Tree of Savior Forum

Blocking Indonesia? IMC.. sorry but i think this is a huge mistake

And yet I could understand your point but not his.

Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch
Maybe this is whats its like if youre trying to say ouch in 29 characters


And now you start to not make any senseā€¦ Seperate server is wise IMCā€¦

Well they are separating us just fine dont you worry about that lol, but thing is us those who purchased already wont move out unless they got refund or maybe steam take their tos forcefully out of the equation which i highly doubt it

Information about this has been released approx. 9 months ago from here, about IP blocking will be implemented from iToS servers on Indonesians. My bad Malay/Indonesian language translates point 4 of the site says: Region lock or IP block will happen on TOS global version when TOS Indonesia is released.

With my limited access to Indonesia newsletters about games and stuff since Iā€™m not in SEA at the moment (currently in Australia for studies), they have recently ā€˜releasedā€™ ToS in Indonesia, albeit only their 2nd CBT. So this realised the IP block statement being implemented.

Regarding the issue about OPā€™s bad english about the 2 separate servers is because of this Singaporean and Malaysian players will have the choice to play either the international version (Telsiai server was recently realised, server located in Singapore or so Iā€™ve heard) or the SEA version (this server is located in Indonesia under PlayOneAsia).

So in my VERY HONEST, NON-BIASED OPINION, I donā€™t think IMC needs to refund the Indonesian players affected by buying the Founders Access Pack. They had their share of fun when they bought the pack sure, but their own server is releasing soon. They jumped the gun and bought the pack when there has been ā€˜teasersā€™ about their CBT is soon to happen BEFORE the OBT for iToS servers are open on steam.

TL;DR, Indonesians did not get the info one way or another, or was too psyched to play the game that they had ignored about the news and bought the pack for iToS. Why did Indonesia blocked the IP now is what I donā€™t know when theyā€™re already in CBT 2, problem lies either on steam or on Gemschool for this.

Good day my good sirs/madams.

Whatever you say buddy, if they really want play by rules lets do this, sue me for purchasing and got ban by them then i keep painted them black if that enough for sueing ill respond accordingly pointless arguement like this wont stop people using vpn also
And i dont want to put any penny on my local publisher you cant make me in any possible way without violation so lets do the cold war lol

Well generally you CAN not putting in any penny on your local publisher, go full F2P, thatā€™s what I do for any games I play.

The VPN issue, donā€™t know what will they do with this, probably nothing about it unless they do it the SEGA way like in pso2jp.

Sue you and banned by themā€¦Donā€™t think thatā€™ll ever happen, heck, they wonā€™t even touch you or do anything to your character. The character data stored in their servers will stay there forever as per your steam account data, and if you have a VPN to bypass IP block then thatā€™s not their problem anymore, unless they are seriously doing it the SEGA way.

The only way that I could think of to allow Indonesians to play the iToS servers without IP blocking would probably boycott Gemschool, tell them to merge with IMC gamesā€™ servers on ToS or something similar along the lines

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Well that is exactly what im doing right now, given the situation where the indonesian currently doing cbt2 mostly didny know the trade restriction, they will have their moment of denial thats is exactly nice point to strike them lol, also if all prople going f2p whose going to support the server, hell i dont mind suppoting them its just i dont felt like support those partically really reknown by its bad reputation company that the GMs also is a gold and rare equipment seller lol, if you say this is just a rumour, well all i can say is take this word from one that always spend money to buy unaffordable time when play game

In the end without people spending or high farmer ratio that playing indo right now is the first reason i choose sea to begin with, because when they failing mostly they could offer is to move all of us to sea, which is i found is funny and why not i go sea instead waiting to be delegated forcefully later if you knew already that the chance are more than 70% to that way

Trust me, for a game that is THIS popular, most of the people will support the game one way or another (Cash shop is there for a reason). Heck, they probably earned over $1million USD on the day of the Founders Pack sale. Yes Iā€™ve heard about Gemschoolā€™s rep on their games but what can IMC do about it? They bought the license for franchising the game into Indonesia instead of letting IMC run an international game so that everyone can play in it. So if want to blame someone for IP blocking iToS, better off just blame Gemschool I suppose. Itā€™s all about business in the end.

