Tree of Savior Forum

Boruta is horrible designed

No afk time -> no contribution -> no rewards.

We can’t even help. It sucks to no end.

We just did it 40 min ago.

Delaing damage gives more contribution. I was away for first day, but still got into top 30.

Dude your guild did exactly the same thing.

Please, ahahah, you’re ridicolous.

Did what thing? We went there only when realised that other guild do no damage.

actually it’s the bottle that makes them heavy. special bottle to contain the liquid’s potency, it’s so potent it escapes from any normal bottle Owo

Do what actually? As far as I’ve seen people of my guild in the raid, they were actually playing the PvP part. Not a whole bunch of them sitting in a corner for hours.

Some of us sat down for a few minutes, including myself that went afk for 20 minutes or so, and then we tried to actually engage on them, and when we did the channel crashed. So much for PvP, then I gave up.
I know other members of my guild went back in there, but I don’t know what they were doing.

Man, PvP with who? I was the only one actively tryin to stop the raid with 3 guilds patrollin the area for me so i couldn’t stop it.

And as for your guys afkin, you guys were afkin too. I know also that you did fight, but please, don’t sell me the whole “We did pvp with other guilds” story, because the only player that was actually stoppin the raid was me. TeaTime, Insanity and Maid were there for loot, i was there tryin to prevent anybody from takin it. So, the only “PvP” you guys did, along with TeaTime, was killin the only killer and afkin.

Be honest for a second, because i’ve been in the raid almost every minute of it, when i wasn’t attackin, weren’t you all, Insanity and TeaTime alike, just sittin there chillin?
It looked like a goddamn “Scout camping trip” in the woods.
So, don’t call anybody out, because in my book you guys were afking just like them. And don’t get me wrong, i’m not blaming any of you for that. I blame the other guilds who allowed that to go on.
But it’s pointless anyway, they are kewl with other small guilds that they have the means to take on to get loot for free and clearly, because it’s delusional to think one guy can stop three guilds, the raid was ended.
So, gee gee wp. But don’t act high and mighty, because you were all afkin due to no competition.

Ah, to any TeaTime reading this, the whole “Police Patrol” thing in yellow text was amusing and made me enjoy the time.

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Honestly that’s the problem.I know you were playing the game how it was intended, and I personally wasn’t attacking you for “no reason”. This raid is just extremely bad and I wanted maid to be able to kill Boruta and get my rewards and be done with this. I don’t see fun content anywhere in it.

You could’ve went for Teas (and you did), you would have noticed, and maybe you did, that no one from our guild prevented you from doing so. We’d attack you only when you’d go for one of our guildies/Maid.

Some Maids even attacked people of my guild, I don’t know what the others did but I defended them, even though they were few, like 3.

Guess you weren’t there when we crashed the channel then. If we killed them they’d just come back anyway, and so would we. It wouldn’t have done anything but make the lag harder for Maids, and make all of us waste time with this miserable raid.

If someone acts “high and mighty” you’re welcome to remind them that they didn’t do anything. I mean, except for Maid, they spent hours and hours in the same instance to down one boss, the dedication deserves some respect. And for the afk part, I’m not feeling concerned, at least for what I did and saw.

But preferably let’s not turn this thread into a Fedimian turf war.

Apparently, some people believe suiciding is fun. Wouldn’t want to hurt their “fun”.

If you’re referencing to the thread, I agree. About the game, not so much. Boruta IS a turf war.

Maybe i didn’t make this clear, but the only time i spoke about Maids in my post, was about the “interest in loot”. In fact, I kept specifying “Insanity” and “TeaTime” regarding to the afk part.
If this wasn’t clear enough, no Maids = no loot for anybody.
And you guys were able to afk, both TT and I, because the “competitors” didn’t even try to compete.

Will just address this whole part with this. I am totally okay with all you guys did. Killing me and assurin the raid would come to an end. There was a clear reason to kill me, just as there was, or should have been, for people killing you and TeaTime.
Would have been idiotic for TT and I to stop Maids from killin it, since you were all gettin loot.

Basically what i said before, but yeah, not sure about the crashing the channel part.

