Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

well I would like to point out, that the community of lol/dota or maybe even general most moba are different and thinking it will be the same with tos (which didnt even start to make one) is bit harsh, not?

@Ichizomi where have you been, I was already wondering why I was writing this all about “brazil player did not seem to like publisher”


It’s literally not though. Nobody is afraid of playing with BRs, but it’s become very evident throughout several MMOs that the demographic for these games in Brazil have a very disruptive effect on international audiences. This isn’t something unpresedented, trying to deny it is just lying when it’s practically become common knowledge for anyone who’s been playing for at least a few months.

Xenophobia would imply that there was some sort of fear or hatred towards that group, but there is no such thing. If that was the case then they would be barred entirely from playing, but nobody is requesting such a thing. The only thing people want is for them to have their own server that won’t actively ruin the enjoyment for the rest of the international audience.

Exercising freedom is fine, but when it’s bringing problems for other individuals then there is obviously a problem. You’ll still be able to play the game fine, with less ping even. The only things you’re missing out on is the ability to play with a global audience and recieving certain service issues. While the first one is sad in it’s own right, it’s the only real viable solution for the problem presented. The second issue can admittedly be problematic, especially with how prominent LUG are, but it doesn’t make the game outright unplayable. If the problems were too major then they would simply not profit off it to begin with since it would’ve lost it’s appeal right? Complaining while in such a position without concern for the rest of the players is, like I said before, selfish. If LUG is too much of an issue, then it’s up to the brazilian playerbase to actively express their interest for certain other publishers in order to garner their attention.

You’ve simply presented no arguments or solutions to what many consider a problem while calling the counterarguments xenophobic. Honestly the only “fear” in question has a very concrete foundation set from many players experiences in MMOs throughout the years. Disregarding them is like ignoring the players entirely for your own gain. It’s sad to see how many BR players don’t accept this fact, but I do commend the ones that do. It’s not easy to accept a few bad terms for the better of the overall playerbase.

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What do you want to say with that picture?

@MeteorD: I somewhat agree with what you said.
I really think that most people are okay with playing together with people from other parts of the world (even if they are BR - lol). The only thing that bugs me is when… Let’s say we’re in an English localized server of a game, and suddenly the Global / Channel / Market chat is populated (and sometimes spammed) with commentaries in a different language, while this applies to any non-English language/country a lot of BR’s tend to do that. This is the only situation where I think we’re annoying the standard player base. But overall most people are friendly to foreign people in games, provide that they can communicate in the same language.
But this is a international CBT, we should not worry with language barriers at this time, it just a test. And even if a international server is a future thing. IMC_Games can easily implement different chat channels for different languages, something like: Map(EN), Map(BR), Market(EN), Market(BR). You got the idea. As long as players respect each others, and try to reason and communicate the way they can. I see no problem in a server with people from all around the globe.

Also, the only problem with LUG is that they value their profit too much, this always lead to cash shops that break the balance of the game. Not counting any issue with bots that contribute to an unhealthy economy. Yes, the server would work in the beginning but overtime it would decay, rotting with all those problems, as any of their games do eventually. People would still play, but they could be happier : ( For now, I don’t really know if we have a worthy publisher, here in Brazil, for a local server.

@Yourtime: Hey, it’s been a long time. . The forum has grown so much since then, it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with all those topics.


NOOOO, Level up games NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, this company ruins every game.
I am brazzilian and say, most of brazzilians are trolls, few are the exception.
The example of this are League of Legends, the brazzilian players are the most toxic as possible.
But,i dont agree with the idea of block all the players by the Brazil. A severe penalty policy solves the problem.
Everyone deserve a chance.


Want a solution for such a banal problem? Ok.
“Don’t feed the trolls.”
It’s an old rule of the internet, some of us just know better I guess.

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Haha, oh man that is the most ridiculous argument I’ve heard. Yeah, that would totally solve all the issues presented right? Just tell IMC to make a forum sticky that says “Don’t feed the trolls” and no players would have their enjoyment disrupted by BRs, what a brilliant idea. Seriously though, you can’t this is a viable solution that could even be executed in the first place.

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If you’re talking about how we usually identify ourselves in forums or message boards like “I’m from Brazil and…”, it’s because we think it’s important to state where we are writing from.

