Tree of Savior Forum

Blocking Indonesia? IMC.. sorry but i think this is a huge mistake

guess what.
on the gift we can see that Indonesia is applicable to use
this founder pack.

a lot, i mean A LOT of us didn’t even know that IMC
is forbidding us Indonesian player to play at SEA server.

because there is no International MMO that block region player (duh)
and we can easily acces the game without vpn of course we are incredibly shocked when today BAM! we got ipblock.

even right know i think a lot of us think this is IMC ulterior motive.
why? because you want to cash grab all of us Indonesian and other blocked country player.

Yes i dare say that, you let us spend our money in a legal way to purchase your products and when the time its gonna open CBT at my country IMC just lock the IP?

as far as i know

if we use vpn to play the game then yes we are guilty!
if your game cant be redeemed at Indonesia and we bypass it, yes we guilty!

BUT this is on a whole different story.

It’s not about the money.
me and my wife are casual player that really2 fall in love with TOS
we just level 50ish player who play after our baby sleep and grind while
talk to each other, this game is our happy time, and you guys take it away.

our time is limited, we spare our time just to have fun slowly playing this game while enjoying every moment of it.

And the last but not the least, you should know that Indonesia IS THE BIGGEST, MOST POPULATED COUNTRY ON SEA.

let me put some drawing to make this more make sense…

You see that big island on the bottom, Holy! THATS US!

we are not poor, we are loaded with money. most of mature gamer on this country is highly educated and there is a lot MMO gamers in this country that dont want to deal with bullshit our local publisher will give us.

There 2 major different target market between Local publisher and steam customer.

show this post to your guys meeting, i hope you guys re-evaluate your agreement with gemscool.

the game will not last long if you give up this International server to gemscool. :smiley:

Thanks @Staff_Julie @STAFF_John , i hope you guys can help us, we love the game so much.


eh sorry guys i dont reply anymore, since me and my wife actually ask steam support and they give us a way to play without vpn, so we actually already play again right now since IMC didnt banned the character…

welp just send the tickets to steam support, they will tell you how.

see ya at Teslal

and guys dont get trolled by shitty person like zdonfrank. let them be.
sorry cant reply anymore, need to grind tonight :smiley:


Remember this:
-This game is redeemable in Indonesia
-They didnt ip block us from the start

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Hi, just to clear up some stuff. It’s already established that you are going to have your own server published by a local company. It is only reasonable that IMC should IPBlock your country as to not interfere with your local company’s business.

I do hope you understand that IMC is the developer of the game. Also, they have already blocked Indonesians from buying the game in steam as far as I know.

There was no way IMC had ill intentions towards Indonesians.


Redeemable, meaning it was meant as a gift in the first place, am I right? You weren’t able to buy it. Correct me if I am wrong.

So if its “Redeemable in Indonesia” it was my mistake ?
second, Why they didnt ip block indonesia from the start if they “CAN” ?
third, check this link :slight_smile:
CBT in Malay and SG whoooo… But only indo blocked ?
Didnt mean to be sarcastic but u should know

there was an announcement about this before, it’s partly your fault and partly the dev’s fault for allowing you to grab the game


The picture of the gift is Steam-side, nothing related with IMC here.
They said since begining already that Indo, TW HK CN, KR and JP will be restricted.
Playone Asia is channeling support for SG/MY players in Indo server.
And they also made an announcement about this already that SG/MY can choose between 2 server to play.

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That Text is steams mistake not IMCs

No but from the start they said they would be IP blocking regional zones.


Also, the biggest community in SEA right now is Thailand.
With 20k+ players.

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I’ve read that news. It is this:

So basically, IMC wants to use as channel for Malay/Singaporeans to log on Indonesian servers with English support.

Also, you should have known this would happen since they’ve announced that Indonesians will be IP blocked later on. Therefore, it is your responsibility to be guided with that information.

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I wish IMC would have just published everywhere themselves. But I’m guessing they needed money from somewhere to fund the game.

It is a little funny how they made a server right next to indonesia and they cant use it though…

no matter gifted or buying it directly from store, you can play that game… Correct me if I am wrong.

so steam mistake and no response from imc ?
why they dont ip block from the start if they dont want any indonesian player ? <<

RIP my 49.9$ hahahaha

Unless I’m understanding this wrong, didn’t the buyers of those exclusive access packages that were gifted or directly activated, use a VPN to bypass the block restriction on the Steam page so they could purchase it?

It’s IMC’s mistake for not correcting the “Indonesia” label on the package, but it’s also the fault of whoever bought the Exclusive Access by purchasing a restricted product under a VPN which is against Steam’s EULA:

It would be nice if they added exceptions to those who are already in before this incident and I personally think they should too, but they announced the Indo IP Block last year. Whoever bought the access could petition to Steam for a ‘refund’, but considering they bought it with a VPN up, Steam may ban their account if they find that out.

So both parties are at fault here, but most of the fault comes from the VPN purchasers.


No its not. That’s a generic regional thing for steam. So any time that region can’t access a game that list of countries comes up. IMC has nothing to do with that line of text.

imagine a game without border…

have you seen the shout chat? With the BRs and USA going at it?


What is this tantrum all about? I’m indonesian myself but you said clearly up there on the op post that indonesian gamer are mostly well educated which highly suggest you are one of those educated people, then why in the f did you complain about business strategy that IMC played out?

They are not blind they know Indonesia is big but the franchise for Indonesia has already been bought by gemscool, and you want them to break their contract and pay fines to unblock Indonesia, that’s extremely self centered and far from that “highly educated” claim.