Anyway, we basically agree, so not much to say anymore about this.

Yo, my man, you completely missed the point here but hey, thanks for tryin.

Yes there was one player. And no, it was not you, it was Rdx. You were harmless.

I have seen Rdx around, and i’m not about sayin he didn’t do anything or that he did less or more than me.

I saw him less, but i was also busy, sometimes just to answer to people whispering me constantly “mean words” from different guilds.
So, i wouldn’t say that i wasn’t doing the job, at least before you all set up things to completely prevent it.
Also, since you quoted me, i’ll link another part that it’s really interesting but you may have missed:

Anyway, who are you exactly? Just to see who’s this wild pack of pringles.

Why would anyone whisper you mean words if the only thing you did was coming in cloak, using annihilation and dying right after you used it. Sometimes before. Sometimes you could took someone squishy, that lost revival by dragon’s slap. But in pvp you don’t break gear, so who cares.

Team name - AlphaLegion. Sent you several times outside myself. And Rdx was 10 times tougher than you.

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Dunno, you may ask the people who did that. You know them, may as well ask.

Also, as i stated before, it’s delusional to think i would have been able to survive either all that patrol or diving into the middle of your guild. Considering that i also respawn with half hp every time and tbh there is no point in going back to full life with consumables unless i wanted to waste money. So i give you kudos for being able to use headshot on me in loading screens or from far, far away while i’m trying to kill people that, as you just said, had revive, mass heals and foretells casted. Ah, there was also shield from templar.
I’m not sure why you are taking this so personally, but maybe i have a clue. It’s because as i stated here:

And i remember clearly killing you, along with many others from your guild. before you could set all that up. While everyone today was set up to stop me, or Rdx, the other days you guys weren’t, and 2 BOs would shred most of you.
Ah, also, the rotation for that is:
BOx2 into Annihilate. Gotta get the max out of you all getting stacked together with my bouncy bouncy bullets and IF.

Oh please.

You were suiciding again and again and you go to forums and act all high and mighty and imply you were “killing people”, when nobody saw you as anything but a fly, buzzing and buzzing and buzzing around.

You bad-mouthing Insanity and TeaTime? At least they tried opposing us properly. And when they understood that their numbers (and it’s clearly just about numbers and dedication) are not enough to beat the self-heal of Boruta and other ppl harrassing them at the same time, they accepted it, like any sensible person would. I wish they were not afking though as it was a strain on the channel, but I understand why they did it.

On the other hand, it is my understanding you’ve been kicked from every guild you ever played with. Wonder how that happened, huh?

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Yes, please reply, I like when people dig their own graves even deeper.

You mean, one guild?

Yes, indeed i was suiciding. I’m not acting at all “hight and mighty”, if i did, please point out where. About the killing, as i stated, i wasn’t able to kill much today, but you would be a liar to say i haven’t been killing people, especially, as i stated, the past days when the whole setup you had today wasn’t there.

Wrong. Read my posts. If you think differently, please quote me on that.

Sure, as far as i’m concerned, you guys are literally not reading but assuming. So please, quote me and prove me wrong. I will apologize if proved wrong.

Congratz to Maid Cafe for World First Borutos on Fedimian EU (wait what?)

Competition between the guilds raged during these two days but…but…


See you next round boyz and girlz


ps: google translator plz dont judge me.

Oh i miss something, im looking for Kepa Head (F) and Fried Chicken Poodle head/costume (F) (Fedi EU)


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It’s great that we were able to work together and defeat boruta but I’m really, REALLY hoping for some major changes to boruta.
Otherwise I don’t see a future for it.
boruta was relatively stable in terms of channel crashes but as soon as you throw pvp into the mix it crashes way more often and killing it takes even longer than it already does.
And boruta randomly regenerating/adjusting its HP after crashes didn’t help, either.

  • Way too much HP for some servers, especially once the first guild gets debuffed.
  • Other guilds wouldn’t be able to help even if they wanted to because of “friendly fire”.

I’d rather have its HP lowered drastically but only open for like an hour or two per day, this is just tiring as it is.

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