Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

God no! Level Up Games is an awful company, they can’t keep a server healthy to save their lives. Look what they did to RO and all the cash/botters that game has.

I don’t think it is a good idea splitting the game is so many servers, it makes things difficult to manage, whereas if we have a global server using Steam, we can get support and updates faster.

I’m Brazilian and I find myself having a better time and enjoying the game the most with players from other countries, not only you get to to talk and learn more about other cultures, but you have a broader range of different perspectives about the game.

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I agree with Mortari.
I add more to his:
Brazilian young people tend to be annoying, hu3hu3, spammers and sheetie overall, if you make a server only for brs, they will be filled by that kind of people, the game will be ruined in no time.

But if you have a steam global community, the game will be healthy, they will have to be polite, and grow as gamers.

See ? Everyone will be happy.

Just NO, everyone in brazil will be able to play fine in a international server.

Not Level Up Games

I would rather play in the international server than another game plubished by LUG.

Alright, so I’m jumping onto this conversation without reading all replies.

As I and a bunch of other players pointed out, LUG did, or does (I quit all of their games definitively in 2012, so I wouldn’t know for sure) a pretty bad job, basically ignoring their customer base. Not only they exploit to the maximum their cash shops at every oportunity, they don’t show interest in solving problems with trainers/macros/automation programs, which means for you to be competitive in one of their servers, you need to be really patient, or use those tools too.
But the worst offender was server stability, which was also really bad. Especially with RO, with Aegis not being known as lightweight, I suspect they used weak machines to run it without proper maintence, and this led to servers getting really unstable. There’s a lot of debate about why the latency and stability was so crappy but since they never clarified what happened OR solved the problem (AFAIK), we just concluded they’re incompetent or not interested.

Now, to the other issue. I’m favorable to regional servers, but without implementing ip-block on the international server. The reasoning for that was apparently pointed out already, still, as a reminder I’ll say that:

  • It allows people from various places around the world to befriend and play together.

  • It serves as a safety option as if our local publisher does something really bad, we can change servers. This means that we’re “voting with out wallets”, as we won’t spend time or money with them anymore. Otherwise, a lot of people would just give up, or worse, start to develop the well-known pservers.

Concerning the “hue” mindset, people pointed some important facts too. First, generally speaking, this is a issue with younger players, usually on theirs 13~17 years, that don’t respect anyone. They don’t respect you, they don’t respect me, their parents or their teachers. It’s actually a social problem we’re facing and I won’t lie, it’s getting worse. But, there’s a catch, my friends: they don’t give a sh*t about ToS. For them, it’s a game that looks crappy, even tho they spend all their free time playing Minecraft, LoL, Dota2 and CSGO, which aren’t the best looking games by a long shot. This is where, today, the majority of the “hue” players are.

What we see here in this exact thread (and in others) are players who try (and mostly succeed) to comunicate in english, trying to be constructive and not exhibiting toxic tendencies. Now, of course, it doesn’t mean that every brazilian ToS player is gonna be a chill guy who is capable to blend with an international community. For starters, the language is a barrier, most people can’t understand or write coherent english, and there’s always a jerk, even if we as a international community try to police every one of these. Ideally, we shouldn’t concern ourselves with that, but since it generates backlash to our community as a whole, that’s our only option.

Summing up, local servers for those who want local servers, and international for those who can live in an international community. Going both ways is the safest option.


After watching a few streamers, Brazil and probably SEA needs it’s own servers/publisher.

Bosses fire out attacks that will kill you in 1-2 hits and you have a split second to dodge. People from places like Brazil and SEA aren’t going to have the ping to dodge these attacks. You’re not going to be able to kill these bosses, you’re going to have to get other players to do it for you.

You might not like it, but you need your own server/publisher. The game will be practically unplayable otherwise.

Korean servers are playable in SEA. :frowning:

I think this bad idea, no more local publisher !!

What’s the link between BR and SEA publishers? I haven’t seen any people from SEA saying they want their own segregation… Please don’t say it’s a popular request when it’s not.

I’m from Singapore and my ping is medium/high but still do ok in mmorpgs. This isn’t FPS anyway… Not exactly critical yet…

Well, they can try SEA publisher if they want but NO to IP block in international TOS.

I’m from SEA and I don’t want SEA server.

