Tree of Savior Forum

Blocking Indonesia? IMC.. sorry but i think this is a huge mistake

they can promise that and doing that next time when they have resources, but this… what is this, they already succeed sell DLC, succeed to sell TOS to Gamescol, and succeed to see TOS to playasia still postpone SEA server in Singapore… and yet singapore local server not in singapore but in Indonesia, i wonder why… so much riddle in one statement? is singapore small enough, or maybe dota and csgo singapore server eat a whole conuntry to provide that server… such a shame, and ridiculous to see what happend…

What are you even talking about? I already said it’s 2 different servers… jeebuzz

Yes, they did sell the licensing AFTER the steam release. I had never once said IMC shouldn’t refund you guys or what. I was saying it’s 2 different servers and explaining the reason behind the IP block.
But it seems you don’t bother trying to understand anything anyway.

what i talking about why they didnt make different server but in one country to pay less money… lul… who said i want IMC make SEA server stuck with Playasia server…

and yet IMC can ban IP thousan people less a day, but cant even dare to ban IP botter, lol botter already evolved, priest full buff bot dps mode, archer with ridiculous dps and many more… why IMC didnt dare ip block them, IMC still like ban id and show in public rather IP ban and stop problem to the root…

if they use VPN, botter must pay premium VPN per PC, or else lag intensifies… meh IMC dare to ip ban us but didnt dare to ban ip botter…
or maybe IMC targeting Steam Stats reach number one against DOTA 2 but using mere bot…

Why bother bringing up the bots issue? “Why they didn’t IP block botter” is already a dumb question, VPN you ever heard of it? And there are more reasons but that’s another topic as I said.

Wut…? No seriously I doubt anyone else other than another indon can understand that.

And I have no idea what’s the difference between playone asia and Gemscool, since they are your country’s local game hosts. Either way it still doesn’t change the fact IMC sold a local license to your country so they are going to IP block indons from steam’s server.

That’s what I suggest too, maybe after they solve the DLC refund drama they can IP block once and for all. Cause I am pretty sure these crybabies will be here to troll anyway since they seems to dislike their own local hosts.

lol singapore is big, and you said only one company who can make server…
and why not 1 SG server for iTOS and 1 SG server for SG MY…

lol playone was not my local game host… maybe just a little company who still young to start online game business, maybe they have less money but because of that they just channeling IMC and cant region lock iTOS, i rather swap playasia with Gemscol…

if they use VPN, botter must pay premium VPN per PC, or else lag
intensifies… meh IMC dare to ip ban us but didnt dare to ban ip
or maybe IMC targeting Steam Stats reach number one against DOTA 2 but using mere bot…

dont run away with this… you didnt know how VPN works, and not all VPN free, if free they will give you shitty service, if premium botter must pay money and make them twice to do botting because RMT not profit anymore… if you want your IMC hand get cleaner just ip ban botter and make TOS clean, if that happend everybody will forget Indonesia Drama in here…

Bye I give up… since I have no idea what you are even yapping about… And you obviously think botters can’t afford VPNs when they can afford buying 2537615641341519761412 DLC packages. I only mention VPN because SOME botters do use them. There are other reasons why IMC can’t [quote=“Mountblanc, post:192, topic:209601”]
IMC can ban IP thousan people less a day, but cant even dare to ban IP botter

But you obviously can’t tell since you are just plain ignorant.

I was bought founder’s server : exclusive access 1, i bought this game because i want to play this game and it can be redeemed in Indonesia, give me access to the game, my token premium 2 month already activated and i can’t play the game without VPN, where is my exclusive access if i can’t login because of IP Indonesia got blocked? i don’t want use VPN, if you can’t give me access to the game then refund my money or it will be a karma because i don’t want give my money for free. I need a solution as soon as possible. Please make a news or announcement for clear this serious case. Thank you very much.

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let say pikachu is TOS server,
is that imposible to have 2 pikachu in pokemon list,?

1 pikachu for TM slave and other pikachu for evolved to raichu… who say you need to fusion pikachu at the start because you cant fusion in pokemon series same like law IMC deal right now…
and why did you think this is imposible?? i dont get it… lol~

2537615641341519761412 DLC this random typing, if this number was EA 3 who the cheapest DLC in iTOS, this count breaks GTA V gross income or even beat Titanic income… well played… IMC rich because of botter…

and see this pekachu,, he is student from UK (because his name say so), and live at Indonesia at the same time still get ban IP… what going on in here… even student in UK get banned to… i dont get it pekachu… he is just a student who enjoy student live using online game…

this case is IMC run away and blind about this drama… not even talk about this, at first they response as fast as the flash tv series, asking how and what loop hole indonesian use to play TOS, after that IMC vanish like avatar aang… so the answer is still 100% legit IP ban… but still not going give statement about steam sea loop hole… because they didnt want dirty their hand anymore…

Lol dude, seriously stop. Your logic is retarded in the first place…
Let me assume I catch what you are saying… “how can there be 2 SEA servers” is your question?

Answer : Because it can…? If you are unhappy ask gemscool or playone to IP block the rest of SEA. But I assure you they won’t make much money.
It’s normal for games to IP block countries that are going to have their own regional copy. You must be new to MMOs…

Regarding that UK student’s issue. LOL then what you gonna do? If you are stuck in that country that happens to be IP block, deal with it together with the other Indons. Your actual nationality and personal issues doesn’t even matter.

If IMC doesn’t want this to be one big scandal they will definitely address it. Then finally… good riddance.

After reading almost every post in this thread I’m so glad they block Indonesia, at least the international community won’t have to deal with these idiots. Nothing else to say.

why it cant? have any references?
let assume if gamescol not force playasia to open server in same country,

i think of this becasue SG MY will become minor player and indonesia is Mayor, what happend with language, is this will break community?
i think playasia have no advantage in this situation…

lol… even poor people can start a private server in their backyard…
FBI not even surounded and catch that guy, i seen ragnarok private server everywhere… they didnt care about 2 game in 1 country, more game in one country more money server company get… no law about this…

Lol fix your english before we even continue this discussion. It’s a real pain trying to understand you even as a SEA player… If I can’t take it, trust me the NA peeps are soon drop their FREEDOM on your posts…

And no, I didn’t understood a single crap you just typed. Not going to even try to.

still no words about blocked /restricted player ?

they just silent.

yeah they’re already big enough by ate our money…

lol, its an old news that itos will ip block indonesia and all regions with local provider.

lol dont run away, and dont pretend your toefl is higher than 700…

nothing happend with SG MY local server, your statement is irrelevant dude…
go back play candy crush there is no server problem at that tiny little game…

Don’t run away? I never did, in fact I am still waiting for the day you actually can explain your own point properly. Currently no one could understand you probably other than your own countryman. Stop using YOUR lack of toefl as an excuse instead lmao, English isn’t even my mother tongue. This is the iToS forum, type proper english or… I don’t know go back to your indon forums.

yeah, you wait me and i will always come…
different like IMC we all waiting IMC announcement about steam fail, and grey area that happening right now… just said IMC cant change this bla bla bla end story…

IMC keep silent or maybe IMC make fake member to reply my comment here…

Lol is that what haze done to your head? Nice delusion there.
Trust me if I am working for IMC I would had just close your entire thread. 200 posts with 50% of it trashtalking.

Guys please leave toelf out of this, i kinda offended lol considering my english is learnt from supernatural, just saying so you know

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