But if you’re talking about in-game statments that come out of nowhere like: “BRASIL!” and things of the sort, you were probably talking to one of the INfamous trolls out there. Many of them don’t mean any harm, actually some doesn’t even understand english and think that might be fun to shout anything that people might understand. Sadly, this behavior made us look bad around the world hahaha.

““Don’t feed the trolls” and no players would have their enjoyment disrupted by BRs, what a brilliant idea.”
That’s xenophobia right there, you are assuming that brazilians and only brazilians disrupt the enjoyment of people and your solution is to segregate them from the rest like every brazilian player is the same. Do you even have proof that all these “disruptors” are in fact brazilian? It’s easy to type Brasil HUEHUEHUE, you don’t have to be born brazilian.

You would make a good confederate general though you are a few years off… sorry :frowning:

Oh yeah and one more thing: FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS amIrite?


Level Up Games! = asking for IMC to kill ToS in our area, great job!


Please don’t. Anything but LUG -.-’ Anyway I’ll just play the International Server if LUG is the publisher


Allright, what about this:

In Brazil, we’ve got no good publishers, that’s a fact. But let’s look at World of Warcraft (Blizzard) and League of Legends (Riot Games). Those games came to Brazil by themselves. No publishers whatsoever… and you can’t se a difference between BR servers to other countries’ in terms of BOTs, cash shop etc.

So I strongly suggest that IMC Games, if wants to bring TOS to Brazil, to come by itself.

I’m not even touching the subject “toxic brazilians” because toxic people are EVERYWHERE and segregation is no solution at all.


He’s never implied every BR player is the same, just that there are a lot of Brazilian players that either can’t or refuse to speak english in International servers. Skyforge is a pretty good, recent example of this. The servers were flooded with Brazilians a couple of days ago and they would just spam region chats in portuguese and insult anyone who asked them to speak english, even though it was very clear most of them could. They REFUSED to out of spite, because apparently it’s ok to ruin a game for other people as long as you’re having fun.

You don’t want to get punished for something you didn’t do(getting a local server isn’t really punishment but whatever), I get it, but this isn’t xenophobia, it’s reality.


Like the Pandaren Taran Zhu once said:

“Every reprisal is itself an act of aggression, and every act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal.”

One must break this cycle for things to be resolved yet none of the parties do.

And about punishment, wasn’t I punished when Maplestory was cancelled by Level up games? I can’t play Maplestory anymore because Global Maple Story is IP Blocked to me, I was denied a game for this pettyness.


I believe that most Brazilians want to play on the official server!
not like the Level Up Games.


For the love of God, indeed there are Brazilians that like to play on local server but there are those (like me) who prefer to play on international or ever Korean/Japan servers.
If you want to promote a local publisher it’s ok but don’t ip-block the NA servers, the latency difference isn’t that great to start with.
And since steam is involved I believe that just opening a server in Portuguese will do, with u want to play on the Portuguese serve do it and if you want to play at an English go for it.

Most the Brazilians that prefer to play at the local server is because they don’t know English so it will be fine for everyone


I’d like to play in BR servers because of the ping. I just can’t stand more than 150ms.

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A game dying and then being cancelled isn’t punishment. Also, you can hardly blame people for resenting BRs after what happened to a few WoW servers, Tibia and a bunch of other games.

You keep spouting “xenophobia” as if it’s some sort of actual argument when the situations that I described is incredibly common. Ask absolutely any long-time MMO player and they’ll tell you that BRs are very disruptive players in general. Yes, this does not go for every player, but the entire server is heavily affected by the ones that do. “First world problems” isn’t an argument either.

You keep handwaving this behavior as “no big deal” because you personally are affected by Brazil having it’s own publisher. It’s incredibly selfish behavior that benefits you and nobody else, while telling the rest of the international playerbase to just learn to deal with it. Well we’ve seen what happens when players just “deal with it”, and the result is servers being entirely unappealing to new players who aren’t BRs because of how they act.

To keep it short; You are both willfully ignorant and selfish with your reasoning.

Levelup sux way too much.
And international server probably wont have region lock, since its INTERNATIONAL, from what they do on other games its for players outside korea.
Theres shitty people/players in every country, even in your beloved USA, so stop this racism.
Get out of your magic bubble and you will see it.

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