I just think you want to isolate people.
Blizzard is global, yet they have servers throughout the world. If i want to play in south america i can, if i want to switch to North america i can, if i wish to play asia i can. Also, i think Hakkyu Kim won’t take that dumb step to ruin his own game by separating servers by countries. All games that sold their titles to other “publishers” had their games ruined.
I wont mention games, its not hard to find a ruined game by publisher.

What you posted is wrong.

If you’re from EU and want to play WoW on a US server, you need to buy the US version of the game. For every region you need to purchase a new version of the game from that region. There is a reason the game has regions, and it’s to keep ping low.

But hey, if you want to play on the international server with your 1000 ping, go right ahead. It doesn’t effect me when you’re lagging badly all the time and bosses are 1 shotting you with attacks you cannot avoid. But if this is what you want, I have one suggestion.

Don’t complain about it and ruin it for the rest of us. We want challenging bosses. We don’t want them being nerfed into the ground because you’re lagging so hard you can’t kill them. You asked for it, you deal with it.

You have no idea of what you are talking about do you ?
This topic is about not getting any sheetie publisher, and not splitting the community.
SA and SEA community are the biggest and they should “give them love”.

If you want to play on the international server, you will play with extreme lag. Is this a concept you find hard to understand?

This lag is going to get you killed by bosses a lot. Not only are you going to lag, but everyone else is going to get ahead of you because you can’t kill stuff. Then later on, when it comes time to party with people, they’re going to avoid you because bosses keep killing you and you’re slowing them down.

If you want this, play on the international server. But don’t expect any love from other people playing the game.

You are strongly mistaken “friend”.
I play since i heard of internet on international servers.
My ping is always at max 120-220ms.
Not bad, nothing to complain, but people like you, gee, like to have exclusively servers for “english only” mimimi.
I hope we all get togheter, and have alot of spanish, portugese, french, japanese, koreans, chinese altogether.

Seriously, 1000ping? I have no idea where u got your weird ideas from but there’s no such thing as a 1000ping from SEA (loooool), unless there’s a problem with the ISP which is of no server concern…

Dont worry your petty face about these laggy (1000ping lol) people playing and ruining the game… Sorry i just cant stop laughing… Havent seen a 1000ping SEA player yet… Lol

I respect some opinions, but let me state some things as a south american:

  • our ping is usually around the same as europeans.
  • we can buy a pt-br version of blizzard games but we still play with NA in the “Americas” Region for most games.
  • I always played on international ro servers, and it’s the mmo I played the most. I had to kite all the time (hunter->sniper) and didn’t have problems.
  • Almost all the br’s I saw in the international servers were more mature people talking in english and playing with people from all the countries. It was actually a surprise when we said we were brazilians, the good ones aren’t recognized and its easy to think all of us are “trolls”. We don’t go ingame saying “brazil”, we don’t talk in portuguese nor we ask for itens. We play the game and try to make friends.
  • LUG was the publisher for RO but we could play the international version anyway. If this works this way, I’m fine. Many kids will just play the br version, that’s what usually happens.
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Man, I love you, you made everything I wanted to say crystal clear the best explanation I’ve seen here ^^/

either way i’ll find a vpn and play international server, just because i can’t play with my fellow brazilians kek

Basically what he said:

1- “There’s a lot of hue players between us, of course. But don’t generalize, not all brazilians are trolls that doens’t know how to behave in a civilized society.”

I agree. It’s not all brazilians that has this comportament, just those teenagers in the typical rebelious phase that think they own their nose. And it’s not just here in Brazil, it’s the same in all of the world. But do not worry, I doubt that this children will close their CS:GO, Tera, LoL, DOTA, GTA V. The Witcher 3 or other shitty Steam game that are 10 graphics 0 story to play ToS. I already confirmed this fact with my huehue brother.

2- “To go against brazilian hue players, if they appear, we should have a system to report them, and if they’re reported by a lot of players, they’ll be banned for a time, or even permanently.”

Yes, a report system should be part of any online game. The game shouldn’t be made only of a development team, but a team too control the players too. And this would be their work. IP Block is just a shortcut that discriminates an entire country because of some children to facilitate this work.

3- “A brazilian server is a really good idea, as it’ll resolve our problem with high ping. But don’t give ToS to Level Up!, since they are a horrible publisher that don’t care for their games, turning them into pay2win or don’t doing anything about bots and cheaters/hackers.”

Again agree, but this is a big problem. Brazil doesn’t has ANY good publisher. They all turn the games into pay2win and don’t care if there are bots and hackers in-game. They just leave the server open and do everything possible to earn as much as they can. So… well, I don’t think we have a sollution for this.