s just that I’m iffy on pvp in general, if it’s going to make me miss out on that much damage. I’ll probably just make this char pvm-focused and only do pvp for fun, skipping out on gvg.
Zombies are there as filler/meat shields to draw aggro. I have heard Bwa Kayiman has very good applications in dungeons though, even with the current summon AI. But yeah, for the most part the points are there because I wouldn’t benefit from points on Hexing.
How much is enough to survive archer burst?
Transforming into things really doesn’t add that much damage. Usually for utility transformations. Spectra will be removed from possible transformations in the future, it’s already gone in kTOS.
Even as a Plague Doctor, I almost never used Deprotected Zone. There was never a reason to when there was 100% uptime on Incineration anyways with party members’ debuffs on targets.
Enough constitution to survive a Cannoneer’s burst would likely require around 25-30K HP and a Musketeer anywhere from 30-40K (which even then you may be killed from a backstab Snipe).
I know that, it’s just that I’d really barely benefit from Telepath at that point… so might as well test things and play around. I don’t expect to get anything out of it. (Spectra?)
If that’s how it is then sure I guess, I wanted to solo a bit, but by rank 7 I guess I’ll be in parties most of the time anyway.
…and wow, 30~40k? That’s too much after all, huh… at that point they might as well be the natural enemy of Clerics if they have circles on Falconer.
what!! 30k to 40k
do u guys make a dedicated toon for pvp with tons of con? Lol
thanks for reply!
another question…if i took priest, what skills should i take? lets say if i go full con…
Ressurection Lv. 5, Blessing Lv. 5, Monstrance Lv. 1, Aspersion Lv. 4.
why bless 5 not aspersion 5? is it because the damage reduction from aspersion is not good? sorry newbie here…
Better to upkeep Blessing which falls off quickly at high levels due to charges, rather than Aspersion, which falls off only on overwrite and death. Technically you only need level three Blessing, no harm in level five.