Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

When I was in Iro month ago everyone talking about Chinese, Singapore, philippines,Indonesia and Brazil language. There was few fluent english speaking players. It was little bit hard to communicate with people but the community was pretty darn good at least.

Singapore, philippines

these 2 countries are perfectly fluent in english, though pinoys just dont want to. just look at philippine websites its all in english.

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YES AWESOME IDEA! Let’s separate everyone in their own corners so no one ever will need to interact with anyone different and learn about different cultures and even have lasting friendships! Because XENOPHOBIA right? There are no american trolls, no europeans ask for gold or call your mom names right?

Why try and bridge the physical and cultural border of the world?

Why advocate to people to interact?

Why do it if we can all have our little echo chamber with like minded patriots for the best country there is… (Insert your Country here.)

The internet gave us a precious gift and you self-entitled children spit on it, congratulations.


Yeah and most of my friend where from Singapore. No wonder why some people talked good english.

My friend’s dad has a Filipino wife (in Australia), more and more of her family has come over to live with them, they say her & family has taken over everything now.
Their house is basically Philippines XD

LEVEL UP NO! this a bad idea!!! it can ruin any game! any other publisher least that!

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People wouldn’t have a need to spit on it if it didn’t directly ruin their experiences, which evidently several have gone through.

Singapore’s primary language is English

Did I do it? Do I deserve to be thrown outside because somebody that was born inside the same imaginary border?


They were Chinese who lived in Singapore but Yeah u are right.

Not really, but when it’s clearly a very common issue, completely ignoring it when there is a far more viable method is ridiculous. You can’t just pull the xenophobia card when that’s clearly not what it is, nobody dislikes them just because of them being BR; people dislike them because of how they most frequently act. If you’re honestly going to pretend like this isn’t a common occurence then you’re either being delusional or very selfish without consideration for the rest of the international server.

Well, as a BR myself I think I have the right to speak here.
You see, I’m not really against having our own publisher and play with other BRs, but… I don’t know, I really like the idea of playing with people from other countries, to me, this is why MMOs are so fun, you can meet people from every corner of the world, make friends with them, etc. But yeah, I do recognize that BRs attitudes towards other players on international servers are (a lot of times) no good, and that’s a shame. Still, I’d like to play with foreigners, I think we could build a nice environment for everyone.
Now, changing the subject, some people here suggested “Level Up! Games” as the BR publisher… I don’t think it’s really a good idea. I mean… I would still play if they’re chosen but I think that we should search for other options.


Level UP just doen’st care about hacker/micro/etc… and tend to turn everything in a p2w game, they have good servers, but only, I don’t want LuG as a publisher, and I’m sure many others doesn’t want it too


So… you want greedy SEA publishers to region lock the sh-t out of us here in SEA so they can milk us out and you have all the fun? Nope.

Nope, we just said that, if we (BRs) must have a publisher of our own, it should be some other than LUG, that’s all!

That’s the definition of xenophobia my friend…

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a good suggestion, more " LevelupGames" is much as we can say capitalists.

I couldn’t disagree more with this topic. We (Brazilians) clearly don’t have a capable publisher to host this game. Specially Level Up Games (BR)! They would just destroy the game economy with their stupid designed cash shop, you can easily watch their other games as example. Their incompetence with security would easily allow for a BOT infestation. And on the release days you won’t even be able to connect to the server.
Even if IMC_Games restrict via contract their ability to change the cash shop, the server would still suck with all those problems. On a national level, we might have grown up “used” to those problems, but they’re in truth completely unacceptable in international standards.
We are already walking in the right path, STEAM RELEASE. This can’t go wrong. I personally won’t mind playing with slight delay (or even a big delay) provide that the International server is balanced and safe from hacks. Even if there was a national server I would always try to play in the international one, it’s always BETTER.
Plus, if you have a language barrier, the way ToS was designed allows you to easily change your language to “PT-BR” while playing on the International server.

TL;DR No LevelUpGames, just no!


By your experiences I assume that you never even gave a chance to a Brazilian. I’ve been playing in international servers for long time and in many games. I must admit that a lot of the toxic players come from Brazil indeed. But I’ve always been a good player, and I have also met a lot of other Brazilian players that are also role model players, the times are changing and the number of toxic players is decreasing not only in Brazil, but all over the world. I think you shouldn’t judge all of us, because of your previous experiences.
I know you’ll probably keep you opinion and I don’t blame you for that, but I just wanted to tell you this.
Hope you have a good gaming experience with Tos. And let me apologize for any harm that you suffered on Brazillian hands in the past.


Couldn’t agree more!

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