Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

Last question from me. Do you have much time to use carve on bosses/dunhrons? There is so many skills that you better cast before, I just don’t know when to cast it lol

@pozinho_baracat: I feel like roles like healer and tank can be secondary. Even if all your friends are DPS, it does not hurt if you contribute. Monsters at this level have tens or hundreds of thousands of HP. All damage helps.

@denis.oblov: Inbetween all other skills, you will have periods of time where everything is on cooldown. There is time to use Carve.

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What rotation do you recommend for this? I am rerolling wizard to cleric, so I am passing all my Int gear down and I already have an over upgraded Maga Rod ready to use until 280. I start with rod 1st for statues/cure/carnivory etc then switch to a mace for carve attacking? When I switch the weapon to mace will it affect the owl dps or is the owl damage taken into account when you craft the statue with a rod?

Gear swapping is retroactive damage changes on DOTs but not Owl. Owl creates a new entity that seems to copy your stats at the time, so changing your gear will not affect the Owl damage (this is good, they’ll continue to do high damage while you switch to a blunt weapon). Swapping does retroactively affect things like Incineration and Cure however.

For general world bossing, it’s (rod):

Divine Might
Carve Owl x2
Heal x2
Hotbar swap to (blunt)
Carve Attack x3
Hotbar swap to (rod)
Divine Might
Auto until cooldowns fall off.
Skills off cooldown (make sure Carnivory is up or about to be up if you do decide to use Chortasmata).

One quick question.
Does World Tree affect those world bosses?

What is the difference between your build and this guys build?

Hi veritas,
awesome build

Im considering between oracle and druid
what do you think about this path?
(Cleric > Cleric > Dievdirby > Dievdirby > Dievdirby > Oracle > Plague doctor)

can you share your twitch channel? thank you

@HalfEmpty: It does not.

@jeffberggold: Some different choices in skills, some different choices in stats. Recent discussions I may have influenced some alterations in his build, as seen later in the discussion (e.g. I’ve brought forth the evidence of Carve being viable with no strength in the late game). Maybe gear, attributes, etc.

@as.enfys: It lacks damage as Druid and takes a support lean. Oracle has Prophecy, which really means you can omit the five points on Bloodletting unless you really want to avoid level two debuffs in PvP or the anti-Prophecy skills like Statue of Goddess Laima. In PvE though it opens up extra points for you to play around with things like Pandemic.

I think in the general wind of things, the build orients towards DPS, and Oracle does not help that as a mitigation and utility class. It IS a good class though, and Counterspell is one of the most incredible skills in the game in both PvP and PvE. I’d even argue that instances like Battle League taking Oracle is the more powerful choice.

In regards to my Twitch, again I’m adverse to me self-promoting, but it’s not too hard to find me with a Google search using one of my handles.

Fascinating read; going down a different path, as a Monk, but I went with Dievdirbys to 2, and it was interesting getting some detailed thoughts on its mechanics. Seems a heavily underrated class just based on my personal experience, let alone someone working some legitimate magic with it like you have.

I don’t expect nearly the same effectiveness, as Monk isn’t terribly powerful and doesn’t have nearly the kind of synergy you’ve developed, but I can still take some input from this.

Is Owl influenced by your Magic Attack? I assume that if so, it does a single check at the time of construction and uses that through its duration, but I can’t check for a few hours yet, and it’ll influence my build. He put in a lot of work on the way to Monk, and I’d like to hang onto him if he can remain useful. If I can slap on a magic weapon when building him and get good damage, it’d be a huge contribution.

Also seems like you’re not too high on Zemyna. Is it not terribly useful even during PvE party play, in your experience?

Yes to both


Monk is pretty good, but as a class with few multi-hits you’re relying on these big hit cooldown skills to push maximum damage in your rotation and ideally never fall off. I really hope you’re going all the way to Monk C3 in this regard.

Owl is influenced by Magic Attack, yes, and as you wrote it records your MA at the time of construction and uses it for the duration, even after any retroactive changes to equipment afterwards. I’ve seen Diev Monks pick up Owl anyways since the damage over time is still really good from it despite not being strength based.

Zemyna is a wonderful luxury, but I chose not to raise it since my teammates and myself seldom need the reduction. It’s a skill that I feel requires high investment to get the most out of which I think the points can be better used elsewhere.

When I did have it leveled, I almost never used it, and it had no real bearing on the DPS of myself or my party.

Bitchin’. Looks like he and I are going to keep hanging out afterall. Thanks for the information.

Now all I have to do is remember to swap my weapons more often.

I figured you’d say that. Honestly, I rarely remember to use it, because I never really feel it when it does come out, but I hoped that it might grease the wheels of a party enough to justify having.

I’d say it’s not worth dumping the points into Laima, but as we know, one of the weaknesses of Dievdirbys is mobility, and reduced cooldown means more coverage.

I just wish she and Owl didn’t use the same wood.

Sorry for the stupid question, but why is Cafrisun not useful for this in early game?

Cafrisun set will add notably to your damage, if you have an Arde Dagger or can buy Pardoner buffs. I’m assuming the average person won’t have either.

Otherwise, it has nothing to capitalize on the bonus damage proc from the set. Best off just wearing gear that adds more SP, intelligence, and spirit at that point.

Ah I see Thanks!

Is it worth to keep it since I have an Arde then?

If you feel like it helps you more over miscellaneous other stats, then by all means. The four armor pieces are somewhat irrelevant before level 240 anyways, where everyone’s endgame armor pre-ET is located. You could wear whatever you want up until that point.

Hey what about krivis instead of druid? I know less damage but… Krivis c1 can compensate with support and some dps rigth?

A single circle of Krivis won’t provide anything substantial for you over Druid. Notably weaker. Daino is not important to you, because most Diev buffs go in row two (and therefore don’t count towards the buff limit).

Aukuras and Zalciai are nice for Incineration, but for world bossing it’s really easy to rely on other parties to place debuffs for you.

Krivis C3 can replace Dievdirby C3 for less world bossing potential and better grinding/mobbing potential.

Im at krivis c1 diev c2 right now it would be that bad keep going till diev c3 PD? Cleric c2 on rank 6