Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

Why is racism the default response when we’re not talking about some sort of prejucide based on nothing? The events described are very frequent and practically a wide phenomenon any MMO player is aware of now, there’s no racism involved as much as just precautions for something practically guaranteed to happen on ToS as well if not prevented.

MeteorD don’t waste your time dude, these people just want someone to argue with, no matter what you say xD

I’m brazilian and i agree with you by the most part if not entirely, i’ve seen many situations described in this topic happen in front of my very eyes.

Yes there are some role model players in our country but, and hurts my soul to say this, most brazilian players are a pain in the ass. Even some of my best friends behave badly despite my constant efforts to make them at least good players.

The solution is quite simple and if i’m not mistaken someone already said it.

Bring on a local server but don’t ipblock us from the international servers. Those who can’t comunicate in english or for some reason end up not liking iToS or just want to play with brazilians, can just go to our servers and be happy and those who want to engage in a global scenario play iToS.


yeah thats right, so many people new, even some with multiple characters (accounts)

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As a brazilian I agree that we need a publisher here, but PLEASE NOT LEVEL UP GAMES! They’ve been doing very bad job with RO here, really spoiled the game. There must be another publisher to do this job here.


I’m all for a local publisher, couldnt agree more about how brazilians are a pain to work with. But please dont try to sell the IP block bullshit is good, cause it isn’t. Let people decide for themselves where they’d like to play.


start singing

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Why always you have to show these people clueless.

Well i really want a TOS SEA server i hope that they do make it BoP so we can have less of those disrespectfull Pinoy’s . I myself is a filipino and i too am sick of all the harasment i get whether im carrying my team or feeding cause its my 1st time to play a character the TT is real. # Dota 2 , LoL and almost every game on PH.

Also i do agree with this. I dont want TOS to go to Levelup games due to the fact that they have published to many games here but the server just get shutdown after a year or even months. probly around 3-4 games have been shutdown on level up games same with E - Games here in the PH

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If this isn’t trolling I don’t know what you’re doing. As a brazilian player we hate LUPGames for what they done to Ragnarok Online and if you guys ever want to do it, why region lock? Region lock is the worst thing you can do. I would love a BR server, but if I started playing on a Internacional server and then I would lose my time and money cuz of region lock? So unfair. Keep it clean.


for gods sake, NOT LEVEL UP GAMES! :sob:
i believe OnGame would be a good one


I suggest Cherry Credits? they seem to have done a good job on DN




SEA players are gonna get triggered

Tbh Asiasoft and playpark is japan. they seem to be blocking PH to go into there servers. T_T. So i cant judge them since i have never played on there servers.

Is this a troll thread?


you should look up at my posts, I was complete sure it was, but then people played the discrimination card, so yeah, I am out of it now.


This thread is a pretty sweet candy way of saying “We want no BR/SEA players on the INTERNATIONAL server!”

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What? Level Up Games? No, thanks, I prefer to play in International, If they don’t ip block us and force to play in their servers like they do in all games.

I am a SEA player and i find this very Racist. :expressionless: