Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

Yeah, I hope there is some kind of acc transfer aswell, since it’ll take a while til we get a publisher of some sort in here(brazil).

So… Im brazilian, played RO for about 6 years (brazilian, international and asian servers), and have played many, many international servers and several MMOs. And with this experience I can point some things:

  1. Brazilians that play on international servers usually know how to write/speak english at least a little bit, and are commonly polite and more mature (and older as well). Its also actually hard to find other brazilians in international servers, since we don’t really want to be recognized because of discrimation and xenohobia (which we have no one but ourselves to blame… Yayyyy?? ). You probably played with a lot of us and have absolutely no idea.
  2. Our lag to servers hosted in USA isn’t bad. I played Guild Wars 2 PvP, Wildstar and FFXIV, all of which have fast paced action and reaction times without any major problems… Okay, I admit some fights were a bit harder then what they should have been, but nothing game breaking. With good tunneling my ping from Sao Paulo to Texas was at 120ms, nowhere near 1000ms that was written by some lunatic on this forum post at some point. European servers however do have higher lag (200ms ~ 300ms), and asian servers are usually not playable (> 400ms in black desert for example). From what I’ve seen however, ToS doesn’t seems like the kinda of game that punishes latency that much (at least nowhere near FFXIV or Wildstar RAIDs)
  3. Brazilian publishers sucks. All of them. Level UP is a big NOPE for everyone who has tried any of their games.
  4. I don’t believe there will be many jerks playing ToS, because its actually a retro game, tailored for gamers who have played RO and similar games a long time ago. It won’t actually appeal to newer players that had their first experience with MMOs through WoW or newer 3D MMOs. Its rare to find players that have jobs or families of their own trolling or doing HueHue stuff.
  5. Mainly because of reason no. #4, I wouldn’t mind playing only with other BRs, however I do like to interact with people from around the globe and talk about cultural diferences, gather on team speak to get to know new people, or just hang around in guild chat. If given the option I would rather play with other countries in a MMO for a broader game experience.
  6. Even without any publishers it is possible to create SA Servers. We have available all Amazon cloud services here, so it shouldn’t be hard or even expensive to do so. Our infrastructure costs are about 50% higher in comparison to USA, but servers aren’t that expensive nowadays ( Im a software engineer and I do manage several servers as a living, so its not a supposition ).
  7. People who want to block entire countries from playing together are so narrow minded that they themselves should not be playing in an international server, and instead just play on a local, only server.

A huge amount of people are looking for a local server to play it here in Brazil. I don’t care if it will be “Level Up” publishing or steam amazon cloud…Personally I prefer a local publisher with a Brazilian only community, but I have no problem playing it internationally too. Your “big nope” about Level Up is not entirely true, you just can check it at Brazilians Facebook’s communities where we have a really merged opinion about this matter. It is always good to have a couple of options to chose. IP block never used to be a problem playing international games, as we can always use tunnelling services, paying 20 bucks a year and having a better quality connection and better latency.

Goodluck using VPN through steam.(assuming it’ll be playable from there)

And I personally dislike level up for their generic responses to everything and never updating their website. They only have my respect for sending a GM when I needed(and that’s a +1 for them, but their negative points are still way higher, at least with me)

Okay, IP block isn’t such a big issue, but region block is. And you can do region block in a number of ways besides IP block . Black Desert for example needs a SSN/CPF like document and a valid Korean phone number. You could also block it by requesting a local credit card, and its pretty hard to bypass and downright illegal (counterfeiting documents isn’t something I would be comfortable doing). You could also be permanently banned from the game depending on how aggressive the publisher strategy is about IP tunnelling and region block.

About my big nope to Level Up, half of my problem with them was from bad water in past games where they did not support it at a reasonable level and cash exploited them, which was mostly the reason a few games of theirs shut down while still very popular. And the other half, and this is just me speculating since there aren’t many news about, I believe Kim left the staff of in the first place because he lost the creative freedom to make the game he wanted and instead had to do the game the publishers wanted. So I would like to see and experience what would happen with a self published game, at least in some regions of the world.