Well, what i try to point is not the publisher solely, but the people that will playing it lol, most of the cash user are bought steam founder pack and we all already get together in plan boicoting gemscool, which is come in result to our own gamer private network that would be manage by friends in outsides indo region,so whose left to " enjoy " because as far as i knew with current trade system would lead to riot there, they just not realizing it yet
Now im waiting they obt and start selling things in auction or trades between friend thus the drama will start and it will be more popular dramas than the game popularity itself i assure you lol,and after that?give em 6 months lol

i wonder if this game cant trade silver is you not buying ā€œtokenā€
how can seagm sell silver to peopleā€¦ i wonder howā€¦

seagm already sell silver in CBT indonesian serverā€¦ CBT will be rollback but someone already RMT and botting at first placeā€¦ if iTOS cant hande this from the start (iTOS not even full relase), and why IMC sell this game right before they fully deal with bot and RMT. meh at the start IMC does not have answer for RMT and Botting because they only waiting kTOS upgrade the game, and kTOS botter and RMT not high as iTOS itselfā€¦

riot will be happend no matter whatā€¦ in kTOS this system is perfect no one bother with RMT and botting, but iTOS is different case because more player more criminalā€¦ and yes iTOS must wait kTOS to update this gameā€¦ if iTOS delayed Gamescol TOS will be more delayedā€¦

Well its 1 of the main reason im choosing international community, because indo people easily discouraged, they seen bots and stuff or something looks like cheat they drop lol like i said give em 6 month we will hapily enjoy steam tos without ipblock hopefully they done faster

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So you make a conscious decision to circumvent a policy you know exists, then complain when that policy is enforced. Very funny.

IMC signed a contract. Get over it. No amount of complaining can cancel that contract even if IMC wanted to.

The general attitude of this thread has been trying to bully IMC. This is why they are leaving you at the hands of your local publisher.


eh, no. kToS doesnā€™t have this problem because of their registration method. All games in korea are done using their SSID/KSSN. If that account is banned they might never even play any other games forever using that SSID/KSSN. So thatā€™s why the system is ā€˜perfectā€™ because no one dares to cheat.

If you donā€™t know what is SSID/KSSN, itā€™s basically their national identification number/social security number.

Indonesians doing RMT already in CBT? Then itā€™s their stupid loss if they really did, but thatā€™s not our problem.

In case you havenā€™t noticed, IMC staff has already been trying VERY HARD to improve the botting/gold selling situation, including revamping the trade system.

We all know that every single freaking MMORPG out there will have RMTs and bots, but thereā€™s no perfect way of disposing them, now we can only hope for some genius that can somehow ban every single RMTers/botters by creating some kind of anti-hack system that no one has ever thought of. By all means, go and try DDOSing the gold sellers or something then if you want to try.

hmmm if kTOS never get this problem, then iTOS is doomedā€¦
yeah i know every country have something like SSIDā€¦

if kTOS never got this problem then iTOS cant change game system, this bot is using game system and use that system to make a bot, like we see ai in quest, that ai doing nothing just auto atck any monster, and combined with spell caster monster, bot with full buff is easy stuffā€¦ if kTOS have bot problem form the start they will start encrypt that system and harder to crack, or else dynamic encryptā€¦ i think they use bot to find silver, and sell silver to peopleā€¦

and if you think that not your problem, look, bot and rmt start from iTOS if even iTOS just depend on hackshield, if indonesian TOS destroyed from little player in indonesia, then iTOS should destroyed first because more people more crime and abuse they will useā€¦

yes IMC try hard to solve bot and RMT, but home of TOS is kTOS, no problem in kTOS no solve from kTOSā€¦

