Tree of Savior Forum

BOT Information

if we spent our money buy Cash shop to support GameDeveroper for long life game than spent our money to BOT, everyone will be happy

because evertime you support BOT it’s make that game less cost to spent money with

when a game less cost = bot become less cost too ,then, why will paid to bot for short life game?

This was a reply to someone not your post… im allin for anti bot.

I think capcha would do just fine. An mmo already has this - they give small exp buff for a short duration everytime a capcha is solved.

Captchas are retarded and counter productive to a games success.

No. Captcha is intrusive regardless of implementation. Only true method to stop bots is active players/mods with a proper report function. Oh; also players actually taking evidence. That is needed too.

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Completely agree. That’s expensive and they won’t do it, though. If they do, then awesome.

Captcha with 15 minutes to respond is still a bit intrusive, but not AS intrusive as a captcha that needs to be done right away.

Another cool way to do it is give some trusted members of the community a “Player Mod” title with power to start a server-wide vote to kick.

Obviously, it can be abused if given to a wrong person. That’s the only downside. I mean, it would still be hard to abuse it, because the whole server CAN (Not needed to) vote, when he starts the vote.

So In order to abuse it, he would actually have to control the whole community in order to do it. Which is unlikely.

maybe easy way is F12 to record video of the the suspect to Bot report and Hack report’ Forums (click show other players’ name in game setting before record video)

I suggest that we should have “prison channel” All accounts which are caught as botter/cheater/gold seller/gold buyer will be sent to this channel. They will be locked in this channel. This channel has the same functionality like normal channel. But they will not be able to trade or have interaction with people in normal channel. Because there is no way to prevent it so let cheaters play with cheaters. :stuck_out_tongue:

Please no captcha or mini games bs :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t want a popup window when im kiting or fighting a boss >.< . Besides Captcha isn’t that hard to solve for most bots and I am sure they can be programmed to do simple movement for mini games aswell.

Actually i saw many post of you trolling, so it’s cool, this is also meaning the inverse : me from you ;).

One click every 30mins/1 hour excluding boss fights is a good idea.

(Non intrusive captcha, in a corner of screen and with some time to check)

What about game developer create a undercover gold selling bot ? Auto ban whoever buy gold from .

I have one idea that could aid to banning of bots and that is a account reputation system where a player blocking out say a gold selling message would flag the account as -1 reputation with a log of the offence when a number for example say -200 blocks it would flag the account to a GM.

The reason I would advice the use of the block system over a report bot to gm system is because it kills 2 birds with one stone first of all the player removes the text from there chat and it gives the offending account a negative mark if the player unblocks them it removes the mark from the offending account so this would prevent abuse of power due to 1 person cant just put a block on say a person they dislike out of spite 200 times.

When it hits 200- a GM will be flagged about the player with a log of what was blocked for them to skim over and ban there email address preventing that email from being used to make another account sure there will be some ways around this but onto the third part.

Because I said 200- rather then a small number is because the bot will be unaware that people are blocking them and 200 is a big number so when it hits about 150 most likely be spamming where no one can hear the bot wasting the botters time and lowering the rate they make new accounts.

After 1 day they will return with different names. The people that provide gold selling service will have 100 of bots running at the same time. IMC can try to allow player to put cash-shop items on AH, this way it will reduce players buying gold from gold selling website.

Cooool~ Learned something today.

The only thing I encountered that was actually effective was the gameguard programs. Pangya and some Private RO servers I played sported this and it stopped any non physical inputs (along with my razor tartarus T_T ) Which at least, reduces the amount bots or macros.

I’ve got a suggestion. An in-house task force with access to a robust tools to monitor player movement patterns, transactions, login times, with the authority to act on what they find, and who have no other job but to seek and destroy.

Ah, that’d cost money, though. Nuts.

stop this retard, and I meant “me” from you. 1st grade reading?

Sexual reproduction.
Judgement trough Ethical and Own Choices.

Uhhh … not much aynmore.

A sample list of banned accounts for 5 days from kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here):

Just trying to show how bad it was in kToS especially if you are farming for low drop items or quest items in maps with many bots.
The bots can teleport and there are just so many of them mostly swordies.

You can make it a daily quest to search and report these bots. Remove one, there will be two tomorrow.

Best method is no demand, there will not be a need to supply.

That’s a childish thinking. Cheating on someone is a bad thing but it’s not against the law, just an example.