Tree of Savior Forum

Best build for PvP actually

I make this topic for discussion about the better build for PvP.

Archer Tree - I think this build is better: Archer C1 + QS C3 + Scout C1 + SR + Musketeer.

Swordsman - Sword C3 + Cata C3 + Dragoon or Sword C3 + Barbarian C1 + Corsair C2 + Shinobi.

Cleric - ??

Mage - ??

Please, what do you think is actually better for PvP each class tree ? Thanks.

IMO I don’t think many people will showcase the best pvp builds and we may see some really clever traps :grinning:


Depending on whats coming/changing with todays patch, nothing is ‘Best.’


That’s my build xD.


There’s no BEST, just what you can bring into a fight of rock paper scissors.

You fight 5vs5, you alone won’t make much of a difference.
Teamwork, commincation and the right disposition of your party in the pvp league will.

Good Build’s for PvP are:
-Scout>Rouge/Musketer for nuke
-Cryo2~3>Psychokino (Massive cc)
-Priest builds (revive, stone skin, etc.)
-Real Tank Swordys, that don’t die to a single atk

Things that rule PvP.
Crowd Control Spells and Attacks.
Clever usage of your and your mates skills.
Skill, your own.

Snipe atm can oneshot people in pvp. As the damage is around 20k~30k HP easily.
And most people run around 8k hp there.

I think if you want a good pvp party.
With some luck you should have.
1 Priest, a Driveby, A CC Heavy Wiz Class or a SUpportive one (trauma adds 650 atk easily, slows enemys and makes them bigger too[good for hoplites]), a Archer class with high dps and good eva and two tanky swordmans to run around disturbing people.

Deivby. Simply because you can make a safe zone… and even make a silence zone. Any class that is mostly AA, will shine in that. And yeah, in the end … hope that they’re skillfull.

Doesnt matter what build you are and how good your equip is. If you run headfirst into the enemys meteor … or get killed outside of safetyshield /pavise from a cloaked musketer/rouge.

PS: i have seen a 5 man party die to a cryo’s icewall + doppelsoeldner combi… that Spam of ice shards … they´idiots that charged into them… met an early end.

Sleep is funny too … And leathrgy is underrated, +100% strike bonus … a mage that uses that onto enemys, makes any strike damage shine xD.

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Ohh yeah.

AND each of the 4 trees of chars, have cc in them.

Archer: Full Draw, Heavy shot, Stoneshot, Magic Arrow, Broadhead, Singeon, Capture (if you capture good skills a kind of cc).

Wiz: Lethargy, Sleep, Reflect shield, Sub Zero Shield, Any atks that freeze you, telekenesis, swap, shrink size (debuff atk), enlarge size ( slow),

And more and more.
Go tosbase and read ALL skills.

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The current pvp meta is kinda broken, best to wait and see what happens this coming patch, since there should be class balances, and hopefully pvp fixes.

Yeah battle league is broken AF. Wizards can cast spells right before the next round a kill everyone before it even starts.

If we’re talking GVG and field PK: Plague Doctor, Sorc + Temple Shooter, Dievdirbys

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Sword C3 + Cata C3 + Dragoon - good but anyway useless (game impact)
Sword C3 + Barbarian C1 + Corsair C2 + Shinobi - bad
Sword C2(C1) + Peltasta C1(C2) + Hoplite C2(C1) + Corsair C2(C3) - best (tanky, good hard cc, good damage in single target)

anyway swordy useless x)

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Yet a dragoon is consistently number 1 in arena rankings, and arena pvp vs guild pvp is massively different (since there is no gear standardization in guild pvp).

Regardless, things should change today for many classes.

What is SR ?

20 Chupacabra

My only tip is:

Know the right time to enter/leave combat, this is a video from top 1 PvP of some server, she’s an Archer 3 > Scout 3 > Canoneer.

She mostly uses only Heavy Shot/Cannon Blast as damage skill but knows when and where to use:

2v2 fight:

5v5 fight:


Schwarzer Reiter, that rare Rank 6 Archer class.


I was tthought it’s Super Rare or Sniper Rifle or something lol

Wow she’s really good. Heavy Shot is really good against clerics. and she put a flare shot on the dead body when that priest was trying to resurrect his team mate.

That’s some high level archer play. I might have to consider canoneer now…

her ping probably helps so much. Rip 400-600 ping

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Thx Niko,I’m just trying to help others in PVP

I forgot these builds

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Don’t take Sowrdsman C3, just don’t omfg do you have any love for yourself. Don’t pick SwordsmanC3. Restrain Lv10 does not procc half as often as it says, the stun doesn’t even last that long either and any hit will make it wear off and it’s hard to notice it even happened.
For the love of everything that’s sacred don’t fall for it


Yes s3 sucks.

I tried it and it sucks hardcore…