Tree of Savior Forum

Boruta's Vengeful Fever - What big guilds don't want you to know

You are being ironic, right?
Even 20 years ago this kind of performance (lag/low fps/freezes) would have been unacceptable.

But I guess it depends on what part of the world you hail from.
Different cultures have different standards I suppose.


Im not.
I’m saying it’s playable compared to the Tree Of Savior average.
If you think this is not playable then what are you doing in your life playing this game? Clearly any event with more than 30 people makes the game have this type of performance (or worse).

God, this is almost making me want to come back.
Klaipeda sure sounds like fun. It reminds me of the constant drama back in the day with Kiruto and whatever. Also when guilds could still kill each other in the wild, it was so much fun !

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That is exactly it’s function. To be the target for everyone else. Exclusivity breeds desire.

In leftists, exclusivity breeds surrender tho xD And game leaving. And forum whining.

NICE. MEME. claps

The quotes did heavily imply sarcasm yes.
I’m glad you noticed.

Its sad and disgusting how some people shìttalk on the intended political gameplay we do, just because they failed to do the same and are jealous of our and our allies great success.

Words of the Developers about Bortua

Peak NAbrain autism :tea:

Congratulations, you just dug your own grave :tea:

I would like to see other servers kill the dragon in 4 hours with little to no actual drama, I think our server is doing quite well.

Fedimian does that with 1 guild. Before sevenfold was nerfed, it was I think 3,5 hrs. After the nerf, I guess around 4,5 hrs.

We mostly don’t PvP because other guilds prefer to afk-farm instead of rallying together and competing. Well, as news from kToS go, afk-farming no longer will contribute to Guild rating (only personal), so maybe now they will have to come up with smth.

We need less guilds, but more big guilds.

Join Fedimian today, hehe.

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Make Dedimian great again!

We had whooping 111 people at Feud the other day! Wow! Such online! So community! Wow!

Low online is one of the other reasons I strongly want other guilds to unite. They do have enough online for us all to have decent GvG, that online is just too divided among lots of small guilds :frowning: And. yeah, there are also PvE crabs. I will never understand PvE crabs. What do you even play this game for, if you never pvp or gvg? I mean, here, you’ve gathered full velco (I don’t have a single velco btw), now what you’re gonna do with it? Solo velco? ROFL? xD OR just sit near fountain at pronta and whine at how game is stale and boring?

The top 3 guilds work together constructively to kill the dragon in as little time possible and we only go out of our way to kill other players when the group dps’ng the dragon needs more spots in the instance for their members.

More like… you guys killed anyone that looked at you the wrong way. There were melody alt accounts afking without being killed. Make room, nice joke. More like killing people to assert dominance and let alt accounts in. screenshot_20190218_00011


Because this game was never about pvp or gvg to begin with. You can take it seriously if you want, but if you wanted a pvp/gvg centered game, ToS isn’t it.

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Sure this is a game for asian market tailored around Aesthetics of play, not Dynamics or Mechanics. Because aesthetically pleasing games sell well in asia as a rule. That’s it.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make your own fun.

In a content-starved game like this, devoid of any and all meaning, denying pleasure of making enemies, crushing them and then making fun of them on forums/reading drama is simply cutting your own content and boring yourself. Especially now, that IMC brings us content, that, for once, is all about guild interactions, politics and wars.

TBH PvE in this game is not that good too, but you are still doing PvE., aren’t you?

So next time you tell somebody “uhhh duuude this is not a PvP game uuuuuuuh”, please consider you are part of the problem too.

PS. Btw, potential for mass-PvP in the classes the game has is immense, with some proper balancing. And reading kToS shows that’s exactly what they do right now.

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can you guys reply faster i need more salt

paging melody and 4bdn


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what the ■■■■ are you doing? being my imposter. i ■■■■■■ up making my forum ign with 2 z in it so they make one with only 1. who is this salty ass fucker

I have only seen one guild so far explaining why they lose GTW to the public. Like their defeat has disappointed children, and their explanations are urgently needed.

Must be because they are going IPO in the next month. Oh wait somebody said it’s just a game.

Need more explanation, more accusation for troll, and more pop corns.

And even more pop corns for our fav star actors typhoonz and farms_alot, bringing drama and entertainment. :star_struck:

yes our guild is excellent at afk bokor farming like how melody does it. what is wrong with following the strong

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Don’t worry I will keep it up :slight_smile: