Tree of Savior Forum

Boruta is horrible designed

yeah as long as players keep it from healing to full it should die in 1-2 days

One of the biggest problem of this update, is that the devs refuse to share anything about how points are calculated.

Yeah, staying afk inside of it counts and doing damage to Boruta counts even more, but those general directives are far too broad. We went with my guilds in several parties, however we were all getting different contribution despite us being all together.

I want to know how it works properly. Do the points get reseted whenever you are killed? So what? You should be using a scroll every couple of minutes to “save” your progress? Or there is any sort of limit about it?

How does it work for people that go full heal? They are destined to be of lesser ranks forever? How is the balance there?

It’s not hard to design the feature in a way that would be much more enjoyable and less stupid.

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