Tree of Savior Forum

Best build for PvP actually

And you should get a better argument than Ad Hominem.

Done more than a month before this conversation, saved in the '‘My Builds’ list when I discovered I could use other methods besides creating an account in the forums.

Bleed is a generic status, it calculated the damage deal off a % based off the damage dealt with the hit that created the status, can’t remember which was it.

There’s really no best build out there. Just skill.

You can have a full geared Lv200+ gears player versus against someone as low as 130 with proper experiences + mechanics. Really though, #SkillBased.

But but but …mister the OP talks about Builds not skills sir.

Also you don’t need to be a skill player to win pvp in this game lol.All you need is knowledge and a good solid build that’s it.Pretty easy and straight forward game that doesn’t have complicated mechanics.You just need to how the other skills works/attributes/gear/procs/buff and debuff and timing pretty much the basics.


okok i try recording this dragoon
and post here.then look game impact her

For PvP I really don’t know if Impale 10~15 can replace Earth Wave/Doom Spike. Some friend told me that in ICBT you needed to have something to “spank” the enemy on and it was the limitation. But now i really don’t know about viability of this skill.

which was to be proved
abusing movespeed
swordies useless haha

Sword Useless? Tell me more hehe.

Sword C3 + Cata C3 + Dragoon = Top 1 Team Battle in Server Vakarine.

Sword C3 + Barbarian + Corsair C2 + Shinobi: ( Watch 43 minutes - 47 minutes in the vídeo ).

Sword Useless = Highlander C3 + Doppel C2, this build is BAD in PvP.

Archer, Cleric, Mage is more strong than Swords, but, Swords is playable with good build for PvP.

About this vídeo, Dievdirbys is so broken !!!

40% stun, that procs 20% of the times. DOESNT proc with skills.
And last for less then o,5 seconds.

I did S3 … i enjoyed doubl slash with it’s bonus.
Then i saw that i’m neither a tank nor dealing any decent damage.

Gung Ho doesnt scale well. It actually sucks past level 100.

Cartar stroke from 1 rank of highlander, really helpfull early and still good wave clear late. If you know how to use it, you can kill 20+ egnomes with a single stroke. And level like hell.

Pel1~3 ranks, worth if you want to go tanky. 1 is enough most times.

A BLEED that scales with str is useless… literally. Bleeding is only good to keep someone from casting skills (mobs too) and to enable skill bonuses (or massive bleeding from rouge, which is physical atk bleed+ str bleed in one.).

Bash knocks down regardless of swordy rank…

But the worst is…

YOU didn’t take finesta and your S3 rank skills, are on heavy cooldowns and won’t be able to kill said enemys in pvp.
WHy bother slowing them? if you can move way faster as cataprhact.

I will leave this here.


there is actually a reason to go for swordsman 3 if your going shinobi…i believe all swordsman skills and shinobi ‘throw kunai’ work with the Clones.

so in theory you can burst down anything surrounded by your clones by spamming swordsman skills.

also it seems it more practical to take swordsman3 as a shinobi since those are the only other skill the clones would copy. assuming its a clone focus shinobi build

it would be scary if those clones could copy doppels cyclone though


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Hmmm… Yahiko?

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More for Arenas and GvG but not good for 1 v 1

@Loztchild: Love the God Mode Cleric or the Mother Nature builds. REALLY hard to tell which one is better… Telepath is OP as hell in PVP but then again, possession also seems like great CC as well.

The real question is what CC is best from each build. CC > DPS in general for pvp in 90% of MMOs.

Corsair (iron hook = best swordie cc skill hands down) is amazing…so much that Corsair 3 even has plenty of merit for pvp just because of this skill alone. 3 enemies taken out of commission for 75% of the time is insane. This makes 5v5 become 4v2, or 2v2 become 1v0

Clerics…in general, any build with Oracle & Plague Doctor.
-Oracle for Counter Spell and Prophecy. Prophecy…is WAY too underrated. It blocks stun/freeze/sleep and other level 1 status effects. At rank 5 this blocks them 10 times for the party with a 30s cooldown. Freaking GREAT for pvp.
-Plague Doc obviously for high level pvp, Fumigate to counter Iron Hook, Joint Penalty, Stop, and such. But also for Pandemic & Healing Factor.

Quarrel Shooter for Spammable Stunlock (Stone Shot) and Pneuma (Deploy Pavise). From there there is lots of variability, though many Fletcher and Musketeer skills stand out as top CC & DPS.

Too many options to list! Though I am very strongly inclined towards a 90% vit build Cryo, Linker, Chrono, Sorc, or Necro. The first 3 do not need really any int for their cc, and the 2nd 2 do not need much int for their pet dmg.

Iron Hook and Joint Penalty cannot be prevented or cured.

Telepath is good when you already got offensive magic circles on the ground and if your facing someone in a 1v1 situation.
Usually ppl take Krivis C2 at least to have synergy with telepath.Remember you cannot cast anything nor move when you telepath a target,however you can still jump.

When you use telepath ot possession you set yourself to be vulnerable unless you got sz on yourself or an ally protecting you.

You can still win in a 1v1 with mother nature build but most players won’t come near you until the owl statues are down.

Usually people go this build with Druid

So if your enemy is playing it safe by keeping their distance at least you got Sadhu out of body to catch you.And if they stay away from the out of body range you can play defensively and wait for them to get near or play aggressive.

Here more PVP builds

haha top1 dragoon hahah

All your showing is a video of a bug in pvp, not to mention it’s also before she hit 1 and that was even before Cata got buffed a lot?

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:wink: i talking about that wizarchers>swordies anyway. more profit.
and this dragoon not 3swordman, sword+pelt+hoplite-cata3 and dragoon(rank7) useless, only cata3 doing good gameimpact.

Even that video is before the update to cataphract and dragoon.

I do agree that wizards/archers have a much easier time in PvP. The reason that the dragoon is staying on top is because with a good party, in 5v5’s or simply just a PD with healing factor/blood letting, a Cata/Dragoon can be very strong since anti-cc/plate armor/constant healing + mobility/high damage based on multiple hits. That’s something you can not deny.