Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

Brazil should get their own publisher, the only experiences I’ve ever had with Brazilians are bad ones, trolls out to make my gaming experience terrible, people refusing to type in the appropriate languages in language restricted areas, specially English dedicated chats being spammed with foreign words.

Never have I encountered a good brazilian, now you can call me racist if you’re that stupid, or you can take it as it is, which is me having never encountered a brazilian that is in any way kind.

what does the SEA region have anything to do with Brazilians though?

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It’s a typo mate, though thanks for pointing it out, it’s rather sad that you would pick that out of all things to comment on.

Is it possible to make separate channels for each region? Would be great for people who move back and forth, like me :smile:

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I wasn’t really picking on it. I was just confused why you mentioned SEA when talking about Brazilians? And honestly, I have no experience playing with Brazilians so I can’t really comment anything about it. Unless I didn’t know they were from Brazil. O.o

Yes for Brazil! NUUU for SEA! Sea server just doesnt work, people speak their own native language there… I believe there are enough role models showing how poor the Sea publishers live up to their games.

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how can you decide for brazil players, you arent living there, right? (well you said you are from singapore)

if the thread is just a single point serious, could we please split it into 2 threads (for sea and brazil) i mean, what the hell has sea to do with brazil or the opposite, thats like EU is saying , NA wants P2W.


jump in to any BIG MMO and c how the people love HUEHUEHUE JAJAJA ?

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in SEA servers chat are like

555 - thailand version of ‘lol/hehehe/kekeke’

english la - ‘la’ suffix used by singaporeans and some indonesians

pota - common pinoy insult

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ (thai or chinese fonts you haven’t installed)

i guess european servers are like this aswell


if we talk about these things, then there is only one thing I really dont like (some question to get something and then add) “pls”/“plz”. please is a form to be polite and official hope to get help, making it short is like “hey skip the polite trash, just give it me”

I have seen many russian players like to use ))) for laughing/smile, but I still dont understand why, where is the connection

I’m a brazilian and a really don’t want LevelUP Games as our publisher, but I strongly agree that we could have have our own server, speaking our own language(since I don’t speak english very well), sometimes the community ins’t that good, but is its better to have our own place with a better ping ^^

I agree with you and all, except for one point.
Level Up Games man?!?!?! Are you out of your mind? Their games are all packed with bots and cheaters they don’t take care of anything after releasing the damn game.


I had many and still have many Russian friends… so I do know they use))))))))) and it’s really simple XD

Look at this smiley “:)” Now you know how some people use :)))))) right? XD so they just remove the : which is kind of weird… and mostly stick it to the end of the sentence

Why do they all use it? Probably a group of people made it up and it spread just like how Japanese people use their special emojis like (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) and how American/European people use XD X3 :3 and similar stuff

Oh there is also(((((( when you’re sad </3

yeah, exactly, I know that I have a work mate from white russia and he is actually also using it, but saying he dont know why he is not using the : before the )))

well i understand that fully and actually thought that the general opinion was for the most player (but also for the brazil part) “dont want have publishers”

Dota 2 is called Suka 2 thats how many Russians we get.

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maybe imc could publish a brazilian server? I dont know who owns the servers which will be used for the international “region”, but as many companies have servers here too, and if br community is really one of the biggest in ToS, maybe they could do it with the same company as the international one?

As a fellow SEA player, I would say no to Asiasoft as well. There have been numerous problems that occurred playing with Asiasoft. One in particular was the region lock feature in which if as a Malaysian, I travelled abroad… I wouldn’t have access to the game.

Having it remain with Steam would give us a better opportunity to find new friends internationally and play in guilds that are constantly active.

So please… No to regional publishers. Thanks.

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Ofc we Brazilians want a publisher for us, im just saying i really hope isnt LUG due their lack of adminstration in game, games like Ragnarok were ruined by the amount of bots and hackers, and they wouldnt do anything about it, i mean you could log in now and see an army of bots lol, there’s like no GM at all working on it. In these type of games you can avoid the troll players b/c you’re not forced to play with them, the ping and language would help alot of players who cant have a full experience by not been able to fully understand what is going on.

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not to offend but brazilians or other people should be happy that this is released internationally. Having a separate server is not the solution. if the problem is language barrier, this game has a language pack for most gamers.

also I’m from SEA, however base from my experience. having a SEA server of a game doesn’t change anything (except culture events of course). since most people you play with talks in English.

I just want to remind everybody that even though Cultures are important and all. but in virtual world. gamers are gamers! we live on a different world. Nuff said

This post is offtopic but I just wonder why brazilian always shout “i’m from Brazil”?