TL:DR = IMC is too fast to sell this gameā€¦ thats all, they still immature to deal any threat from the startā€¦ should stay with 2 server (international and korea) until this game mature enough to deal any problemā€¦ i like korean who from the start make this game have potential every item and cant trade easy without token, 0 potential cant trade and many moreā€¦

iToS is not fully doomed, itā€™s still within playable range. One way to stop gold sellers is to DDOS gold sellers and their sites i suppose. Botters will always have a way to hack into the system. So if you REALLY want a way to stop all these bull, use kToS system then: use SSN to register accounts, but thatā€™s up to IMC/steam. OR some genius makes a self-evolving AI system that finds hackers and botters on its own in place of hackshield. Otherwise boycott gold sellers, but this isnā€™t effective at all now is it?

No brainer over there Sherlock, botting = gold sellers, what the heck did you think the bots were doing? kToS donā€™t have that much of a problem about botting, probably even non-existent actually. If thereā€™s no lab rat, how are they going to encrypt a system to test that out?

Botting and RMT did not really start from iToS, it can start in any mmorpg no matter where it is, whenever it is.

Server-wise, thereā€™s hardly any problems at all in kToS server. Since this is an international serverā€™s problem, generally due to localisation, its the internationalā€™s part of the problem now. They have the power to change the gameā€™s system, but finding a way to deal with all this is hard. If you think this is easy then by all means, join the team and help out.

However, most bots and gold-sellers are mostly from Klaipedia and especially Telsiai server. Unless you take out the root, this is going to continue forever unless they implemented some systems like my points above.

Itā€™s not that IMC ā€˜soldā€™ this game too fast, itā€™s just that hackers work fast IMHO. Trying to wait until the game ā€˜maturedā€™ isnā€™t really going to help much. Even if the game stayed with only 2 servers, doesnā€™t change the fact that sooner or later they will have the same problem. ā€˜Maturingā€™ wonā€™t help if the rootā€™s not taken out.

But this is getting off topic, but IP banning is partly to save Gemschoolā€™s business in a way. The term can come from either side. After that itā€™s up to the staff at Gemschool to solve their part of the problem as per localisation.

I honestly just skip anything Mountblanc type here or anywhere really cuz itā€™s just giving me headache. Kudos to the guys who actually read and reply to him.

And Iā€™m still waiting for the official announcement from IMC about this. But Iā€™m starting to doubt they willā€¦ Sweeping things like this under the rug is much easier.

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Aaaand the 3-day idCBT2 is finally over. idOBT is still a long way to go, imo. From my experience playing Cleric 3 (it was a PAIN but gg 16 Heal tiles per cast), the community had been pretty nice. They were kinda antisocial in-game (after all, ā€˜silence is goldā€™ is widely practiced in Indonesia), but mostly because it was CBT and they focused on leveling up. trying to test builds. It was fun while it lasted.

Toxic people are easily bullied on the FB fanpage so thatā€™s saying somethingā€“people want to at least make the game fun and keep the community amiable. Remember tho, Tree of Savior effect is HUGE and itā€™s the same as shaming their own companyā€™s image and reputation even more if Gemscool were to neglect the game. IMC has been a nice developer so far, Iā€™m sure they can cooperate well with Gemscool in delivering a fun and lasting game experience. Donā€™t compare IMC to Gravity etc. Trust IMC on this.

I say, itā€™s not bad playing on the local server. :smile:

I mean, what, there is a thing called Japanese server. Have you ever heard Japanese people complaining about that?

tl;dr: try to at least play on the local server once when itā€™s officially open; oh and Cleric 3 rulez.

I dont get ur point 1st u said nice community 2nd u said all silence focus lvling.

If u are from gemsco*ol stafff nice trying anywayā€¦ Good luck on adv lol

I almost play all of that pulisherā€™s game. U see the worst part is not player its self but G* lolā€¦ U can buy item from G*ā€¦ Like gold or eq in dragn nstā€¦ If u caught used cheat, U can even pay em to unban chahahahahahā€¦

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