Tree of Savior Forum

Boruta is horrible designed

Huh, playing PVP part?

Category Contribution
Dealing damage to Boruta Yes
Surviving in Sulivinas Lair Yes
Being under certain gimmick effects in the area Yes
Defeating other players in PvP No
Having dealt the last blow to Boruta No
Having equipped or used a specific item No
Additional earnings proportionate to the number of Guild members in the area No

Did I miss something here? That “Defeating other players in PvP” is NOT COUNTED as contribution? xD

Great content guys just really good work all around

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That was one of the most stupid things to read in this dev blog post.

If defeating other players does not contribute, why the hell leave the active pvp in the boss area. What kind of logic is this?

No, about the Dev Blog Post

The dev team is well aware that the HP regeneration mechanic in place for Boruta is one of the largest factors causing players to feel fatigued while participating in the Borutos Kapas raid.

Hmm, no. The fact that the fight is boring is that you have to split up between doing pvp and dealing damage on the boss. To say that killing other players does not help in contributing, will not change at all. There will be guilds doing zerg mode on other players and guilds that will dominate the boss.

Look at the statistics of your own game IMC and see the guild/player distribution on the server. Just analyze the data to understand that these measures will not solve anything.

Dang it looks pretty chaotic for a boss raid… Hope IMC can find a better way to resolve the problems.

Even if you avoid getting spawn killed,the moment the dragon gets on your screen lag gets ridiculous and it gets even easier for the monopolizers to kill anyone who gets close while they are frozen in bad client limbo.

It would be too ez to abuse. Just by killing your alts

just saying

we had ppl sleeping on keyboard, some had to work the next day and they stayed. We all enjoy the game the same way, and we are like you suffering about the state of the server…The last % was a pain cause of lags, the hp bar bug, and cause ppl started to come back pvp or some didn’t listen when we told this was way too much laggy with so much ppl inside. If you had seen the messages of those who were tired cause it was late…It was a pain even without pvp competition.

And sure we can just ignore agreement, and never kill boruta. Everybody choosed the road of the rewards…we can’t kill it if you atk us. we can ignore this road, personnally i don’t care. But we took this way, so respect for everybody…and even musica who had his own way to play this content…but what would you choose next week if we took you into the guild after you asked?! For sure you would play the reward road with us.

The content his bad design for sure

Still i understand frustration (the first day with more pvp was more fun to me)

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It’s not. Maybe it’s not right for this kind of community but the idea behind boruta is pretty neat, and not something unspoken of or really new.

I’ll also link something else which was posted before this whole discussion began.

There is nothing personal about this. Boruta is made for forcing the playerbase to either stop each other from killing it, and nobody gets loot, or strike deal and work togheter so somebody can get loot.
So, i’m going to ask you this:
Just as you said,

And i will say this one more time, all those players did the right and smart thing to do, but people from the other guilds in the server that literally just pulled out instead of making it impossible for you guys to end the raid, what did they gain? Nothing.
And with GvG coming up, handing out free end game loot that will slowly become more and more inaccessible it’s a really, really dumb idea. If you wanna compete, that is.


yes it’s bad design cause of “gvg OR rewards”

i’ll take an exemple of what can be a good design for this. There is already somthing interesting about pvp and boss in the middle in ToS: the feud Boss

Boss in the middle don’t need to have a so massive hp (and regen…). cause when he will be low life, guild will just try to “defend” the boss in the middle of the fights to prevent it to be killed by the others. It’s much more interesting and fun to think a boss which could be rly contested. Of course to avoid the “last hit random guy from nowhere” you can just make the rewards depending of damages dealt…which is even more interesting cause ppl will “defend” it even more.

so yes it’s a bad design, but it’s not so far to be the most fun content we ever played…aside of server status too…

yunno soon there will be a massiv nerf of ice wall, and it will be impossible to us to kill it anymore. So two weeks of dead boruta and then we will forgot this dragon in his cave forever

“Powerful endgame loot”

Abuse what? Just put a contribution restriction if your family already made the boss in the week

I’m sorry Passi, but i would say that this is bad design.
If the rewards are given to “who dealt the most damage”, why would i try and last hit it? The whole implication of “loot goes to top contributors” makes it so it’s pointless to mess with it, it just becomes another race to who deals the most damage first.
If there is nothing to lose from having somebody last hit it, there is no point in tryin to prevent that from happening.
And if we were to say “Yeah but who dealt the lowest damage would defend it from who dealt the most and just keep protecting the boss continuously till it resets” the result would end up just being the same, just easier. And it would also be impossible to “re-take it” to a guild that can manage to not only defend it, but also wait it out and then kill it when the regen will make it so it has enough life to “steal” the top contribution spot.
But isn’t this Boruta already?

