Tree of Savior Forum

Big Rank Updates More Intense Balancing

This is something that I disagree, I think that the Master Class should require a rank investiment and that need at least Rank 9 or higher to unlock, they are there to make the lower ranks have a way to compete with the Rank 8 classes. So this will make people have a choice, invest their ranks in Rank 8 skills or making their lower ranks skills have the power of a Rank 8 class, this really increase the diversity of builds.


Well if I had to choose between Inquisitor2 and a Master Class, that Master Class better be REAAAALLLY good.

But it would be better for Rank 6 classes per example to catch a Master Class in rank 9. In the end, HAVING the option is a good game design, and we can always rollback the last rank anyway.

As it stands, Murmillo is already a ‘Master’ class since they boost all the damage of Peltasta and Rodelero skills, making low ranks viable, so maybe they will keep with that idea.

I didn’t thought of Murmillo that way, but you are right, if a Master Class gives a boost in lower ranks skills just like Murmillo, then it’s totally worth giving up a higher rank for a Master.

But I hope that they don’t only give offence boost in %, but in support and utiity too, like per example na atribute that every time that a Ranger skill do a critical it auto cast steady aim for 5 seconds.

This will lag your ass off like hell.

Not making the animation, just the buff appearing like when a Gazing Golem card trigger a Pain Barrier.

SR3 with ranger in his build will have permanent Steady Aim then :slight_smile:

Only if they stop auto-attacking to use Ranger skill and do a critical with then. And even then it would be weaker and more situational than things that the Swordman tree can do to increase damage, like Cleave, Spear Lunger and Headbutt.