Tree of Savior Forum

Broken interfaces

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Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: Phirox

Character Name: All characters

Bug Description :
You cannot see the builds in the icon of each party member, being the leader of the party you cannot expel anyone.
Every time an object is crafted, the screen gets stuck and you can’t exit the crafting interface.
Every time I use the option to re-identify with the blacksmith, I can only do it 1 time and then it no longer does it, having to change the channel each time.
I hope they can solve those problems that are very tedious and annoying. Regards.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. talk NPC or use interfaces
  2. select the option for re-identification or crafting
  3. You want to do it again and it won’t let you

Please fix that which is extremely annoying and even more so if you have to do it many times as in the case of re-identification, send a ticket to support.

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Every time I use the option to re-identify with the blacksmith, I can only do it 1 time and then it no longer does it, having to change the channel each time.

my friend said he does face this problem, but i’m not. :thinking:
and this person too: Bug Report.. Item re-identify and party bug

You cannot see the builds in the icon of each party member, being the leader of the party you cannot expel anyone.

bandage: Party Window Fix