Boruta doesn’t have a bad design, it’s just not the right design for most of this community.
But i think a few ideas i’ve seen around are actually a good thing to implement.

  1. Boruta needs fixated HP. The maximum, possibly, at all times.
    Something that i THINK i’ve seen happening is that while the HP increases as the player count increases in the map, it looked like the HP would also decrease when people left the map.
    So, let’s say you i saw this right and you thought of this and wanted to use something i would call “Server Twist of Fate”, you could have just filled up the channel, bring boruta low, leave the channel en-masse. Would you look at that? HP dropped consistently. It’s really next to dyin.
  2. Regen needs to be lowered while boruta is alive(Not removed, lowered). But every time he goes to sleep, he massively regens. Massively.

Alternatively, HP can be lowered to the mid-value we have now(Channel half full) and keep the regen as is.
But anyway, the whole HP bar going up and down makes no sense, that needs to be fixed either way.
Instead, they fixed the regen in next patch so, welp we’ll see how this is gonna work out.

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hihihihihihihi imc/20

Just to make people cycle alts?
There is a restriction already. Only one guild right now can kill the boss in fedimian.
Only if it’s not interrupted. And now they have a 50% damage debuff. Most probably - you will not see the boruta loot for next 2 weeks. Because to get it you actually have to kill that snek.
It’s not like other guilds did not try to kill it. They tried( the deal was - every guild slaps it a few hours a day). Yet they were not able to breach it’s regen. They were hitting it and it was healing.

You can stop Maids from getting loot by fighting hours and hours. Cool and all. Can maids stop you from getting loot? Yes, they can just ignore boss. And you won’t kill it.

Oh and should i add - there will be MONTHS before anything will change.

That’s indeed true. But that’s also the point of this as a whole. You either strike deals, and good ones, or nobody gets anything out of it.
That is, as always, if they remaining guilds actually care enough to enter the fight.

Yep, nobody gettin loot is actually the outcome small guilds should look forward till they can compete. Also, we’re gettin no regen on Boruta anymore so who knows, maybe now smaller guilds will be able to leave a dent on the dragon.


Samowar came, carnage came, some other guys cams, were shoop-da-whooped and left.
Thing is - TeaTime and Instanity want those loot, and i bet they will patrol the cave so maids can kill the snek.

No, small guilds are busy doing cms, farmin hgs, raids and gearing up or buying cosmetics. Aint’ noone got 6 hrs a day to fight the battle they can’t win to get nothing at the end. Strong will get stronger, week will stay where they are at best, that’s natural.

Yeah, and that’s exactly what they should be expected to do. Thing is, while you guys coordinated, the rest did not(And i’m in the “rest”, so that’s on me too). But as youknow, boruta is nasty, if we did coordinate, just the bodydroppin on their guilds to clean them out and then on your guild, would have made the raid next to impossible considering there was still the regen going on.

The kinda proved they had the time the days before. As i stated somewhere else, even if all the guilds in the server were to leave maids alone, competing for the other two spots for those guilds is possible and, as a consequence, when if TT or I get pushed out of the contri spot and they can’t take it back, then i’m pretty sure(Or i hope) they would act as competitors and actively try to stop the raid, which is basically what Pampa, Judgment, Ama, Samo should have focused on doing on the day the dragon was killed.
It takes collective effort to kill the dragon and takes collective effort to stop it.

Just requoting this to say something:
This narrative doesn’t apply to Boruta and to me, it reads as “weak-willed” instead of just “weak”.


Well, Albero was the only one who actively recruited for months with only Boruta on his mind. He succeeded. I won’t complain about his guild monopolizing the whole server in GvG. He earned it.

I will add: the aim of other guilds should have been either to also prepare and gear up to compete on the dps side (and I mean gearing up the WHOLE GUILD, not just the clique…), organize in specific roles and have the same firepower maids currently have, and/or taking down any competing guilds by PK’ing. As also Musica was saying, this content is competitive. Winners will get a pretty huge boost, and letting other guilds/players get Boruta drops means seeing them getting way better gear that will then create a bigger gap.

Basically, both sneaky alliances and wanting to kill everyone to prevent them from getting drops are fair game…

It’s a lose-lose situation: if I can’t have something, then nobody will have it.

Unfortunately true. There are only two ways of getting the rewards currently:

  • leave the biggest guild do all the work without interfering
  • try to team up with one or two lesser guilds

and #2 will never happen…

I wonder how long will people continue to participate to this big mess before they realize they have to devote 6 hours every day + all their WEs if they don’t leave the biggest guild do all the work, for a reward they can get by doing Gemstone Feud for 30 mins twice a week…

Yes why not do some diplomacy in ToS… when a grinder becomes a true RPG. Reminds me of this hilarious vid:

nop. we need in total only 6 - 7 hrs to kill it in fact.