I didn’t hear a word about any TOS region lock or anything like this. What everyone says: IP block. I really can’t see any clue between Kim leaving Gravity and Level Up or any publisher in the world. You could start a new world conspiracy theory! lol. About too many hacks,bots and exploits, you should blame our community first. About op cash shop you should blame Gravity or the game developer first. In these lasts two points I really hope for a better professional action too… They must listen our complaints or the game will fail. I still believe that a local publisher and a local community are the best option. I just want to avoid the international environment as long as possible (first for the latency issue second for the lolhaters) and LUG seems to be the way.

A maioria dos brasileiros concorda que a lug quer apenas dinheiro! Isso e um fato, se a empresa “tos” se preocupa com a comunidade brasielira certamente ira dar uma olhada para esse ponto! Sobre, discriminação internacional isso e normal rs!

  • agora que eu concordo que os “brs” jogam qualquer mmo ao extremo eu concordo , brasileiros costumam tentar tudo dentro de um game ( bots, bugs e etc ) .
  • outro ponto é que a comunidade brasileira e tão grande que merece sim um servidor próprio.

No, I’ll be fine with the main servers, as a Brazilian.

“Level Up! Games” is death, unfortunately.

Ugh… again with this thread :frowning:

Please, do NOT block IP from Brazilian players. :frowning: Even if the game is coming to Brazil.

Our publishers, one day, were concerned about players. I don’t know if today there is a publisher able do manage a game like ToS and do not transform it in caos, boring, and even a lagging game (Our RO in Brazil dropped once every 1 minute, even though IT WAS LOCATED IN BRAZIL).

It is pretty hard to admit, but many times, playing on an international server is the best option :confused:


Even though i’m not Brazilian, I hope you guys get the international version and us getting to play with you someday. I heard many bad things about the publishers down in Brazil. :confused:


Level Up Games? No, please! ):

I dont see a reason to have other publishers, they can host the servers themselves using the amazon cloud or other cloud services in many countries around the world.

The need for publishers for that sort of thing is mostly a thing of the past.

Of course if they did have other language/location servers (which I believe they already plan to) then they will have to hire some GM’s who can speak that language and help with support during those timezones.

level up! will just ruin the game.As soon as they open the servers it will be flooded with hackers/bots and whatnot, and they will do nothing about it.
Not to mention the lag spikes because of horrible server maintenance.

And you won’t even be able to play on the internation server because level up will demand it to be IP blocked.

So, no thanks, I’d rather play the game in english.

Puto fore ut salubres tos Brasiliensium histriones ludere possint facilius alios loquentes de finibus suis et lingua eorum ad humanum . Quantum EGO suadeo publisher electiones Level Up Games .

Ad " regione densis " de ips prohibet quod in servo pro accessu internationalis elit , eleifend, Mexico , etc. etiam perficiatur.

Partibus ad omnia utilis est , et intus et Brasilia nisl ludus melior .

Ob nimiam multitudinem postulandum etiam nunc pro publisher auctor invenitur in Asia modo. Lets labore et servientibus suis contra nostros quoque

No, Level Up is a bad publisher. They can not deal with hacks, bots and other illegal programs, here in Brazil we have already made requests not to leave the ToS in the company’s hands.
I’ve seen the company end up with great games in Br server, for example RF Online and Ragnarok.
Countless problems of connectivity and lag for Brazilians!
So please stay in steam ToS.

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Well I agree, at least they should let players choose where they can play instead of banning players from countries that have their local server. I have more friends in SEA Region and Indo Publishers are mostly sux (they won’t get my money).

Seriously, i really want to play ToS but not in the local server. I prefer to pay VPN Service to play with friends.

depending on the behavior of these regions. the community might want in the future to have these regions to have their own server.

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France, Poland and US should get their own servers as well.

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Why are their people still replying to this…

Can’t an admin just close it already