Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

I would be okay with a monthly fee or a cash shop that doesn’t impact the entire server selling overpowered items. Service items are okay, like: inventory expansion, character name change, sex change, in ToS’s case new Lodge layouts, for a higher price you could throw in exp boosts (50% tops) and very expensive stuff would be like skill reset, stat reset, people have been talking about a rank reset as well and stuff like that. New costumes that doesn’t give any sort of status bonuses (cosmetical) are okay too.

It’s all about comunication between the companies involved (IMC + Publisher) and the player base.

Levelupgames heh…you are joking, right?
This company let the brazilian maple server a complete chaos, the way of this publisher works is just leech your money from cash shops, no suports for players, no ban for cheaters, gm never avaliable…
I really prefer to play a trion game or webzen…

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The main complains about Brazilians is that they doesn’t speak the native server language. I totally agree with that complains( I’m from Brazil ), but many don’t stop there, impolite behavior and nocive behavior follow the initial complains.
You can play any MMOs without interacting with others, but if you do it so you must, at least, speak in the server official language.

To OP. Who said there’s a high demand for SEA publisher? -eyeroll- i dont see a lot of people from SEA agreeing to this (upon thread review)

No to local/regional publisher please. We’re fine as it is.

wow… trion i can understand, but webzen? just wowww. Thats some deep hatred towards LUG ahhahaha

I would accept the softnyx instead of LUG.

I would accept anyone but levelup haha. Really, if levelup publishes ToS in brazil, i’ll play in the international server or not play at all ;~~

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Let’s be real, if you really enjoyed the game, you’ll play regardless who’s publishing it xD

I’m not saying you won’t drop the server if they do a lame job, but you will 100% play at least for a few days hahaha.

In Brazil, LUG have the fame of messing up with a lot of games, i’m not only talking about the BMS, i’m talking about grand chase, lunia, dofus…and the list goes on…

Let’s be real, if you really enjoyed the game, you’ll play regardless who’s publishing it xD

So, for me, i’m done of LUG.

Cannot agree sir. LUG has many titles ide like to play, but i wont play it just because its them.
A publisher does matter.

Okay, if you say so…

some regions have monopolize publishers, which measn there really is isnt much choice

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We boycott them then !

Level Up Games!? Are you serious?

Just… no…

I don’t known from where they get those numbers… Beside those shitty info, I am prety sure most of Brazilians will play with Level UP it they get to publish TOS in Brasil…

I’m up for LUG to publish it in Brazil. +1

please no. god no. please. nooo

The ‘publishers’ will ruin the game and get me locked out from playing with my north american friends.

Oh god I just read ‘Level up Games’. Please don’t do it.

Hahahaha loved the bait, let’s see if someone bites it…

If you are the kind that surrender to that crappy company go ahead, but i wont, and many other wont too.

I just hope they won’t get a separate publisher for SEA. I like how the current arrangement is.

If and a really big IF BR/SEA does get its own publisher, if we’ve only started playing on international server, do we at least get to transfer our accounts? or if we’re blocked from International we just lose everything? doesn’t seem fair really.