Tree of Savior Forum

Wrongfully banned

i’m jbzero i’m not a bot

i’m play with my friend
pleas check

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i’m already send answer me plz

jb whats your teamname on the ban list for botting?

my team name is Jbzero

feel so bad i’m play this game 2 days with my friend but i’m stuck here so easy ban with out check

do you guys play from Indonesia?
if yes, see this post

if not, send support a ticket

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i’m play in thailand

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australia, malaysian

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then you gonna wait support finish their investigation, then they will reply to your ticket

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how are you guys.i sitting for fix my id lolz
(to day is my dayoff)

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Me too bought the game 24th april and banned on 26th
Team name : Livaels
Sever : Telsiai (SEA)
Reason : Bot

I dont know why my id is banned , no macro ,no bot,no press z evey 20-30 minute i will warp to town for new buff and weapon buff but you send me , your bot !! OMG to Check


hey how are you my friend jeremyanything lolz nice to see you dude.


support is still sleeping since 0100 EDT almost 5 hours ago i submitted.

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not sure how long it will take :sweat_smile:

my ticket show unanswered what that ?

means support received your ticket, but not yet answer to your ticket, once your ticket got answered, that means support will reply you thru that ticket

:scream: omg i’m sitting.Did not do anything. 4 hour. my ticket

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I got banned.
I mean, i expend a lot in this game and now i’m banned and i didn’t use a single bot. I used WTFAST but is that a bot or something? The reason is “Bot” so i didn’t use a bot. WTFAST isn’t a bot.
Please, i want my acc unbanned.

OID: 76561198082067517
Team: Servatti
Server Orsha


ME tooo

I got same ploblem
I Not a bot
I am not bot but I am on list of ban
banned account list on April 26th, 2016
Team name : Inol2i
server name : [SEA]Telsiai

Email Sent
Support Ticket Sent

USE WTfast play from thailand


Ban so fast.fix to slow… this very make me waste time.